PSR this week 11/20/2016
Tonight is our Thanksgiving Mass and food drive. We will be collecting canned foods for the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry. Please bring what you can this evening and place in baskets in the church vestibule. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
The students will meet in their classrooms at 6:30 as usual, and then will head over to church as a class. Please join us for Mass and celebrating all the blessings we wish to thank God for.
Dissmissal will be from church immediately following mass
Upcoming PSR Dates:
Dec. 19 – Christmas family prayer service in church. 6:30 pm please join us for an evening of reflection and carols as we prepare for Christmas. Dismissal will be immediately after the service.
Upcoming Parish Events:
Dec. 3 -- Polar Express with Santa 6-9 pm LCH. Purchase tickets after mass Nov. 26th cost $5 adults and children see Bulletin for details.
Dec. 4 – Family Holy half hour. 4 pm in church. Fr. Purcell leads families in adoration, and teaches children to pray before the Eucharist
Dec. 4 – Advent by Candlelight
The event is offered to ladies high-school age and older. You do not need to be a member of St. Simon the Apostle to attend. Take the opportunity to invite friends or family! Because of limited seating, reservations are required.
What is this event? Advent by Candlelight is a special evening for women to become renewed and refreshed before the Christmas rush begins. This is an opportunity to relax and refocus on the season of Advent – a wonderful time of waiting and anticipating His coming. This evening also includes uplifting Scripture readings, music by the SLUH Young Adult Choir, and reflections focused on the Advent season by Jamie Beckemeier, our guest speaker! This is a free event; however, a goodwill offering at the end of the evening will be accepted.
How does it work? In an atmosphere lit only by candlelight, as a hostess, you set a banquet table (8 seats, including your seat). You may do this on your own or share the responsibility with a friend. You, as the hostess, may invite ladies to sit at your table, or allow the seats to be filled via the sign-up process. No requirement to be a hostess, you can also just sign to be included in a table with open spaces. You may bring fancy dinnerware, wine glasses, silverware, etc. or keep it simple. Your guest, then bring part of a meal of their choice (appetizers, entrée, and/or dessert) for those at your table. For Reservations and Hostess Guidelines, contact Terri Prange (314-566-1503) or Laurie Zeitler (314-368-2756).