District Education Committee
December 11, 2015
Meeting Notes
Present: Joseph Bielanski, Fred Bourgoin, ACedillo, LCelhay, LCook, AEsquivel-Swinson, DHankins, EJaramillo, BLove, CMadlock, CMcLean, AMcMurdo, ROlive, MOrkin CPegues, MRivas, CSmith, ISodhy-Gereben, TVo, TWalton, HYam
Guests: JBlake, KEngel, LHotep, NPellegrin
Facilitator: L Sanford
Recorder: MBBenvenutti
Agenda Topic / DEC 2015-16 Committee Goal / PCCD 2015-16 Strategic Goal and Institutional Outcome / Discussion / Follow-up Action / DECISIONS(Shared Agreement /Resolved or Unresolved?)
I. Agenda Review / Meeting began at 9:15. / Agenda adopted.
II. Review of November meeting minutes / Corrections to Nov. meeting minutes. Motion to adopt the minutes as amended. Carlos McClean will be retiring on Friday. Congratulations. / Minutes adopted.
III. Multiple Measures Project / 3. Review data and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum / A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success.
A.2. Student Success
A.3. Student Success
A.5. Student Success / NPellegrin- Project has data from internal and external sources. External are the feeder Districts. MOU’s are being developed with feeder districts. Some being signed in Oakland and Castro Valley, and other districts are interested as well. Will be able to obtain HS transcripts and be able to make recommendations immediately. Boosts our enrollment. Increases likelihood that they will go to post-secondary. Comment- What guarantees that the placement will be less color sensitive? MOrkin- Promise Pathways data that shows that it has been successful. Looked at other data from other institutions that are doing this. Four times as many students were put into college courses and students of color were especially effective.
Comment: There are lots of issues. This is an issue that I had about the PASS money. None of the money was spent on doing what we said what we were going to do. I don’t have any faith that anybody looks out for our interest.
Comment- I suggest a subgroup work with Nathan on his disproportionate impact study. We must make sure that we do not err. NPellegrin- We had a meeting with faculty and students on Nov. 30 and got good feedback. MRivas- We need to follow up on this. I would volunteer to work with Nathan on this. NPellegrin-If anyone else would like to be involved, please let me know. MOrkin- IR website, achievement gap there are 4 reports used by various groups. Disproportionate impact report. NPellegrin- The data agreements are in place. Oakland and Alameda have already sent us their data. Official launch is Spring 16. Counselors are using multiple measures placements. Set up automation process for getting the data from district to where it needs to be in our system. Bridges the gap. A significant amount of work to be done in that process. Comment- UC take the high school transcripts they can identify through requirements. May be a platform to build upon. Comment- Report what classes students have left. It takes transcript data and does some analysis. Center for Educational Partnerships. Comment– Can we use this to analyze students in concurrent enrollment to determine what has been met and has to be met? Comment- How do we track when counselors make a determination on the grades? NPellegrin- SARS codes. Put in a special code. TOFEL for multiple measures for ESL. Communicating to counselors and how to collect that information. Comment- How long does it go on? We want to see if it having a positive impact. Comment- We were looking at a model where the student does their own. Would be a way for the student to advocate for themselves so the counselor doesn’t have to remember.
MOrkin- Informational. How to retrieve power point with John Hetts. Promise Pathways program at Long Beach. Karen has been meeting with Math and English faculty for a year. Lots of faculty and administrators have participated. A huge amount of work gone into this. Comment- If you’re talking about student placement. That should be more generally available than flex day. If that is the direction we are going. Regularly repeated so people who are slow like me will find it out.
IV. PASS Reports:
-Laney College
-District-wide Enrollment Campaign / 3. Review data and make recommendations regarding student success in completion of transfer ready and Basic Skills Curriculum / A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success.
A.2. Student Success
A.3. Student Success
A.5. Student Success / Jeff Heyman- We worked with college PIOs from all 4 colleges. Presidents and Chancellor made further changes. I will reveal final version of campaign. Power Point presentation, bus, billboards, t.v. commercial. Social media. Will be hitting the streets and airways right after Christmas. We wanted to launch the campaign back in Oct. but couldn’t get the budget together. Less than $50,000. AEsquivel-Swinson- We need to see those letters before they go out. Some of the information was incorrect. JHeyman- Live and learn. Comment- When will they go up and then go down? JHeyman- 1/1. Comment- I don’t see any Asian students. JHeyman- It is impossible to get everyone’s face. If we have a lot of Asians we advertise to those we don’t have. Comment- The timing for the letter was good. Focus on the first step.
Comment- We have money out of measure B. This is one of those things that is the lifeblood of what we do. There should be some money to pay for something like this. I want this on the record. Comment- Is there a methodology to see what kind of response we got? JHeyman- Each college crafted their own letter. We could go back and look at the names to see who has enrolled. Comment- Campaign, is aligning our capacity with the intake of students. How many to intake those students? We have to ascertain our ability to process these students. Effective in capturing those students. We have to be comprehensive, our colleges are staffed to a level to accommodate.
Dr. Webb here to present the pass year-end report. Distributed report. EWebb- The college received the opportunity to use a level of funding to support our students. To address the fact groups of students are not doing as well as they should be given our resources. . $868Received 17 plans. There was a big gap in support of these programs. Page 10 of the $868,00l0 to work with only $61,317 was spent. What happened to leverage $1.2 reduced to $800,000 we were going through a number of changes. Feb. of this year we were told, we could submit justification the dollars are no longer for multiple year only for 1 year. Career Service center we would have to change course, change plans. We wouldn’t have the time to leverage those dollars by Spring term.
