Mr. President,
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and gentlemen,
On behalf of the European Union and its 28 Member states Iwould like to start by thanking the Government and people of Rwanda for hosting this very importing meeting in such a wonderful city of Kigali in this spectacular Convention Centre.
Allow me to extend my gratitude to the Ozone Secretariat for ahard workin preparing of this meeting.
First of all, let me associate myself with the statement madeby EU Commissioner Mr. Arias Cañete.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Just few days ago, I had the honour on behalf of the EU and Slovakia to deposit instruments of ratification forthe Paris Agreement in New York.
By this important step we have demonstrated our collective effort towards our common goal to protect our beautiful blue planet.
The Paris Agreement showed us the direction in which to go and now is the time to take further steps down this road.
Slowing down the global temperature increase of up to0,5 degree Celsius is within reach, but we have to be ambitious, and act NOW. And why now, why us?
The answer is simple, because Montreal Protocol, is the most successful global environmental treaty.
Thanks to these international efforts and the Protocol’s effective mechanisms, we can proudly say, as scientist have told us, that the ozone layer is healing itself.On the other hand several alternatives to ozone depleting substances are now contributing to climate change.
Today the Montreal Protocol family hastheopportunity and responsibility to commit to concrete action to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the most potent man-made greenhouse gases in circulation, and replace them with energy efficient,climate friendly alternatives.
Time may be needed for alternatives to mature and to become available in some sectors, it is clear that for many sectors, alternatives are already on the market.
According to the TEAP (TÍP) report on the climate benefits and costs, it is clear that we have to act now and ambitiously to reap these climate benefits.
We recognize that any agreement should be flexible to do justice to the different situation countries may find themselves, We remain committed to provide sufficient additional technical and financial support from the Multilateral Fund to assist A5 parties to take HFC measures as early as possible.
This week we have made huge progress in converging our positionson key issues.I am convinced that we will achieve an agreement that is ambitious, achievable and feasible, while leaving no one behind.
We are encouraged by the creative and constructive spirit displayed by all Parties in Kigali.
Let us all be part of this amendment and agree on the final details, here in Rwanda, in the country of a thousand hills and a million smiles!
Thank you for your attention.