District Regular Board Meeting

District Regular Board Meeting


Thursday, December 16, 2010

4:30 P.M.

USDA Service Center

SWCD Office

Preston, MN 55965


MEMBERS PRESENT: Tim Gossman, Brian Hazel, Leonard Leutink, Pam Mensink, Travis Willford


OTHERS PRESENT:Donna Rasmussen, Jeanette Serfling, Jackie Byam (NRCS), Tom Kaase (County Commissioner)

Gossman called the meeting to order at 4:42 p.m. A quorum is present.


Motioned by Hazel seconded by Mensink to approve the agenda. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


Motioned by Leutink seconded by Mensink to approve the November 2010 Treasurer’s report, subject to audit. Affirmative: Mensink, Hazel, Willford, Leutink, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


Motioned by Mensink seconded by Willford to approve the following consent agenda items:

  1. Secretary’s Report – November 18, 2010 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
  2. Payment of Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-01-05 City of Rushford, Well Decommissioning, in the amount of $3,500.00
  3. Payment of Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-03-37 Brett Broadwater, Pond Clean Out, in the amount of $665.63

Affirmative: Mensink, Hazel, Leutink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


1. Supervisor’s activity report

Willford reported performing the statement opening and check review on December 1st and attending the Anniversary Open House on December 2nd.

Mensink reported attending the Anniversary Open House on December 2nd.

Leutink reported attending the Anniversary Open House on December 2nd.

Gossman reported attending the Anniversary Open House on December 2nd and attending the MASWCD State Convention on December 7th.

Hazel reported attending the Anniversary Open House on December 2nd.

2. Staff reports

A written report was included in the board packets.

3. Administrator’s report

a. BWSR Clean Water Fund grants

Funding has been approved to extend the positions of the Grazing Specialist and the Nutrient Management Specialist. The grant applications submitted were ranked 6th in the state for the Grazing Specialist and first in the state for the Nutrient Management Specialist.

Byam reported John Zinn was planning to nominate the Grazing Specialist for a Spot Award from NRCS. This award is based on acres and amount of EQIP contracts which total $800,000.

  1. Newspaper insert

Staff is working on articles for the newspaper insert that will be in the January 10th edition of the Fillmore County Journal. It is planned to alternate every other year with the Bluff Country Reader.

  1. State Convention Report

Rasmussen gave a brief report about the convention noting she had heard some very good speakers. More coordination between BWSR and NRCS was discussed regarding technical approval authority.

  1. Root River Comprehensive Strategy civic engagement component

The contract for the Root River Comprehensive Strategy has not been received yet as the Civic Engagement Component is still being developed. This portion of the contact is becoming more involved than originally thought so the idea of subcontracting to a consultant is being discussed. The SWCD office will play a larger role than first thought and will require more of Rasmussen and Magee’s time.


Byam reported CSP is winding down. The national office wanted 90% of payments processed by December 15th. Currently, they are at 86%. The 2011 CSP application deadline is January 11th, with the CMT completed by February 4th. New enhancements and bundles have been added.

EQIP contracts will need to be completed before the end of the year and ranking completed by January 5, 2011.

5. County

Kaase reported Duane Bakke was elected president of AMC. The State Veterans Cemetery is still trying to move forward, although the legislator that was supportive of the project was defeated in the election, so they will be working with the newly elected official. The levy was set at 3.5% and reductions for the year have been made. The County is working with snowmobile clubs regarding better utilization of the trails around Forestville.


1. Consider approval of 1% Cost of Living Adjustment for 2011 Pay Plan

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Leutink to approve the 1% Cost of Living Adjustment for the 2011 Pay Plan. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

2. Consider approval of 2011 Budget

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Willford to approve the 2011 budget as presented. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

3. Consider Annual Recognition event

It was previously decided to combine the annual recognition event with the Eagle Bluff event on February 5th. The Outstanding Conservationists will not be available on that date. Posters and information will still be displayed at Eagle Bluff and a sponsorship for the speaker will still be paid.

Board consensus is to have a luncheon at the Branding Iron either the week of January 10th or 17th, whichever will work for the Bailey’s, and include the rain gauge monitors and stream monitors. Rasmussen will make the arrangements.

4. Consider amendment to State Cost Share Contract FY09-14, Jerry Johnson, Terrace w/tile outlet extending the completion date to July 1, 2011

Motioned by Hazel seconded by Mensink to approve the amendment to State Cost Share Contract FY09-14, Jerry Johnson, Terrace w/tile outlet extending the completion date to July 1, 2011. Affirmative: Hazel, Gossman, Leutink, Mensink, Willford. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

5. Consider increasing Technical Assistance from Flood Relief Grant FR08-02 from 15% to 20%

The City of Rushford had a large amount of slippage left over from a contract for well sealing which left a large balance of unencumbered funds. Rasmussen spoke to Mary Kells about increasing the technical assistance percentage as had been done on Flood Relief Grant FR08-01 for which she gave her approval.

