Do as many good deeds as you can in the allotted time

Here’s how it works: The youth will be divided into teams by primary songs. Your team will be the song given to you. You should have 3-4 youth in your team. After you have all found each other, you need to get together and have a quick brain storming session to come up with a plan and figure out what to do. Try to help them come up with people that they wouldn’t normally think of that would appreciate being thought of (elderly, less active, single, etc.). You have a bag of items to use and help you with ideas. Here are the guidelines:

·  You need to stay together as a group

·  You can go anywhere in the stake boundaries – homes or public places

·  You earn points for each thing your team does – extra points if you actually talk to someone

·  Be creative, encourage teamwork, and have fun

·  If another team has already been there, you’re out of luck – move on

·  Be back at the church no later than 8:10

·  You can get 10 extra points if someone in your group shares an experience you had


·  Deliver treat to someone’s home: 10 points ______

Sing to them or visit with them: 5 points ______

·  Window washing: 10 points per car ______

5 points per house window ______

·  Leave note of appreciation: 5 points each ______

·  Decorate something with colored paper: 10 points each (car, house, etc) ______

·  Decorate something with Balloons: 10 points each (car, house, yard, etc.) ______

·  Book of Mormon: Give it to someone that doesn’t have one – 50 points! ______

·  Figure out what R.A.K. stands for: 20 points ______

·  Be back at the church on time: 20 points ______

·  Someone in your groups shares an experience you had: 10 points ______

·  Other: (return grocery carts to store, pick up garbage, take down old signs, stop and help someone do something, etc.): 10 points each




·  TOTAL: ______