The Sound of Music
Directed by Robert Winans, Musical Direction by Nathan Parker,
Q: When is the show?
A: December 14-16 @ 7:30 P.M., December 16-17 @ 2:00 P.M.
Q: When are the auditions?
A: General auditions will be September 18-20, from 8:00-9:00, and September 20 from 3:30-4:30. They will run in 2 minute time slots. Callbacks will be Thursday September 21st, from 8:00-9:00 AM & 3:30-6:00 PM.
Q: How do I sign up to audition?
A: A sign-up sheet will be posted on the drama callboard under the clock in the Cafeteria. CLEARLY PRINT your name in the first available time slot. DO NOT SKIP SLOTS! Callbacks are at the request of the directors.
Q: What do I need to prepare for the audition?
A: Everyone will prepare and memorize the same short musical selections. The sheet music will be handed out at the audition meeting and we will learn the song together.
Q: What do I need to bring to the audition?
A: Bring your completed Audition Form with an attached photograph, Conflict calendar, Contract, and Media Release form. The photo does not need to be a professional headshot – just something that will let us put a name with a face. A school picture or snapshot is fine. Please put your name on the back of the picture and staple it to the upper left hand corner of your audition form.
Q: When should I arrive for my audition?
A: Plan on being in Mr. Parker’s room (E103) right at the beginning of the audition hour you signed up for. You are required to stay there until your audition time slot is over, at which time you may go home. If you are taking the late bus home, you must wait in Mr. Parker’s room until 4:30. If auditioning in the morning, you must stay in E103 until the end of your audition or 8:30, whichever comes later.
Q: Will I be allowed to watch other people’s auditions?
A: No, auditions are closed; meaning only the directors of the show will be watching the auditions. No friends, family, etc.
Q: How do callbacks work?
A: The callback list will be posted online Wednesday night. Not everyone will be called back. People who are not called back will still be cast in the show. Callbacks will consist of readings of the script and songs from the show. The more familiar you are with the material going into the auditions, the better off you will be.
Q: When will we find out about casting?
A: The cast list will hopefully be posted online and on the callboard by Friday Sept. 22nd. You will need to initial the cast list on the callboard to indicate you have seen the list and are intending to perform in the show. Please do not audition if you do not intend to take whatever part for which you are cast.
Q: When will rehearsals be?
A: Rehearsals will generally be Monday – Friday, 8:00-9:00 A.M., and 3:30-5:30 P.M. Not everyone will be called for every rehearsal. You will receive a rehearsal schedule with as much advance notice as possible. IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY REPORT ALL OF YOUR CONFLICTS. Conflicts we know about ahead of time we can try to schedule around. Surprise conflicts will not be greeted with much patience or warmth. ALL rehearsals starting Nov. 27th will be mandatory. Please note that rehearsals will be closed. Anyone not working directly with the production will be asked to leave rehearsal.
Q: What if I have a question?
A: You can email Mr. Winans (Director):