May 2005

May 6, 2005

Division Officers 2
Country Members 2
Technical Committees 3
Reporterships 4

Liaisons 4

Closed Functions 4

New functions established 5

Change of Functions 5

Progress on TC document publication 5


CIE Expert Symposium on LED Light Sources (7-8 June 2004)

Division 1 & 2 Joint Session (9 June 2004)

Division 2 Meeting (11 June 2004)

Technical Committee Meetings (9-10 June 2004)

Minutes of the 2004 Division 2 Meeting, Tokyo, Japan 7

Attachments 32
Division Officers

Director: Miss Teresa Goodman

Associate directors: Dr. Georg Sauter

Mr. Nobert Johnson

Mr. Guy Vandermeersch

Editor Dr. Jim Gardner

Secretary Dr. Yoshi Ohno

Country Members (36 countries: -1 from 2004)

Changes since June 2004:

Argentina, removed. CIE membership expired Jan 2005.

South Africa, July 2004 (from F Hengstberger)

Current Technical Committees May 2005
Technical Committee / AD / Chair
TC2-16 Characterization of the performance of tristimulus colorimeters / S / Janos / Schanda
TC2-17 Recommendation for integrated irradiance and spectral distribution of simulated solar radiation / J / Gene / Zerlaut
TC2-19 Measurement of the Spectral Coefficient of Retroreflection / J / Norbert / Johnson
TC2-23 Photometry of Street-Lighting Luminaires / V / Guy / Vandermeersch
TC2-25 Calibration Methods and Photoluminescent Standard for Total Radiance Factor Measurement / J / Joanne / Zwinkels
TC2-28 Methods of characterizing spectrophotometers / J / Mike / Pointer
TC2-29 Measurement of detector linearity / S / Tom / Larason
TC2-32 Measuring Retroreflectance of Wet Horizontal Road Markings / J / Neil / Hodson
TC2-37 Photometry Using Detectors as Transfer Standards / S / Yoshi / Ohno
TC2-39 Geometric Tolerances for Colorimetry / J / Danny / Rich
TC2-40 (S) Characterizing the Performance of Illuminance and Luminance Meters / S / Reiner / Rattunde
TC2-42 The Colorimetry of Visual Displays / J / Christine / Wall
TC2-43 Determination of measurement uncertainties in photometry / S / Georg / Sauter
TC2-44 Vocabulary Matters / J / Jim / Gardner
TC2-45 Measurement of LEDs - Revision of CIE 127 / S / Kathleen / Muray
TC2-46 (S) CIE/ISO standards on LED intensity measurements / S / John / Scarangello
TC2-47 Characterization and Calibration Methods of UV Radiometers / S
TC2-48 Spectral responsivity measurement of detectors, radiometers, and photometers / S / George / Eppeldauer
TC2-49 Photometry of Flashing Light / V / Yoshi / Ohno
TC2-50 Measurement of the optical properties of LED clusters and arrays / V / Jens / Schuette
TC2-51 Calibration of multi-channel spectrometers / J / Richard / Austin
TC2-52 Photometry of Emergency Lighting Luminaires / V / Guy / Vandermeersch
TC2-53 Multi-Geometry Color Measurements of Effect Materials / J / Gerhard / Rösler
TC2-56 (S) CIE/ISO standard on retroreflection measurements / J / Cameron / Miller
TC2-57 (S) Revision of CIE S014-2 / J / Alan / Robertson
TC2-58 Measurement of LED radiance and luminance / S / Kohtaro / Kohmoto
TC2-59 Characterisation of Imaging Luminance Measurement Devices / S / Peter / Blattner
TC2-60 Effect of Instrumental Bandpass Function and Measurement Interval on Spectral Quantities / S / David / Gibbs


Reporter Title / AD / Reporter
R2-21 Use of Detectors as Absolute Transfer Standards for Spectroradiometry / S / Nigel / Fox
R2-23 ISO/CIE Standards for the measurement of reflectance and transmittance / J / Danny / Rich
R2-27 Field Measurement for Traffic Signals / V / Carl / Andersen
R2-28 Evaluation of Colorimeter Spectral Responsivity / S / Balazs / Kránicz
R2-32 Visual appearance measurement / J / Mike / Pointer
R2-33 Measurement of laser-based projection displays / S / Keith / Niall
R2-34 Methods for characterising and calibrating detectors in photon counting regime / S / M Luisa / Rastello
R2-35 Uncertainties in Distribution Temperature Determination / S / Alan / Robertson


Organization / Liaison Officer
CCPR - Consultative Committee of Photometry and Radiometry / Yoshi Ohno
Division 8 / Alan Kravetz
ISO TC6 Paper, board & pulps / Joanne Zwinkels
IEC TC 34: Lamps and related equipment / G. Vandermeersch
ISO on reflectance and transmittance issues / Danny Rich
IDA (International Dark Sky Association) / Justin Rennison
OIML (Organization of International Legal Metrology) / Georg Sauter
IALA (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities) / Carl Andersen
IEC TC100/TA2 (Color Management and Measurement/Audio, Video and Multimedia Systems and Equipment) / Danny Rich

Closed functions

R2-29 Characterization of imaging luminance measurement devices (Peter Blattner) … TC2-59 was established.

