Dixie District Championships
June 7-9, 2013
Hampton Yacht Club
Hampton, VA
1.1The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2U.S Sailing Prescriptions of the Racing Rules of Sailing and the document Governing all Lightning Class District Championships will apply.
1.3The following rules in RRS (below) shall be changes and will appear in the 2013 Dixie District Sailing Instructions (SI) the SI’s may change other rules.
1.3.1 RRS 35, 63.1, A-4, A4.1, A-5 To permit scoring a boat DNS if starting later the 10 minutes after her starting signal and to score a boat not finishing within 30 minutes of the first finisher Time Limit Expired (TLE).
1.3.2 RRS 42.3(c) to not allow certain types of pumping in accordance with the Class Rules.
1.3.3 RRS 44.2 to allow a one turn penelty vice two turn penalty if spinnaker is drawing at the time of the infringement and if the spinniker is subsequently reset inaccordance with the Class Rules Documents.
1.3.4 RRS 62.2 Time for submiting a protest by both competitors and the Race Committee.
1.3.5 RRS 66 to modifiy time limite to 30 minutes to reopen a hearing on the last day of the regatta.
1.3.6 RRS A2 to allow for the exclusion of a competator’s worst race if 6 races are completed.
1.3.7 RRS A7 to allow for boats tying in a race to be awarded the points for the best position involved and the position immediately after to remain vacant.
1.3.8 RRS A8.2 to modify the tie breaking procedures in the favor of the boat with the most first places and so on and to include excluded races to be considered for breaking ties.
1.4Under rule 87, the Bylaws Article VIII of the International Lighting Class rules is modified to allow VHF for communications with the Race Committee (RC). The designated channels with be published in the Sailing Instructions.
1.5If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.
2.1Competitor advertising will be restricted as follows: advertizing shall be restricted to hulls only.
2.2Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.
3.1The regatta is open to all boats of the International Lighting Class in good standing as defined by the ILCA Class rules. However, only boats from the Dixie District shall count toward qualification for the North American Championships. All skippers and crew shall be members of the ILCA
3.2Registration will be held from 1730-1930 on June 7, 2013 and 0830-0945 on June 8, 2013. Competitors are encourage to sign up on the “who’s coming” list posted on the ILCA web site.
4.1There will be a $125 fee per boat and will include awards for the top finishing competitors and social on Saturday night.
Day and date Friday June 7 From: 1730 to 1930 and Sat June 8 from 0830 to 0945.
5.2Measurement and inspection: Random inspections at the discretion of the measurement and Race committees may be done.
5.3Dates of racing: June 8 and June 9, 2013
5.4Number of races:
June 8, 3-4 races as conditions permit and June 9, remainder of scheduled races not to exceed 6 total races.
5.5The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race on June 8 is 1100 and on June 9, 1000.
5.6No race shall start after 1500 on June 9, 2013.
Each boat shall produce a valid measurement certificate. Be prepared to show that you have all the required safety equipment including a tow line that meets the ILCA specification.
The sailing instructions will be available at registration as stated in paragraph 5.
8.1The regatta will be held on the Hampton Roads Flats just outside of the entrance of the Hampton River. See www. Hamptonyc.com for more detailed information on the venue.
9.1The planned courses are windward – leeward.
10.1The scoring system is in accordance with the RRS Appendix A11
10.21 race is required to be completed to constitute a series.
10.3(a) When fewer than 6 races have been completed, a boat’s
series score will be the total of her race scores.
(b)When 6 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
11.1Team leaders, coach and other support personnel shall stay outside the racing area ( defined as 100 meters outside the lay lines of the course including the start area) from the start of the first race until the finish of the last race of the regatta unless otherwise designated in the sailing instructions.
11.2Individual competitors may not use support boats at anytime during the regatta unless such support is available to all competitors are is authorized by the organizing authority.
11.3The penalty for failure to comply with any of these requirements may be disqualification of all boats associated with the infringing support personnel.
12.1Skippers may wet or dry sail their boats. There will be limited room to wet sail your boat and dry sailing is encouraged.
13.1Use of hand held VHF radios will be permitted for communication from the Race Committee to competitors on a predetermined channel to be identified in the Sailing Instructions. The Race Committee intends to use VHF radio to identify OCS (On Course Side of the line) boats after starts and otherwise communicate with the fleet on the water. Failure to receive a hail, for a hail to be made, the order of hails made, or to receive other communications to the fleet shall not be cause for redress. Other use of any communication devise is prohibited and such use shall require withdrawal from the race unless determined by the Race Committee to have been for emergency purposes.
14.1Awards will be given to the top 5 finishing skipper and crews by fleet 509.
14.2Perpetual trophies will be awarded per the Dixie District bylaws.
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
For further information please contact Joe Buczkowski, 757-650-4436 or .