Discussion questions

Q1: Do you think air and/or noise pollution from motor vehicles is a significant environmental issue for Victoria? Please explain why/why not.

Yes, I think that both air and noise pollution from motor vehicles is a significant environmental issues in Victoria. The air pollution, particularly from older diesel trucks, vans and cars, and from all the cars which are burning significant oil, does impact on people walking and cycling on main roads and on people undertaking exercise in parks and swimming pools next to main roads (e.g. Fitzroy swimming pool next to Alexandra drive). Furthermore, noise pollution can be very disturbing, particularly from certain motorbikes that have been designed or modified to produce very loud exhaust (e.g. Harley-Davidson).

Q2: How often do you encounter noise disturbance from motor vehicles, and what are the impacts on you (e.g. sleep disturbances)? What type of noise disturbance do you encounter (e.g. fast acceleration, braking, noisy stereos)?

the main noise disturbance from vehicles is from certain motorbikes that have been designed or modified to produce very loud exhaust (e.g. Harley-Davidson). Whether one is walking or cycling along the road or, indeed, alfresco dining or inside a shop or restaurant next to the road, all talking or other activity has to stop while the noisy motorbike goes past. These motorbikes clearly exceed acceptable decibel levels that would cause hearing damage.

Q3: How often do you encounter air pollution from motor vehicles, and what are the impacts on you?

when walking or cycling along any main road, I encounter air pollution from older diesel vehicles as detailed in question one. The diesel exhaust has an immediate impact and can cause asthma.

Q4: What are your views on the Public Smoky Vehicles Program? Should evidence be required of vehicle repairs by the owner of the vehicle identified through the Public Smoky Vehicle Program?

My view on the Public Smoky Vehicle Program is that it is inadequate. What evidence do you have that a letter " to the owner advising them their vehicle has been reported as emitting excess smoke and may need repairs " makes a difference? Have you collected data by following up the owners to enquire whether they have made an effort to take their vehicle to a mechanic to have the problem addressed?

The only effective way to achieve compliance is to mandate that the owner of the vehicle has had the vehicle inspected and repaired by a mechanic that is authorised to do such inspections and repairs (similar to the mechanics who are authorised to do vehicle inspections). Without this mandated compliance, human behaviour is such that the average vehicle owner will ignore the letter sent by the EPA and just hope that they do not get picked up by an EPA officer.

Q5: What has been your experience as a reporter or from receiving a letter under the Smoky Vehicle Program including:

a.Satisfaction with the reporting process?

I have been satisfied with the reporting process. It is simple to complete the details.

b.Experience relating to the time taken and process for you to repair your vehicle?

not applicable

c.Satisfaction with EPA’s compliance and enforcement approach (eg punitive and remedy measures)?

I think that the EPA's compliance and enforcement approach is too soft. There should be a high level of expectation and enforcement and the EPA should complete an ongoing audit of compliance to both ensure compliance and to identify methods to improve compliance through further regulation.

d.Any other feedback on the programs?

as a reporter of a Smoky vehicle, I receive no feedback whatsoever from the EPA. I think that this can tend to diminish one's enthusiasm when one has no sense of whether going to the effort to report a Smoky vehicle is making a difference. Unless the EPA is following up on the actions taken by the owners of the Smoky vehicles have been reported, the EPA is not in a position to advise me as a reporter of a Smoky vehicle as to whether the effort is making a difference because the EPA does not have the data. This is plainly inadequate.

Q6: Do you have any suggestions for improvements to the Noisy Vehicle or Tampering Programs?

we should not have to do make a report through the police in order to bring a noisy vehicle to the attention of the authorities. It would be much more convenient to be able to make a report direct to the EPA. I disagree with the ability of the police to use their discretion as to whether to report a noisy vehicle to the EPA.

Q7: Do you think a fine deters people from reinstating modifications to their vehicles?

yes, a fine or the deregistration of the vehicle are much more likely to deter people from reinstating modifications.

Q8: What options could be used to address fitters who install illegal modifications?

fitters, either amateur mechanics should be fined. Qualified registered mechanics should be given a more hefty fine and should be informed that if they are found to be conducting Illegal modifications a second time that they are at risk of being deregistered.

Q9: Are you aware of EPA’s Modified Vehicle Guidelines?


Q10: What information would you like to see made available on legally modifying your vehicle?

any information on legal modifications of vehicles and, therefore, also illegal modifications, should be freely available on a website so that there is no difficulty in accessing the information and people then do not have an excuse that they were not aware.

Q11: Would you be more likely to report noisy vehicles if you could directly make a report to EPA, as with to the Public Smoky Vehicle Program?

I would be much more likely to report noisy vehicles if I could make a report to the EPA.

Q12: If you were not required by notice to fix your smoky vehicle would you?

I would get my Smoky vehicle repaired but I believe that I would be in the minority -- most people would not if they knew that they could get away with it (similar to speeding, driving through red lights, paying tax, etc).

Q13: Do the Regulations impact on what modifications you make to your vehicle?

I have never made, and have no intention to make, any modifications to a vehicle.

Q14: If the Regulations did not exist, would you modify your vehicle to make it more noisy?


Q15: What are your views on the offences and penalties set out in the Regulations?

I cannot comment as I don't know what the penalties are.

Q16: Do you think vehicle suspension of registration is effective in changing behaviour?


Q17: Do you think that monetary penalties currently set in the Act would deter

cannot comment (I tried looking for these and could not find them.