Development Programme Group /

Disposals Proceeds Fund

Practical Completion Stage



(Issued 21/10/16)
NIHE (DPG) Date Stamp

Part ADetails of Applicant

/ / Procurement Group
Association Name
Scheme ref no:
Scheme address
Practical Completion Date
Part B
/ Scheme Type
Non-Tariff / Tariff Scheme / Mixed funding / Supported Housing / Works Only
New Build / Off the Shelf / Rehabilitation / Re-improvement / ESP
Acq & Works
/ / Social Clause
/ Part C All supporting documents to be provided as applicable
The following documents are enclosed as applicable and are true copies of originals (tick boxes)
All Schemes:
2 copies of OS map outlining property in red. (1:1250 or 1:2500) / Solicitor’s Letter confirming completion of purchase, actual purchase price and date of completion / Response to Annex
Statement of actual on-costs (GPS1)
Band 1 only:
Authorised itemised cost breakdown of completed works for each dwelling
Bands 3 & 4:
The Association’s principal consultant’s or agent’s forecast of the contractors final account, or equivalent (non-tariff) / Copy of planning approval / Latest interim certificate, or equivalent, showing actual works costs to date
NEC type contract: copy of contract data section showing ‘access date’ / JCT type contract: copy of extract from building contract showing date of possession / The Certificate of Practical Completion, or equivalent, under the main works contract applicable to the scheme
Secured by Design Certificate (certified copy ) / Social Clause Schemes – (StW19)
Bands 2 & 3 (as applicable):
EcoHomes/Sustainable Homes certificate (certified copy)
Project Information Form (PIF) / Tender Price Index form (TPI) / BCIS form of costs analysis
Part DQualifying Main contract works cost reconciliation / (BAND 3 ONLY)
1. / Forecast of final account of main contract works cost
2. / Less non-qualifying costs in main contract works e.g. offices, garages
e. / Total non-qualifying costs
3. / Less items in main contract works covered by standard on-cost
a. / Performance bond premium
b. / Builder’s design fee element when contract is design and build
c. / Furniture
f. / Total standard on-cost items in main contract
4. / Add the following items (excluding VAT) if not included in the main contract (documentary evidence of the payment for these items must accompany this form):
a. / Furniture allowable as part of the main contract works cost
b. / Electricity connection charges
c. / Water connection charges
d. / Home loss and disturbance payments
e. / Separate landscaping contract
f. / Total additional on-cost items
5. / Qualifying main contract works cost (line 1, minus 2e, minus 3f, plus 4f)
Part E / Qualifying VAT reconciliation (BAND 3 ONLY)
1. / Forecast of VAT on final account
2. / LESS VAT on non-qualifying costs and on items covered by standard on-cost in main contract works cost
3. / ADD VAT on items included under Part D, section 4 above (where appropriate)
4. / Qualifying VAT on main contract works
Part FCost calculation
Final account costs
* Note: Use qualifying costs only for lines 1 - 7 / HA use / NIHE (DPG) use
£ / £

1. Purchase price

  1. BAND 1 - total of final invoiced works costs
BAND 3 - Forecast of Final Account (Part B, Line 5)
  1. Qualifying VAT on final account (BAND 3 - Part C, line 4)

  1. Total (lines 1 to 3)

  1. On-cost @
/ %
  1. Total qualifying costs (line 4 + line 5)

  1. Maximum qualifying costs – BANDS 2 & 3 Non-Tariff Schemes Only
(NT2, Part D, Line 6)
  1. Qualifying costs for DPF
(BAND 3 = lesser of lines 6 and 7; BAND 1 = line 6)
  1. Grant Rate percentage (front page SFN1)

  1. Qualifying costs for DPF [line 8 x line 9%]

  1. Special Projects Promotions Allowance (SPPA), if any
( NT2 or TA2 - Part D - Line 4) (to be claimed separately on GA1 form)
  1. Total Qualifying DPF subsidy (line 10)

  1. Total approved amount deducted from Association’s Disposals Proceeds Fund (NT2 Part D, Line 16 or TA2, Part D, Line 4)

  1. Total grant to be deducted from DPF (Tariff = Line 13 or Non-Tariff = lesser of Line 6 and Line 13)

Part GCertifications
The Association certifies that:
1. / To the best of its knowledge and belief the contents of this application are complete and accurate.
2. / The dwellings produced comply with the DfC’s Design and Procurement requirements.
3. / No change has occurred in the units produced which affects the calculation of TCI.
4. / Any conditions of the Project Approval have been met.
5. / All previous certifications made by the Association at project approval in relation to this scheme shall continue to apply
6. / Within 30 days of receipt of grant, copy of letter from solicitors confirming completion of the purchase, date of completion and purchase price must be sent to NIHE.
7. / The labour value for the scheme has been correctly calculated and the association has complied with social clause requirements as outlined in Procurement guide. StW19 has been fully and accurately completed.
8. / Any necessary consents were obtained prior to execution of the contract e.g. Article 13 consent
9. / No non-qualifying items are included in the costs presented for funding using DPF monies.
10. / It will meet the cost of any shortfall on capital or revenue funding including the cost of any non-qualifying items.
11. / The Final Forecast does not contain any costs which may be recoverable by the Association as the result of a claim by or against a third party
12. / The purchase price did not exceed the value of the property as assessed by an independent qualified valuer, whose valuation was no more than 12 months old at the date of execution of the contract.
13. / The property acquired offers good title
Part GCertifications (Cont’d)
14. / It has executed the purchase contract
15. / No covenants or other restrictions exist which impede development of the site/property
16. / The actual purchase price is the same as the approved purchase amount, if not NIHE (DPG) have been alerted to review the scheme approval [CLAIMING PAYMENT]
17. / It has evidence on file that completed properties have been inspected by a consultant & properties have been completed to required standards to meet scheme approval conditions (OTS schemes only)
18. / It has notified NIHE (DPG) if the purchase completion did not occur within 30 days of withdrawal of DPF monies to facilitate recovery of the amount and/or interest into DPF account
19. / Any necessary revenue funding has been obtained and is guaranteed for a minimum of 12 months, with in principle commitment for ongoing support
20. / It has completed the Joint Management Agreement, where the project is to be managed in partnership with another body.
21. / Building Control Completion certificate and detailed Planning Permission for the scheme have been obtained (where appropriate).
22. / EcoHomes/Code for Sustainable Homes has been achieved at approved level
23. / It has complied with DfC branding requirements for scheme signage in all cases where signage is provided.
24. / Funding for the sums claimed has not (already) been provided by any other Government body and it has made full disclosure of all capital funding in respect of this scheme.
25. / To the best of its knowledge and belief no member, employee, agent or consultant of the Association has any interest in the vendor, contractor or the land or property acquired. This declaration extends to any firm, partnership or organisation in which they or their families are involved as a partner, director or shareholder. (If such a declaration cannot be made without reservation, a statement must be attached giving full disclosure of the interests of the people concerned).
Please ensure that ALL certifications have been verified and answered
Where the Association is unable to make any of the certifications referred to above – unless it is not applicable to the scheme – it should amend the certification and provide details on the form or in a covering letter.
Signature ______Date ______
Officer or member of Association authorised by the Management Committee
Cost Reconciliation
We certify that the calculations have been checked and that to the best of our knowledge and belief are correct; based on the information provided by the Association.
Signed / Date



