Dispatches From The Aerodrome…March 2007Page 1



Dispatches From The Aerodrome…March 2007Page 1


President’s Message…

You can definitely tell it was February as this month has gone by fast and the next meeting is right around the corner on March 8. And a good thing it went by so quickly as the weather has been cold and windy even for the old timers who were out flying during the week only a very few times.

At the February meeting I proposed we invite the Rowlett club to come over and enjoy a Saturday or Sunday with us flying and enjoying some good southern and neighborly hospitality. At the March meeting we need to think about a date for this event and get an invitation over to the Rowlett club. Pulling something like this together takes more than just your officers and I will be asking for members to help bring stuff and organize the event. It is important that we all try to help out to ease the load.



The next club meeting will be held on Thursday, Macrh 8, at 7:00 p.m.in the banquet room ofSoulman's Bar-B-Que, 691 E Interstate 30, Rockwall.

Minutes of the January Meeting

The February meeting of the club’s general membership was held on February 8, 2007 at 7:00 PM at Soulman's Bar-B-Que,691 E Interstate 30, Rockwall. PresidentBill Lenk called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. There were 13 regular members present.

Minutes of the January meeting: The reading of the minutes of the January meeting was dispensed with without objection.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Larry Wells reported a balance of $3231.34 in the club’s treasury. Larry projects an end of year balance of approximately $1500 and this does not include setting aside $1000 dollars for future runway improvements. Expenses for February were some minor runway repairs ($51.53) and the usual monthly expenses for the bathroom facilities ($76.80) as well as the annual lease on the field property to the City of Rockwall ($100).

One new member was voted on and approved. Welcome to Russell Hurlbutt and family. We hope you enjoy flying with the Rockwall RC Sport flyers and look forward to seeing you at the flying field.

With this new membership our total membership roster is now at 70 members which is the limit of the membership cap.

Safety Committee Report: Safety officer Bill Vassallowas not in attendance; therefore, no safety committee report was presented.

Field Marshall Report: Field Marshall Doyle Evans reported that Bill Presley has graciously donateda mower that is almost brand new. Bill was also able to get the old mower at the field running again. Last month Doyle reported that the riding lawnmower has a flat tire which has now been repaired.

The physical address as well as the GPS coordinates will be located on the bulletin board in the event emergency services are needed at the field.

Bill Kalb has volunteered to make a new frequency board. If you see Bill at the field, please thank him for his efforts.

The runway is still showing some signs that the original pins are not able to hold the petromat in place with the ground swell and shrinkage we have experienced in the past year. Doyle suggests we need to replace the current pins with some larger ground spikes to keep the runway in material in the proper position. The cost of 1500 nails was not available at the meeting but Doyle was going to check on the price and report at the march meeting the cost of such an effort.

Flying Proficiency Committee: Committee chairman Bill Vassallohas stepped down and presented his resignation as chairman of the Flying Proficiency Committee. Ed Vals has accepted on a provisional basis the task of pulling together some guidelines for club instructorsas well as a syllabus of required teachings to RC aircraft students. The provisional period will be a period of 3 months. Ed will speak with Rex Rutledge and Russell Small to be part of the committee. Much discussion followed as to the purpose and goals of the committee.

Old Business

Frequency Board Being Rebuilt

As mentioned in the Field Marshal report, Bill Cobb is rebuilding the frequency board. Rumor is this new frequency board will much improved and include the Hamm radio bands as well as slots for Spread Spectrum so we all stay in the practice of grabbing a pin before we fly.

Aircraft Noise Levels

There has not been any information brought forth on the location of the club sound meter. If you have the sound meter or know where it might be please contact Bill Lenk or Mano Juddand pass this information on. This is important because there has been some polite notification from the neighbors who live across the street from the field that on several occasions they have been able to hear certain airplanes. In an effort to be good neighbors the club officers are taking a pro-active approach and will be paying more attention to the noise levels of all airplanes brought to the field. We all need to be vigilant to the noise levels of our aircraft!

Regular Monthly Club Flying

It was suggested at the January meeting that the first Saturday after the club meeting will be our official monthly club flying date. Mark your calendars so you don’t forget.

New Business

Chris Brown will check on a new sound meter to replace the meter that has gone missing.

The old gas grill at the field needs to be disposed of. Someone with a truck volunteered to haul it off.

Bill Lenk mentioned that Danny Pitcock is the new club president of the Rowlett Flying Club. Many of you may already know Danny and for those of you that donot he is an all around good guy that wants to make a difference as club president for the Rowlett RC Club. Bill thinks it would be great to invite the Rowlett Club to come over to our field and fly together on a Saturday in the spring as a good faith gesture to build friendships and loyalties with the Rowlett club. Doyle Evans made a motion that we follow though on this action and it was seconded by Lionel Barnett.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.

Fun Fly’s, Swap Meets, Oh My

Texas Unlimited Fun Flyers(aka TUFF Club) is holding an R/C Auction andSwap Meet on March 10, 2007 in Tyler, Texas.So far response has been verypositive and we expect a large turnout with lots and lots of planes andequipment to choose from or sell your own stuff instead of putting it in a
garage sale.

FortBend RC Fun Fly / Swap Meet March 17th

Weatherford Aero Modeling SocietySwap Meet and Auctionis scheduled for March 23-24, 2007. The group plans a raffle of 2Futaba radios. For me information and directions visit

Turbine Fun with the JetMach 60

Ronnie Stine prepares one of the MachJet 60s for flight

Dispatches From The Aerodrome…March 2007Page 1


I Need Your Help!!! This newsletter is only as good as what is contributed and I received one picture this month for inclusion. Please send me ideas, pictures, tips, first flights, articles, tidbits. I really need all of your help to contribute something and make the newsletter interesting for the everyone. Drop me an email to to contribute content to the newsletter.