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QUESTIOtlS?coxrACl' : STATE PLu› iiIG BOARo or Louzsxsiia
1504182 6-2302
than the supply pressure, the system being above atmospheric pressure.(SeealsoDoubleCheckValveAssembly,DoubleCheckValvewithIntermediateAtmospheric Vent, and Reduced Pressure Principle BackflowPresenter).
BACKFLOW PREVENTER - a device to prevent backflow. As there aretwoconditions of backflow, the device should be identified by the conditionswhich it is designed to prevent. (See Back-Pressure BackflowPresenter,Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer, Back-SiphonageBackflowPreventer).
BACK-SIPHOHAGE BACKFLOW - a reversal of the normal direction offlowinthepipelineduetoanegativepressure(vacuum)beingcreatedinthesupplyline with the backflow source subject to atmosphericpressure.
combination of devices for preventing back-siphonage backflow in awatersupplyline.
BAROMETRIC LOOP - a fabricated piping arrangement rising at leastthirty-five (35) feet at its topmost point above the highest fixture it supplies. Itisutilized in water supply systems to protect against back-siphonage.
BY-PASS - any system of piping or other arrangement whereby the watermaybe diverted around any part or portion of a water supply or treatmentfacilityincluding, but not limited to, around an installed backflow preventer.
COMMERCIAL DISHWASHER - a mechanical ‹dishwasher that is used inotherthan domesticapplications.
CONTAINMENT-amethod ofbackflowpreventionwhichrequiresabackflow prevention device or method on the water service pipe to isolatethecustomer from the watermain.
CONTAMINATION-the introductionintowaterofmicroorganisms,chemicals, toxic substances, wastes or wastewater that makes the water unfitfor its intendeduse.
CROSS CONNECTION - any connection or arrangement by means ofwhichcontaminant of any kind can be caused to enter the potable watersupplysystem.
DEGREE OF HAZARD - the term is derived from an evaluation of thepotentialrisk to public health and the adverse effect of the hazard upon thepotablewater.
1999 Louisiana Amendments io the f994 Standar:I PlumbingCodas151
DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY - an assembly of two (2)independentlyoperating spring loaded check valves with tightly closing shut off valvesoneach side of the check valves, plus properly located test cocks for thetestingof each checkvalve.
device having two (2) spring loaded check valves separated by an atmosphericventchamber.
DUAL CHECK VALVE - two \2) spring loaded, independently operatingcheckvalves without tightly closing shut-off valves and test cocks. Generallyemployed immediately down stream of the watermeter. rvbackflow oreventiondevice.
FIXTURE ISOLATION - a method of backflow prevention in which abackflowpreventer is located to correct a cross-connection at an in-plant locationratherthan at a water servicepipe.
HOSE BIBB VACUUM BREAKER - a device which is permanently attached toa hose bibb and which acts as an atmospheric vacuum breaker.
MASTER /vtETER - a meter serving multiple residential dwellingunits.Individual units may or may not besub-metered.
POTABLE WATER - water having bacteriological, physical, radiologicalandchemical qualities that make it safe and suitable for human drinking,cookingand washing uses.
POTABLE WATER SUPPLY - a publicly owned or privately ownedwatersupplysystemwhichpurveyspotablewater.
PRESSURE VACUUM BREAKER - a device containing one or twoindependently operated spring loaded check valves and anindependentlyoperated spring loaded air inlet valve located on the discharge side ofthecheck or checks. Device includes tightly closing shut-off valves on each sideof the check valves and properly located test cocks for the testing of thecheckvalve(s).
PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM - a particular type of water supply system intendedto provide potable water to the public having at least fifteenserviceconnections or regularly serving an average of at least twenty-fiveindividualsdaily at least sixty days out of theyear.
1521999 Loulsiana Amendments to the 994 Standard Plumbing Codas
consisting of two (2) independently operating approved check valves withanautomatically operating differential relief valve located between the two(2)”‹:heckvalves, tightly” closing shut-off valves on each side of the checkvalvesplus properly located test cocks for the testing of the check valves andreliefvalves.
WATER SERVICE PIPE (or SERVICE CONNECTION) - the pipe from thewatermain and/or water meter, water supply system or other approved sourceofwater supply, to the building or structure served.
