Discussion Document on OSCES

OSCES are required for all MECS services and some Glaucoma / OHT services.

PEHOWM have offered “free” OSCES to all performers at a cost to PEHOWM of £100 a time

Some LOCs have also “paid” for OSCEs for performers

Some performers have had to pay for OSCEs if attending out of area. (i.e someone form Oxford travellign to Gloucester)

The college are now providing OSCES

No further OSCEs planned by any services at present -

Discussed the issue of whether we should be paying for local performers to sit the college OSCES.
As we have been paying for OSCES so far, then are we obliged to continue paying, or is there a potential cut-off date?
Does the college have sufficient capacity to handle all our OSCEs

Do we have enough funds?
We will need to fund future revalidation, this may affect our reserves.


Charge everyone the full rate – pros no cost to PEHOWM and everyone else is charging, performers pay the going rate for CET;
cons - may act a as a deterrent

Everyone free – pros – no deterrent;
cons – expensive to PEHOWM, need to ensure we do not subsidise out of area performers

Discounted price – pros – less expensive to PEHOWM as free;
cons - may still attract out of areas performers as cheaper than elsewhere. May still deter some

Free pre service launch, charge post launch - Pros; less cost to PEHOWM, less deterrent post launch as performers wish to join an existing service and pay the going rate for CET;
Cons – may not be much of a saving if everyone signs up pre-launch; need to carefully check where performers are working

Free preservice launch, discounted price post service launch – pros & cons similar to above, but fewer savings to company likely, still need to ensure we do not subsidise out of area performers

Reimburse the fess in full if taken elsewhere – Pros – less work for us not having to put on OSCES
cons - rewards people who were not organised locally, costly to PEHOWM; dependant on other choices (i.e. not appropriate if charging everyone or charging some)

Reimburse the fees in part if taken elsewhere – pros and cons as above, less costly to PEHOWM

Free to newly qualified – pros encourages newly qualified to sign up for services, upskills workforce more quickly,
cons – cost and organisation

Information regarding the policies used elsewhere has been requested.

Follow Up Information

As at 1st November, Katrina reported that 6,700 optometrists had now completed the MECS distance learning, up from 4,550 in March while, in the same period, the number successfully completing the OSCE sessions was up to 5,387 from 3,226.