R2-30 Problems linked to correct measurement of TL5 fluorescent lamps with existing electronic ballasts (Guy Vandermeersch) …. The work will be done in TC2-23.

R2-31 Problems with the spectroradiometric measurement of light sources (David Gibbs) … TC2-60 was established.

New functions established

TC2-59 Characterization of imaging luminance measurement devices (Peter Blattner)

TC2-60 Effect of instrumental bandpass function and measurement interval on spectral quantities (David Gibbs)

R2-35 Uncertainties in Distribution Temperature Determination (Alan Robertson)

Changes of functions

The chair of TC2-16 changed from M.L. Rastello (Italy) to J. Schanda (Hungary)

The chair of TC2-50 changed from G. Sauter (Germany) to J. Schuette (Germany)

Progress on TC document publication

CIE Standard S 010/E:2004: Photometry - The CIE system of physical photometry (published in September 2004)

CIE Draft Standard DS 014-1.2/E:2004 "Colorimetry - Part 1: CIE Standard Colorimetric Observers" and CIE Draft Standard DS 014-2.2/E:2004 "Colorimetry - Part 2: CIE Standard Illuminants" are in NC ballots (deadline 2005-05-15)


1. CIE Expert Symposium on LED Light Sources: Physical Measurement and Visual and Photobiological Assessment (7-8 June 2004)

The symposium was held at AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) Waterfront building in Tokyo, and well attended by 94 participants, to the limit of the meeting room. This was a joint symposium by CIE Div. 1 (color and vision), Div. 2 (physical measurements of light and radiation), and Div. 6 (photobiology).

2. Division 1 & 2 Joint Session (9 June 2004)

A joint session with Division 1 and Division 2 was held in Tokyo on 9 June 2004. The following topics were discussed:

·  Safety aspects for LEDs (Introduced by Werner Horak)

·  Colour rendering of LEDs (introduced by Janos Schanda, moderator for the discussion was Yoshi Ohno)

·  Mesopic photometry and visual performance (introduced by Liisa Halonen, moderator for the discussion was Teresa Goodman)

3. Division 2 Meeting (11 June 2004)

The 2004 Division 2 Meeting was held on June 11, 2004 in Tokyo, with 35 attendees from 13 countries, including 12 country members. The minutes of the meeting were compiled by the Secretary and distributed in October 2004, and are attached to this Activity Report.

4. Technical Committee Meetings (9-10 June 2004)

The following meetings were held in conjunction with the 2004 Division 2 Meeting. Brief reports on these TC meetings are included in the 2004 Division 2 Meeting minutes.

TC2-43 Determination of measurement uncertainties in photometry

TC2-45 Measurement of LEDs - Revision of CIE 127

TC2-48 Spectral responsivity measurement of detectors, radiometers, and photometers.

TC2-50 Measurement of the optical properties of LED clusters and arrays

TC2-56 (S) CIE/ISO standard on retroreflection measurements

TC2-58 Measurement of LED radiance and luminance

October 22, 2004

Minutes of 2004 CIE Division 2 Meeting

9:00 – 17:00, 11 June 2004




Jean Bastie BNM-INM/CNAM, France (CIE Vice President)

Rolf Bergman Consultant, USA

Peter Blattner METAS, Switzerland

Ellen Carter KonicaMinolta, USA

George Eppeldauer NIST, USA

Teresa Goodman NPL, UK (D2 DD)

David Gibbs NPL, UK

Kenji Godo NMIJ/AIST, Japan

Günther Heidel Osram OptoSemiconductor, Germany

Erkki Ikonen HUT, Finland

Norio Ishikawa KonicaMinolta Sensing Inc., Japan

Nobert Johnson 3M Co., USA (D2 AD)

Yasushi Kita Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. Japan

Kohtaro Kohmoto Teknologue Co., Japan (TC2-50 chair)

Cameron Miller NIST, USA

Kathleen Muray INPHORA, USA

Gerald Mathe Instrument Systems, Germany

Yoshi Ohno NIST, USA (D2 Secretary)

Kosei Oshima Otsuka Electronics, Japan

Jiangen Pan EVERFINE, China

Seung Nam Park KRISS, Korea

Etienne Pierson Laborelec, Belgium

Reiner Rattunde LMT, Germany

Alan Robertson* NRC, Canada

Janos Schanda* Univ. Veszprem, Hungary

Jens Schuette SLI Miniature Lighting, Germany

Kenichi Suzuki Matsushita Electric Ind. Co., Japan

Hiroshi Shitomi NMIJ/AIST, Japan

Ichiro Saito NMIJ/AIST, Japan

Terubumi Saito NMIJ, Japan

Walter Steudtner OSRAM GmbH, Germany

Georg Sauter PTB, Germany (AD)

Raissa Stolyarevskaya Acol Technologia, SA, Russia

Ian Tutt Trinity House, UK

Richard Young Optronic Labs, USA

Total 35 persons from 13 countries, including 12 country members. Underlines indicate country members. * proxy for country member.


