Texas Library Association
Distance/E-Learning Round Table Business Meeting
Annual Assembly
Austin, Texas
July 9, 2016
In attendance: Raquel Merlo (Chair), Mark Asteris (Chair Elect), Daniel Burgard (ProCoRepresentative), Karen N. Hendrick, Lisa Muilenburg, Ted Wanner (TLA), and Karen Vargas (Executive Board Representative).
Raquel Merlo, Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:08 a.m.
New Business:
I.Merlo started the meeting by discussing the program proposals for the Annual Conference (AC) sent for next April 2017 in San Antonio.
Wanner started by apologizing for not being able to present on how to do good webinars/online presentations at TLA since he would be too busy with conference issues, but he suggested Christine Peterson from Amigos or Katherine Adelberg from the Texas State Library as wonderful presenters and terrific substitutes. Merlo noted that she thought of Wanner because she had been watching some of his online presentations and have found them to be excellent.
The second proposal was for Dr. MicheleVillagran to present on diversity sensitivity (in the light of recent events this is very timely). Burgard noted that we would need to take her name out of the proposed presentation title, but other than that the Pro Co group thought the presentation idea was a wonderful one. We may need to reiterate to Dr. Villagran that the focus is not just on diversity sensitivity training but on distance learning as well (not telephone or email, but Skype, webinars, social media, etc.) Texas State Library has offered to help fund this presentation at $250.00 if it relates to distance education. Dr. Villagranhas offered to come for free, which is great since we don’t have much money, but it is thought she should get a speaker gift. We are still discussing room set up for all three proposed presentations, but she may need a screen and projector. She knows already that she needs to bring her own laptop. Wanner noted that the media setups for San Antonio are going to be really expensive. It may even be possible to market this as “Bring Your Own Device” and then if she gives TLA her PowerPoint/presentation before the conference, we could view her PP or Prezi online as she speaks (thus not needing the projector and screen—only a microphone for $109). It is just an idea so far.
Third idea was 3 minute success stories, but Wanner reminded us that we need take aways. Muilenburg noted that when she and Tricia Boucher met, take aways/tools/deliverables were the emphasis of the meeting based on the original proposal by Merlo. Burgard suggested the title be changed to “Owning Distance Learning in 3 min. or less (or 5 min. or less).” The idea is for people to say what tool they used to assist, how you get that tool, what it costs (hopefully free), and how to know when to use it to help in distance learning—very quickly obviously. Tricia Boucher has offered to moderate this session and Muilenburg offered to assist. Boucher said she doesn’t mind keeping people on target and moving on to the next speaker when necessary. Since the idea of this session is for people to sign up at TLA, Wanner suggested have a few people as backup just in case no one comes up to speak. This is a very good idea and I am sure it can be done. We will keep a list of anyone who presents and be sure to send them a Thank you acknowledgement so it can be used in promotional packets, or other proof of participation at TLA Conference.
II.Executive Board Liaison
Vargas noted that the new date for the budget requests to be in is now July 15th. The chair needs to do this, but they can work with the secretary to get it submitted.
Vargas mentioned that TLA is looking at creating discussion groups, which are different than interest groups, but they also won’t have a budget. However there will only need to be 15 people to start a discussion group and TLA will create a list for them, but when it dies, it dies. It can be a short term group. Details are still being discussed. If they come up with a great idea for the TLA conference it was suggested that the idea be brought to ProCo first and then they can discuss who could sponsor the program idea or they could sponsor it themselves if they really like it. There was some concern that no one would want to take up the leadership in such a group, as it is difficult enough to find leaders in the well-developed groups sometimes.
- Minutes from Annual Conference (AC) were not approved as they were not available. Minutes from both Annual Conference and Annual Assembly (AA) will need to be completed either at or before the next meeting.
- Secretary/Treasurer Report
No official report was given, but according the TLA budget distributed at AA, this committee has approximately $900 for the next fiscal year.
- Councilor Report
N/A-Council had not met yet as of the meeting time.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Muilenburg for Tricia Boucher (Secretary/Treasurer)