You are the committee of your local mosque. The members of your community have donated their Zakat, and you have to decide how to spend it. You have to decide how to spend £1000.

Discuss how important each charity is. For each one, discuss these questions:

-  What does the charity do?

-  How important is this work?

-  Do you, as Muslims living in Falkirk, think this is important?

Then decide how you will split up your money between the different charities. Make sure you spend exactly £1000 in total.

For more than 50 years Sightsavers International has been saving sight and changing lives in some of the world's poorest countries. Globally there are 37 million people who are blind - 75% of this blindness can be prevented or cured. Working alongside local partners we have so far restored sight to more than 5.5 million people and treated more than 100 million for sight-threatening conditions such as trachoma and river blindness.

1. Amount to give Sightsavers : £

The World Wildlife Fund has worked tirelessly for over 40 years to protect the planet's endangered species and habitats, and to build a future in which people can live in harmony with nature. To this end, WWF has started thousands of projects across the globe and has worked closely with foreign governments and local communities to improve conservation policies, stop illegal trade and enforce wildlife areas so that nature is protected.

2. Amount to give WWF : £

The Samaritans is a nationwide charity which exists to provide confidential non-judgmental, emotional support to despairing - whatever the nature of their crisis (and regardless of age, race, colour, creed or gender). Stress depression and, above all, suicide, impact on millions of lives every year; 26% of the population personally know someone who has died by suicide

3. Amount to give Samaritans : £

Siloam was founded in 1982 for converting people to Christianity in Portugal and the Third World. Siloam uses medical aid, educational help, social and other relief as a way to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Activities include sponsoring families, helping people buy clothes, and running Christian holidays for under-privileged children in Poland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Slovakia and the Ukraine. Siloam also brings sight to the blind in India.

4. Amount to give Siloam: £

Islamic Aid seeks to make immediate and lasting improvements to the lives of people affected by poverty, war and disaster.

In the battle to overcome poverty, Islamic Aid sees small victories every day. We aim to expand our successful projects that include both emergency relief and long-term solutions to poverty.

We support projects that provide the most basic and immediate needs like clean water and healthcare and we also help people to change lives for good through training, education and business start-ups. During emergencies we help meet immediate needs but are also there to help people rebuild their lives over the longer term.

5. Amount to give Islamic Aid: £

The local mosque is too small and gets very crowded on Friday. It costs money to keep the building clean and tidy.

A building extension would be very useful. Then there would be more room to pray and there could be specially built classrooms to teach young Muslims about their religion.

6. Amount to give Local Mosque : £