There is progress being made. Fabrication lab to incentive to engage in the learning programs. We advocated for: full time positions, addressing our accreditation, funds be carried over. To date all of the funds have been allocated. Most of the same initiatives and additional initiatives. Because of demands that were on the administration you are just getting it now.
Questions: Comment- In your summary the district established PASS. I would like to see the assessment and evaluation on how student success was improved. We need to be disciplined about doing evaluations. This money was a wonderful opportunity to see student success. We want to see the data. Comment- Money is appropriate for those who are suffering rarely does the money get spent for this. That becomes a refrain that is overwhelming to me. We have more money now than we have ever had. There is no good reason. How did you enhance Black and Chicano students in general? Pull together that report. We spent almost four million dollars and we don’t know if two students are better off.
Comment- Why Puente students spent zero, Umoaj program only $1,500.
EWebb- Budget transfer activity unaccounted for. We finally have a researcher, part of their charge is to finish the evaluation so we have something in writing. Comment- I don’t think you need to see that half of these programs weren’t implemented. EWebb- I respect your feedback.
Comment- Anytime you have the money you have to have in processes in place. The money came in, we asked people who already have heavy loads, come up with an idea, project, and initiative and then do it. We were trying to see who could do the work. Be more mindful about resources that are in place to take on new projects with new resources. Comment- This is less about resources. I don’t think there was a lack of input at any campus. I disagree that we didn’t have anybody to do the work. Not having the institutional structures to do the work. Focus on that as well. Identify that as an area of intent. EWebb- Systems, structure and time. We get the right people in place they can be accountable to do the work. Structure in place. We do have a lot of resources. We are on a treadmill. We have to deal with our broken systems and effecting the nature on how we function. I am ultimately accountable at Laney at what did not occur.
Comment- Somewhere there is a note that we have failed to do this. It had nothing to do with the students involved. It’s always about what the subject’s lacked and how the subjects respond. We need records to show that it was a breakdown of adults not the students. Nobody was willing to do the work. Comment- We need to have reports come back that show that there is an impact on Black and Chicano males. This is what the money is for. Next year I am expecting a report that reflects what happened.
What process was used to do that? Reallocated. How are we ensuring that this will close the achievement gap? I’m not clear of the process. EWebb- I made those decisions based on the gap that effects African American and Latino males. We will be putting the details in writing. Thank you for your patience and your advocacy.
Comment- Are you going to move forward with a position for the student equity plan? Director, VP? EWebb- I don’t recall the title, it will be a coordinator. / Campaign will begin in January.
Dr. Webb will be putting the details in writing.
V. Centers for Your Educational Success
Coordination Roles and Responsibilities
Assessment / 4. Review data and make recommendations regarding students’ completion of SSSP core services. / A: Advance Student Access, Equity, and Success.
A.2. Student Success / Lasana Hotep- Power Point presentation. In dropbox.
Office of Student Success & Equity – How do we work at the four colleges to have an umbrella that equity can serve at the campuses? Old equity plans were led by faculty, administrators, etc. Want to recommend that there is one office. Community based organization relationships, outreach efforts. They want to work with the colleges in groups. To respond to people who want to do business with our colleges.
In a meeting with presidents, superintendents, chancellor, faculty, our Chancellor stood up and told all of these people that they would work with Lasana. He wants to work with the campuses to coordinate equity across the district. Presidents wanted an acronym – Center for Your Educational Success (C-YES). Report sent to the presidents asking for them to designate the person on campus to get centers up and running in the spring. Train staff on how we run these centers. I am preparing job descriptions for the campus positions. Counselor will be at the campus. Comment- We have been wanting and needing triage for a long time. Applications be done there. We can see how many students are eligible. Comment- My concern is where are going to be the common services that will be offered? Is there additional funding? Where are we going to house the services? LHotep- The plans are customizable to what needs to be done. Comment: There is a need to train campus staff.
Comment- I don’t think we are satisfied. I don’t see and I don’t hear a strong developed plan in order to make it work. I don’t want to come into chaos. Comment- The center sounds like welcome center. Spreading thin. More planning needs to be done. This center could do an equity survey. We got a lot of people generating a lot of ideas, I think we need to do more planning. The one big area is equity research at the district. LHotep- Give me a start with the planning. Comment- DAS, do it at the four colleges, equity committees. The triage is an important piece, we want to integrate the colleges in a powerful way. Comment- Is it funding dollars? LHotep- As long as we keep getting funded. Comment- Other programs will be overlapping. LHotep- I think it should start at the college level. We need to coordinate to plan each campus and communicate. Before those things can take place we have partnerships and grants. KEngel- One thing to come to you month by month. The college’s needs to own this. One idea could be this committee set a date for the colleges to come back with a date. Where are we holding each other accountable? Comment- We recognize our institutional structures compromise the best of our plans. What do we need to do at the colleges so we can operationalize the plans? Talk less about perfecting the plan and more how we are going to access ourselves. Our students can’t wait for us to have a perfect plan. We have to start putting together a plan that we can improve upon. We can be affective with an imperfect plan. Comment- Is there a plan to have some of the services at the high schools. LHotep- We are working with OUSD at 7 targeted high schools. Open CCCApply. And financial aid workshops. They want to do orientation, assessment and bring counselors. All of our counselors do not have an assessment tool that is web based. Comment- I’m hoping that there is an opportunity district level issues that affect the colleges to institute their plans. I’m worried that you aren’t connected at the district. On the campus level, it is one things to take college equity plan and put these into the plan. Each college has a timeline for what is going to happen and when. I’d like to see that kind of detail planning. Comment: If there is District-wide coordination there are issues with the district that are hindering the colleges from implementing their plans. The district level should have initiatives to assist specific populations district-wide. Currently, we do not have this.