WATER SUPPLIER - a person who owns or operates a water supplysystemincluding, but not limited to, a person who owns or operates a publicwatersystem.
WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM - the system of pipes or otherconstructedconveyances,structures,andfacilitiesthroughwhichwaterisobtained,treatedto make it potable (if necessary), and then distributed (with or withoutcharge)for human drinking, cooking, washing, or o1eruse.
0103 AIR GAPS: The provision of air gaps shall be required forbackflowpreventioninanyandallcaseswheresuchameasureisthemostpracticalthatcan be employed. The "minimum required air gap (water distribution)"shallbe in accord with MME A 1 J2.1.2.'
1.For informational purpose only, ASME A \ i2. I.2 genemlly requires a minimum re‹juiredairgap equal to two times the effective opening for 3 iimes the effective opening if affected byanearby wall).Complianceshallbestrictlydeterminedbytheprovisionscontainedwithinthestandardibelf.
%0.1CONTAINMENT PRACTICES: Backflow prevention methods ordevicesshallbeutilizedasdirectedbythePlumbingOfficialtoisolatespecificwater supply system customers from the water supply system’s mains when
such action is deemed necessary to protect the water sup !Y •ystemagainstpotential contamination caused by backflow of water from that part ofthewater system owned and maintained by the customer (e.g'., the piping
downstream of the water meter, if provided).
%0.2As a minimum, the following types of devices or methods shallbeinstalled and maintained by water supply system customersimmediatelydownstream of the water meter lif provided) or on the water service pipepriorto any branch line or connections serving the listed customer typesandcategories:
1999 Louisiana Amendments to the f99¥ Standard Plumbing Coda•153
TABLE 0104'
AirGap1.Fire Protection/Sprinkler System utilizingnan-potable
-water as an alternative or primary source ofwater
Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer
1.Hospitals, Out-Patient Surgical Facilities, Renal
Dialysis Facilities, VeterinaryClinics
2.Funeral Homes,Mortuaries
3.Car WashSystems
S.Chemical or Petroleum Processing Plants
6.Animal/Poultry Feedlots or BroodingFacilities
7.Meat ProcessingPlants
8.Metal PlatingPlants
9.Food Processing Plants, leverage Processing Plants
10.Fire Protection/Sprinkler Systems using antifreezeinsuchsystem
13.Commercial Pesticide/HerbicideApplicators
14.Photo/X-ray/Film ProcessingLaboratories
Double Check ValveAssembly
1.Fire Protection/Sprinkler Systems
3.Multistoried Office/Commercial Buildings lover3floors)
4.jails, Prisons, and Other Places of Detentionor
1. Other Containment Practices - Table D104 is not inclusive of allpotential contamination sources which may need containment protection.Forpotential contamination sources not listed in this table, backflowpreventionmethods or devices shall be utilized as directed by the Plumbing Official[orby the water supplier for those devices which may be associated withthewater supplier’s own water supply system located on public propertyorotherwise under the complete control of the water supplier (e.g., watermeterand the piping upstream of the water meter, ifprovided)].
1541999 Louisiana Amendments to the 1994 Standard Plumbing Coda•
D105.1 FIXTURE ISOLATION PRACTICES: Water supply systemc:ustomersshall provide and maintain backflow prevention methods or devicesasdirectedbythePlumbingOfficialwithinthatpartofthewatersystemownedandmaintainedbythecustomer(e.g.,thepipingdownstreamofthewatermeter,ifprovided,ordownstreamfromanycontainmentdevicestoprotecttheon-site users of the water system against potential contamination duetobackflow.
0105.2 As a minimum, the following types of devices or methods shallbeemployedasappropriateforthefollowingpointsofusage:
3.Commercial Dishwashers in commercialestablishment
5.Swimming Pools, Spas, HotTubs
7,Animal WateringTroughs
8.Agricultural Chemical MixingTanks
9.Water HaulingTanks
Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers
1,Commercial Boilers
3.Air Conditioning, Condenser WaterSystems
4.Pot-type ChemicalFeeders
6.Photo/X-ray/Film ProcessingEquipment
Double Check ValveAssembly
1.Food Processing Steam Kettles
2.Individual Travel TrailerSites
1999 Louisiana Amendments to the 1994 Standard Plumbing Codas155
TABLE 0105" '(Continued)
1.See Tables G104.6 and G104.7 for fixture isolation practicesin
hospital plumbingsystems.
