Discovery travel of the engineering schools of HEI ISA ISEN GROUP

Stay period: Sunday 24 to Saturday 30 April 2016

For detailed information about the stay:

The registration of students is to be done by the partner university


-Registration before: Monday 4 April 2016

-Order form to be sent before: Thursday7 April 2016

-Confirmation of reservation:100 % of the fees paid through bank transfer to HEI ISA ISEN Group before Monday 11 April 2016

Number of available places: 25 students + 6 teachers and companions.

Price of the stay: 900 € / participant (including VAT)

The above price does not include the flight expense, the expenses relative to the travel preparation in China, and the insurance fees for the repatriation which the students should take before the departure.

Service Provider:


2, rue Norbert Ségard, 59046 Lille Cedex – France




Maison de la Chine

90, rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris – France

Tél. +33-(0)

To be filled by the by the partner university and to be sent by Fax au +33 – (0)

(Nameand signature withstamp)





Listof participants:

Family name / First name / Birthday / Profession / N° passport

Number of registered students: ______x 900 € Total = ______€ TTC

Payment by bank transfer before 11 April 2016 to:

IBAN of HEI ISA ISEN Group: FR76 3000 4023 2300 0113 4009 378

Name – Firstname:



Date et signature:

Stamp of the university

Conditions Générales / General Terms

Article 1 : Acceptance

These General Terms of Stay, described below detail the rights and obligations of Group HEI ISA ISEN and their Partner in the context of the organization of a Stay in France, on its premises, as described in the purchase order.The acceptance of the purchase order is worth general acceptance, without reserve, of these General Terms of Stay by the Partner.

Article 2 : Cancellation Policy

Any registration for the stay is considered as definitive and full fees are required beyond the registration deadline, as specified in the purchase order. Beyond this deadline, the Partner remains liable to pay the full amount of expenses, as specified in the purchase order.

Group HEI ISA ISEN reserves the right to modify the content of the program of the stay if it deems it necessary. In addition Group HEI ISA ISEN reserves the right to cancel the stay in the event of insufficient participation or force majeure. In this case, costs advanced by students for their stay will be covered by Group HEI ISA ISEN.

Article 3 : Payment and responsibility

Stay expenses are those indicated in the purchase order. These expenses are based on the number of the Partner’s students participating in the Stay as specified in the purchase order. Price and payment terms are specified in the purchase order. If nothing is specified, the payment will be made in euros. No discount will be granted for early payment.

Travel expenses (outward and return flights) China-France and all administrative steps necessary for the preparation of travel to and in in France (including visas) are the sole responsibility of students. Also, before the trip, every participating students must obtain additional personal repatriation insurance at their own expense. Thus, travel expenses are paid directly by students. Group HEI ISA ISEN does not assume the responsibility for any accident occurring during travel (outward and return flights) China-France.

Article 4 : Governing law

These General Terms shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of France. The Parties shall look for a mutual agreement before any action of dispute. If the dispute cannot be resolved out of court, the Parties submit it to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts. In the case of the translation of these General Terms of Stay, in one or more other languages, the English version will be the only one to prevail.