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Hazel to increase the technical assistance from Flood Relief Grant FR08-02 from 15% to 20%. Affirmative: Hazel, Gossman, Leutink, Mensink, Willford. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

6. Consider amendment to Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-03-05 City of Rushford increasing the contract amount to $1,600.00

Motioned by Leutink seconded by Willford to approve the amendment to Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-03-05 City of Rushford increasing the contract amount to $1,600.00. Affirmative: Hazel, Gossman, Leutink, Mensink, Willford. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

7. Consider cancellation of Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-02-22, Sue Lance

Motioned by Hazel seconded by Mensink to approve the cancellation of Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-02-22, Sue Lance. Affirmative: Hazel, Gossman, Leutink, Mensink, Willford. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

8. Consider amendment to Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-03-40 Tony Buchholtz increasing the contract amount to $20,000.00 using $6,250.00 from FR08-01 funds, $3,750.00 from FR08-02 funds and $10,000.00 from FR08-03 funds

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Leutink to approve the amendment to Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-03-40 Tony Buchholtz increasing the contract amount to $20,000.00, using $6,250.00 from FR08-01 funds, $3,750 from FR08-02 funds and $10,000.00 from FR08-03 funds. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

9. Consider amendment to Feedlot Water Quality Management Contract FY08-08 Dan McKenna extending the completion date to December 30, 2011

Motioned by Hazel seconded by Willford to approve the amendment to Feedlot Water Quality Management Contract FY08-08 Dan McKenna extending the completion date to December 30, 2011. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

10. Consider amendment to Feedlot Water Quality Management Contract FY08-06 Holst Cattle Farms extending the completion date to December 30, 2011

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Hazel to approve the amendment to Feedlot Water Quality Management Contract FY08-06 extending the completion date to December 30, 2011. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

11. Consider amendment to Feedlot Water Quality Management Contract FY06-05 Phil Kahoun extending the completion date to October 30, 2011

Motioned by Leutink seconded by Hazel to approve the amendment to Feedlot Water Quality Management Contract FY06-05 Phil Kahoun extending the completion date to October 30, 2011. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

12. Consider approval to submit Conservation Corps Site Partner Application for summer intern position

Motioned by Willford seconded by Leutink to approve the submittal of the Conservation Corps Site Partner Application for the summer intern position. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

13. Consider renewal of Bacteria Lab Certification in the amount of $2,400.00

Motioned by Hazel seconded by Willford to approve the renewal of the Bacteria Lab Certification in the amount of $2,400.00. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

14. Consider payment of Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-03-05 City of Rushford, Well Decommissioning, in the amount of $1,600.00

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Hazel to approve payment of Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-03-05 City of Rushford, Well Decommissioning, in the amount of $1,600.00. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


1. Consider reinvestment of CD 60823 which matures on December 23, 2010

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Willford to consider reinvestment of CD 60823 which matures on December 23, 2010 at the highest available rate. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

2. Consider approval of revisions to Personnel Policy Handbook section 2.25 SelectAccount Flexible Benefit Plan

Motioned by Leutink seconded by Mensink to approve the revisions to Personnel Policy Handbook Section 2.25 SelectAccount Flexible Benefit Plan as recommended by the Personnel Committee. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

3. Consider approval of step increase for Employee #23002 from Grade 6, Step 5 to Grade 6, Step 6 effective January 1, 2011 per recommendation of Administrator

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Willford to approve the step increase for Employee #23002 from Grade 6, Step 5 to Grade 6, Step 6 effective January 1, 2011 per the recommendation of the Administrator. Affirmative: Hazel, Willford, Mensink, Leutink, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

4. Consider approval of step increase for Employee #23003 from Grade 11, Step 2 to Grade 11, Step 3 effective January 1, 2011 per recommendation of Personnel Committee

Motioned by Hazel seconded by Mensink to approve the step increase for Employee #23003 from Grade 11, Step 2 to Grade 11, Step 3 effective January 1, 2011 per the recommendation of the Personnel Committee. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

5. Consider approval of Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-01-21, Vince Olson, Sinkhole Treatment, in the amount of $13,600.00

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Hazel to approve Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-01-21, Vince Olson, Sinkhole Treatment, in the amount of $13,600.00. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

6. Consider approval of State Cost Share Contract FY10-11 Ryan Oian, Grassed Waterway, in the amount of $2,700.00

Motioned by Leutink seconded by Hazel to approve State Cost Share Contract FY10-11 Ryan Oian, Grassed Waterway, in the amount of $2,700.00. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

7. Consider payment of Feedlot Cost Share Contract F4G-05 Randy Grabau, Feedlot Runoff Control, in the amount of $718.75

Motioned by Hazel seconded by Leutink to approve the payment of Feedlot Cost Share Contract F4G-05 Randy Grabau, Feedlot Runoff Control, in the amount of $718.75. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

8. Consider approval of Cost Share Pooling Memorandum of Agreement with Root River SWCD for BWSR Southeast Flood Relief Cost Share

The agreement does not specify how the technical assistance funds will be split between the two Districts.

Motioned by Willford seconded by Hazel to approve the Cost Share Pooling Memorandum of Agreement with Root River SWCD for BWSR Southeast Flood Relief Cost Share. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

9. Consider Flood Relief Cost Share Contract FR08-01-22 Ken Visger, Grade Stabilization, in the amount of $37,500.00 per Pooling MOA with Root River SWCD

Motioned by Mensink seconded by Willford to approve Flood Cost Share Contract FR08-01-22 Ken Visger, Grade Stabilization, in the amount of $37,500.00 per Pooling MOA with Root River SWCD. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.


Motioned by Mensink seconded by Leutink to approve the December 2010 payables. Affirmative: Mensink, Hazel, Willford, Leutink, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

Willford will come in on January 3, 2011 for the statement opening and check review.


Motioned by Mensink seconded by Leutink to adjourn the meeting. Affirmative: Hazel, Leutink, Mensink, Willford, Gossman. Opposed: none. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela Mensink

Dec 16 minutes.doc1Date printed 6/4/2019