District Parent Involvement Policy



Ralph Carter

School Improvement Status

Needs Improvement

Parent Involvement Committee Members

Ralph Carter, Superintendent

Melissa Speers, Director of Special Programs

Kendal Glomski, Elementary School Principal

Bob Pymn, Middle School Principal

Toby Packard, High School Principal

Amanda Bean, Teacher

Beth Stone, Media Specialist

Gloria Miller, Teacher

Stephanie Riley, Teacher

Tabby Horton, Teacher

Sandy Davis, Parent

Holly Anderson, Parent

Goal 1: How will the LEA foster effective parental involvement strategies and support partnerships among school, parents, and the community to improve student achievement?

Jessieville School District believes that a partnership must exist between our parents, our community, and our school to promote higher student achievement and general good will between the district and those it serves. We promote positive communication between the school, the community, and our students' homes in order to develop and maintain the productive parental and community involvement that will result in mutually beneficial partnerships between the schools, students, parents, and the community. The district provides a variety of opportunities for parents and the community to be involved in activities supporting our schools.

The Jessieville School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school review and improvement under Section 1116 of the ESEA:

  • Parents and ACSIP committee members will review the district's yearly ACSIP plan and give input regarding parental involvement within the plan.
  • Annual report to the public will be held
  • Develop district parental involvement committee consisting of district staff, parents, and community members who will develop the district parental involvement plan and methods of implementation
  • District parental involvement plan will be sent home with students at the start of each school year
  • Annual Parental Involvement Survey will be conducted in the spring

The Jessieville School District will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance:

  • Each school will be provided a parental involvement contact person to help coordinate and assist with the planning and implementing of parental involvement activities to improve students' achievement and performance.
  • The parental involvement contact person for Jessieville Elementary School is Amanda Bean, for Jessieville Middle School it is Beth Stone, and for Jessieville High School it is Stephanie Riley.

Goal 2: How will the district provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist participating schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement?

The Jessieville School District will take the following actions to conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its Title I, Part A schools. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background). The school district will use the findings of the evaluation about its parental involvement policy and activities to design strategies for more effective parental involvement and to revise, if necessary (and with the involvement of the parents), its parental involvement policies.

  • The school will notify parents about the School Parental Involvement Policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, will distribute this policy to parents in a language the parents can understand.
  • A survey will be conducted at each school site. The survey will be in a language the parents can understand. It will allow the parent to evaluate the policy and identify ways to improve the policy so as to allow greater participation to all parents.
  • The Title I Parental Involvement Committee, consisting of teachers, administrators, parents, and community members, meet annually to analyze data from surveys and discussions with teachers, administrators, parents, and community members. Using this data, the committee will develop a list of services and activities to promote parental involvement and provide additional support for student learning. These committee members will work as equal partners in planning and implementing parental involvement in the schools.
  • The school district will conduct ongoing periodic site visits in each school to observe parental involvement practices and to provide support to the schools.
  • School staff, parents, and students will develop a school-parent-student compact. This compact will outline how parents, school staff, and students share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state's high academic standards. All stakeholders will sign the compact.
  • The Compact will be included in the student handbook and posted on the school website.
  • Both the district and building Parental Involvement plans will be posted to the district's website.
  • Each school will hold parent meetings, conferences, and activities regularly throughout the year to increase parental involvement and build staff and parent capacity to engage in these types of efforts. These meetings will include parent-training sessions to help parents understand how to enhance their child's education. The meetings will be held at various times during the day or evening to better accommodate parents.
  • Outside speakers will provide parents with more information concerning ways to make their child's academic life more successful.
  • The school district will, with the assistance of its schools and parents, educate its teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools by faculty in-service on parental engagement.

Person responsible: Melissa Speers, Director of Special Programs

Goal 3: How will the district build the school's capacity for strong parental involvement?

The Jessieville School District will build capacity of school staff and parents to create strong parental involvement programs, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved, the parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. The following strategies will be used:

  • The school district will, with the assistance of its Title I, Part A schools, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school district or school, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this paragraph:
  • Common Core State Standards
  • The state's student academic achievement standards
  • State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments
  • Requirements of Title I, Part A
  • How to monitor their child(ren)'s progress
  • How to work with educators
  • Activities for parents:
  • Annual Title I meeting for parents
  • Link on the district website to Common Core State Standards, testing information, homework assignments Information and login PIN to access child(ren)'s grades through HAC
  • The school district will, with the assistance of its schools, provide materials and training to help parents work with their child to improve their child's academic achievement, such as literacy training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement by:
  • Encouraging parents to utilize the district's parent center. Parents may check out materials, use the computer to check grades, and visit educational websites such as the ADE "Tools for Parents". The school will open the resource center at hours that are convenient to parents.
  • Parents will be encouraged to view the parental involvement plan and the ACSIP located in the parent resource center, media center, or on the school's website.
  • A suggestion sheet will be available for parental input
  • The school district will, with the assistance of its schools, conduct annual parent surveys to gauge the effectiveness of the schools. These surveys will be conducted in the spring of each year. The parental involvement committee will meet to analyze the data and make revisions to the parental involvement plan for the next school year.
  • The school district will, with the assistance of its schools, encourage the involvement of parents in local PTO groups, the Jessieville Alumni Association, and the Jessieville Foundation. Parents may contact each school office for the name and contact information for the representative for each of these organizations in order to obtain information or ask questions.

Person responsible: Melissa Speers, Director of Special Programs

Goal 4: How will the district conduct, with the involvement of parents, ongoing evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy as it relates to strategies for increasing parental participation and identifying barriers to greater participation?

The Jessieville School District will conduct, with the involvement of parents, ongoing evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy as it relates to strategies for increasing parental participation and identifying barriers to greater participation using the following activities:

  • Survey parents annually to identify barriers to parental involvement in the schools
  • Work with parents to assist in the development of evaluation procedures and the data analysis
  • Make recommendations to each school for revisions to their parental involvement policies based on findings from the evaluation process
  • Develop an annual parent activity evaluation report to share with parents, staff, and the community

Person responsible: Melissa Speers, Director of Special Programs and Building Principals

Goal 5: How will the district involve parents in the joint development of the district Title I Application under section 1112 (ACSIP)?

The Jessieville School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its district-wide parental involvement plan under Section 1112 of ESEA:

  • The following will be given to parents for review and input through newsletters, informational meetings, and advisory committees:
  • District Parental Involvement Plan
  • School-Parent Compact Parent Notices as they apply to Title I
  • Recruit parents to serve on the district ACSIP committee to develop the Title I application

Person Responsible: Dr. Ralph Carter, Superintendent

Jessieville School District Number 1 * Post Office Box 4 *

Jessieville, AR 71949 * (501) 984-5381 *