Diabetes Council
Professional Development Committee
Monday, August 8, 2011
Dial-in number: 1-866-705-3849
Pass Code: 9161176#
Moderator: Robin Edelman, Chair
1. Welcome
Robin welcomed the group. Attendees: Robin Edelman (VT), Laurene Hendricks (IA), Pat Jones (GA), Richard Wimberly (MI), Laura Shea (NY), Kathy Berman Robin (NH), Pat Thomas-Reid (CDC), Trish Herrmann (NACDD)
2. Approval of Minutes from June 13, 2011 Meeting (July meeting was cancelled)
Minutes from June 13 were approved.
Action Item: Robin would like to know the status of the professional development committee of NACDD. Trish will find out from Marti and report back to Robin. Robin is willing to serve as the liaison.
3. Update on CDC plans for Training and Professional Development (Robin)
On July 11, Pat T-R and Chris Kissler from CDC and Robin and Marti met to discuss the upcoming calendar for General Member Calls thru Dec. 2011. The General Member Calls are held the second Wednesday of the month. Topics discussed include: September - use of pharmacists to address ABCs; October – the National Diabetes Primary Prevention Program; November - Ed Gregg will discuss Natural Experiments projects; and December - creating and practical uses for state surveillance data. VT and SC will present.
Action Item: Robin will send an e-mail to all members about topics for calls.
On July 18, Robin joined the Diabetes Council Leadership Call to discuss how we will meet professional development needs given that there will be fewer face to face meetings. There will not be a DDT conference in 2012. We are looking for alternative ways of meeting professional opportunities for DPCPs. The Institute will be one way of meeting needs. DPCP partners will be encouraged to attend if 2 people from a DPCP are not able to travel to the Institute. It is not clear if an Institute 2012 will be held. The Director of CDC is asking all programs to limit meetings/conferences as a cost saving measure. The National Diabetes Education Program meeting will be held the prior to the Institute. See update from Laura Shea below under committee updates. Some items discuss on the July 18 call are below:
§ CDC is working with DTTAC to develop online training courses. Diabetes 101 is currently available and is promoted on an individual basis by project officers for new DPCP staff. A Planning Fundamentals course focused on program planning and state plan development will be available very soon. This course will be available online and would be categorized as a ‘basic’ course.
§ CDC in collaboration with DTTAC and NACDD is developing a diabetes policy toolkit modeled after the oral health policy toolkit. This resource is intended to help states prepare for a PSTAT visit. Ways to use the tool will be addressed this year as it is completed and disseminated.
§ Diabetes Today training and information will be put online so that everyone will have access to it.
§ The NACDD Chronic Disease Academy is another opportunity to offer specific courses that meet the DPCP needs. It is unclear when the Academy will be offered in 2012 however, Marti will address this with John Robitscher.
§ Robin Edelman expressed interest in gathering information from people in October at The Institute about topics they want to see addressed for training. She also expressed concern that DPCPs will miss out on what other states are doing due to the cancellation of the annual conference. It was suggested that we use the general member calls to present models for how states are doing things and will need to rely on the project officers to identify states that should be highlighted.
§ The Diabetes Council and the CVH Council is planning to meet to identify ways where collaborative trainings and opportunities can be planned.
§ Communities of Practice are another way to support DPCP work and the newly developed functional work of using Community Pharmacists for diabetes management as well as financing and sustainability of CHW. There will be new information by the end of September that will be shared with states involved in working with CHWs.
§ CDC launched TRAIN, a learning management system where courses can be offered. This is a good opportunity to track who completes a course and can then provide support to a group of people as they are trained or need further connections on a topic.
Robin stressed on call that the ability to share from other states will be missed thru these opportunities We will need to use General Member calls to allow states to share their work.
Communities of Practice are another way to support DPCP work. An example is using pharmacists to support diabetes.
Pat T-R said that CDC staff are convening to see how they will meet training needs.
TRAIN has just been launched. Pat is still learning about this tool. There needs to be a plan to ensure the courses are meeting competencies. We’ll need to discuss how to make the most of this tool.
Pat T-R is looking for ways to facilitate learning without face to face meetings. She mentioned regional calls; these calls may assist with collaboration from states within a region. Pat Jones would like to see regional calls using technology. She would also like to see partners join efforts on calls (such as universities partners).
Kathy B mentioned they have TRAIN have NH. She would like to know if the state and national software interfaces.
Action Item: Pat will find out if TRAIN in NH and CDC TRAIN will be able to interface.
Richard stated that one of the deliverable for the MI coordinated grant is to develop a training plan for staff keeping in mind principles of grant (environmental, policy, health systems, etc.)
Trish stated that we may want to give States an opportunity to submit abstracts for general members’ calls. States are already used to sharing projects and work at DDT conference and will need another avenue to do so. She suggested having an application process where States would submit abstracts. Similar to the DDT conference, the task force for planning calls could come up with themes for year and states would submit projects based on themes. Given that there may be a large number of abstracts, we may want to keep criteria for submission narrow in scope. Perhaps 2 or 3 states could present per call.
Robin wanted to know more about Communities of Practice at CDC. Pat T-R said this could be a discussion for next PD call. We could also discuss TRAIN.
Action Item: Robin will put these on the agenda.
4. Upcoming General Member Calls: Update (Robin)
See Items 3.
a. Topics
b. Task force
A task force will be convened to plan general member calls. Members will include CDC, DTTAC, and members from the professional development committee. Members are still to be determined.
Action Item: Robin will follow up with Marti about task force and finalizing this task force.
Pat T-R asked about CTG grants and if states applied.
VT, NH, NY all applied for CTG grants; the DPCPs were not very involved in the application process. The MI DPCP was part of the CTG grant application.
5. Committee Reports
· Advocacy Committee – Laura Heinrich
No report provided.
· Mentoring Committee – Laura Shea
Laura provided an update on the NDEP meeting, which will be held Oct. 2-3. The theme is “NDEP Past, Present, and Future.”
Oct. 2 – Welcome, plenary session with Frank Vincor, and reception.
Oct. 3 - Dr. Rogers Griffin, NIDDK director, will lead a session. Other speakers include James Gavin and Dr. Blond.
There will be breakout sessions with the following topics: building community capacity, partnership opportunities, diabetes prevention and control resources, health disparity resources, and making and supporting behavior change.
The structure of NDEP is changing. Workgroups will be Stakeholder Groups.
Action Item: Laura will send more information to committee about this meeting.
Mentoring update: There are 6 learners and 7 guides for the coordinator programs. A pretest has been sent to learners.
Action Item: Laura will send pretest questions to members.
6. Next Call: Monday, Sept. 12, 2011, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET
Robin would like to discuss the general member and coordinator survey. Trish stated both surveys were closed now. She will be analyzing results with Gail Stolz (AK), Chair of the Membership Committee. Results will be shared with all members at the Oct. Diabetes Council meeting and will be shared with Steering Committee members at the Aug. 25 Strategic Planning meeting.
Action Item: Pat Jones stated she has not received survey. Trish will follow up with her about this.
7. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at noon ET.
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