2.Other Fixture Isolation Practices - Tzf›le D105 is not inclusive ofallpotentialcontaminationsourceswhichmayneedfixtureisolationprotection.For potential contamination sources not listed in this table,backflowprevention methods or devices shall be utilized as directed by thePlumbingOfficial.
0106 RESPONSIBILITY OF WATER SUPPLIERS: Water suppliers shallberesponsibletoinsuretheprotectionofthewatersupplysystemfrompotentialcontamination from certain of their customers through containmentpracticesas prescribed by this Chapter or as otherwise directed by the StateHealthOfficer.
0107.1 All bypasses shall have the same level of backflow protection as the
main water supplyline.
0108.1 Types of Backflow Presenters to be FieldTested
0108.1.IToensurethatinstalledbackflowpreventersprovidecontinuingbackflow protection, the following types of backflow preventers shall bechecked and field tested in accordance with the frequency establishedinD108.2 by a Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester who meets ASSE5000Professional Qualification Standard, or other individuals holding a testing
1561999 Louisiana Amendments to the f994 Standard PlumbingCodas
certificate from a nationally recognized backflow certificationorganizationapproved by the Plumbing Official [or found acceptable to the water supplierfor those devices which may be associated with the water supplier’s own watersupplysystemlocatedonpublicpropertyorotherwiseunderthecompletecontrol of the water-supplier Ie.g.,water meter and the piping upstream ofthewater meter, ifprovided)1:
(a)double check valveassemblies;
(b)reduced pressure principle backflowpreventers;
(c)pressure type vacuumbreakers;
md) air gaps on high hazard applications; and,
her as otherwise specified by the Plumbing Official (or by thewatersupplier for those backflow preventers located on public property orotherwise under the complete control of the water supplier (e.g.,watermeter and piping upstream of the water meter, ifprovided).
It i» recommended that other types of backflow prevention devices be visually
0108.1.2 Any backflow preventer in D108.1 .1 which is found defectiveshallbe repaired by a duly authorized water supply protection specialist licensedby the Louisiana State Plumbing Board pursuant to LSA - R.S. 3 7:1 361 etseqand ib implementing regulations (LLC 46: LV.101 et seq) or, for those backflowpreventerslocatedonpublicpropertyorotherwiseunderthecompletecontrolof the water supplier (e.g., water meter and the piping upstream of thewatermeter,ifprovided),byaBackflowPreventionAssemblyRepairerwhomeetsASSE 5030 Professional Qualification Standard or other individualsfoundacceptable to the watersupplier.
%0.2Frequency of FieldTesting
The backflow prevention devices specified in D108.1 .1 shall be field tested:
(b)when cleaned, repaired, oroverhauled;
(d)annually; and
(e)asrequiredbythePlumbingOfficial(orbythewatersupplierforthosebackflow presenters located on public property or otherwise underthecomplete control of the water supplier (e.g., water meter andpipingupstream of the water meter, ifprovided).
D108.3.1Itshallbethedutyoftheownerofthebackflowpreventerto seethatthesetestsaremadeinatimelymannerinaccordwiththefrequencyoffield testing specified inD108.2.
0108.3.2TheownershallnotifythePlumbingOfficialand/orwatersupplierinadvancewhenthetestsaretobeundertakensothatthePlumbingOfficialand/or water supplier may witness the tests if sodesired.
1999 Louisiana Amendments to the f9sJ Standard PlumbingCo‹:fe•157
D108.3.3 All tests, repairs, overhauls, or replacements shall be at the cxpenseof the owner of the backflowpresenter.
D100.3.4 All records of such tests, repairs, overhauls, or replacements shallbe kept by the owner of the backflow pre› cnter for at least 5 years andupunrequest, shall- be made available to the PluMbiFlg Official, watersupplier,and/or the State HealthOfficer.
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1999 Louisiana Amendments to the 1994 Standard PlumoingCoca•“