Agenda of 2004 Division 2 meeting (Attachment 1)

List of the country members, TCs, Reporterships, and Liaisons.


Division Director, Teresa Goodman, opened the meeting at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed everyone present. DD expressed her formal thanks to Dr. Sagawa and AIST for hosting the Division meetings and the LED Symposium in Tokyo.

1. Attendance list, apologies

Secretary received regrets from the following persons:

Carl Andersen (USA)

John Clare (New Zealand)

Peter Clarke (UK)

Dennis Couzin (USA)

Jeanne-Marie Coutin (France)

Gyula Dezsi (Hungary)..... Janos Schanda will be his proxy

Jim Gardner (Australia), new Editor

Arnold Gaertner (Canada)

Neil Hodson (USA)

Balazs Kranicz (Hungary)

Allan Ottosson (Sweden)

M. Luisa Rastello (Italy)

Danny Rich (USA)

Dave Sliney (USA)

Christine Wall (UK)

Guy Vandermeersch (Belgium), AD

Pieter Walraven (Netherlands)

Gan Xu (Singapore)

Guanrong Ye (China)

Joanne Zwinkels (Canada) ... Alan Robertson will be her proxy.

2. Introductions

DD Goodman introduced D2 management team, and relayed special apologies from AD, Guy Vandermeersch and new Editor, Jim Gardner, who were not able to attend this meeting. All the participants introduced themselves.

3. Approval of Agenda

DD proposed adding two items to the agenda of this meeting previously distributed (Attachment 1). DD proposed to add a new item as 7.1 on ILV, and to change item 11.3 to be a discussion on Div.2 website links, including database on optical radiation properties of sources, detectors and materials. The agenda with these changes was approved.

4. Approval of the 2003 D2 meeting minutes

The minutes of the 2003 D2 meeting in San Diego, USA, which were distributed via e-mail circular and on the website in September 2003, were approved with no changes. DD expressed her thanks to Secretary for always preparing very complete and comprehensive minutes.

5. Director’s Report (T. Goodman)

The joint Symposium on LED Light Sources, held this time in Tokyo, was very successful; 94 participants registered for the event, demonstrating the continuing high level of interest in the subject of LEDs. A follow-on symposium on the same subject will be planned in a few years.

John Moore (UK) stepped down as Division Editor at the end of the last quadrennium (2003), and Jim Gardner (CSIRO, Australia) has taken over the position. He has already been working on the ILV and in future all documents (TC reports, etc.) to be published should be sent to him. DD further recommends that TCCs send their draft documents to the Editor when they are near completion and certainly before TC ballot.

DD reported a few issues from the Board meeting held after the San Diego session in 2003:

a) New policies and procedures for publication sales

These were agreed by CIE BA and have already been introduced. CIE publications can now be purchased directly from CIE CB as well as from NCs. The prices are the same whether ordered from CIE CB or any NC. Arrangements have been made so that the income from the sales (when ordered from CIE CB) are credited to each NC depending on which country each order came from. DD encourages everyone to order from CIE CB, which is both quicker and less trouble for CIE (no shipping to NC). It is also planned that publication sales will shortly be possible directly via a website and optimum methods for this are being investigated. DD asked whether anybody had purchased publications recently in the new way. Ohno reported his experience that the ordering process was very smooth and publications were delivered from CB very fast (in one week). Kohmoto experienced the same in Japan. Several people mentioned that it is additional advantage that credit card payment is accepted. Rattunde indicated that he has an arrangement with the German NC so that when new documents come out, these are sent to him automatically. DD suggested that such an arrangement might be made with the CIE CB (at least, to notify people when new publications are issued). She will suggest this at the next CIE BA meeting. Gibbs mentioned some difficulties associated with the CD ROM of all current publications and the very high on-going costs for this. DD will raise this as well at the next CIE BA meeting.

Johnson suggested that it would also be useful to have the list of current publications and abstracts (with prices and ordering information) available for electronic distribution. There are already some pages on CIE website containing this information, but there is a need to make it more easily available. It was agreed that Secretary will post, on D2 website, an announcement of the new method for ordering publications that is now in place. DD also added that NC members have large discounts on prices of publications, which is one of the big benefits of being a NC member. Bergman (President of CIE-USA) suggested that it might be a good opportunity to invite new membership when orders come from a non-member. For example, an invitation to join the appropriate NC could be sent together with the ordered publications or, when the website for direct ordering of publications is available, this could be linked to the membership application page of the relevant NC website. DD agreed this is a good idea and will suggest it at the next CIE BA meeting. It was noted that the fees for NC membership are still different and are at the discretion of each NC. The fees cannot be harmonized due to the different ways and budgets under which different NCs operate.

b) CIE Handbooks

Johnson asked about the new form of publication that had been discussed at previous meetings, namely compilations of CIE publications on given topics (‘CIE Handbooks’). DD said that there has been no progress on this, due mainly to the costs involved in binding the publications in book form. Johnson pointed out that technology is available for publishing books in small quantities at low cost and suggested CIE should investigate this further. DD will raise this at the next CIE BA meeting.