Discoverer Report Guidance Document for use with
Patient Navigation Report
A. Goal 1: Provide patient navigation (PN) services for women age 40-64 (or < age 40 according to protocol for follow-up of abnormal CBE result) based on identified need. Refer women not eligible for BCCCP to appropriate agencies to receive services. / Discoverer Report Available1 PN services provided to women with stated incomes <138% FPL referred to HMP
(At least 1 BCCCP service Paid – check HMP box) / # of ENROLLED women referred to HMP / BCCCP Patient Navigation Quarterly Report Data
(2nd or 3rd tab: “ACA and HMP Referrals, Enter FY Parameters”
2. PN services provided to women stated incomes 139%-250% referred to Health Navigators at Enroll Michigan to obtain Marketplace Insurance
(At least 1 BCCCP service Paid – check ACA/Marketplace box) / # of ENROLLED women referred to Marketplace / See above
3. PN services provided to women in the community (regardless of insurance status). NO BCCCP services provided. / # NON-ENROLLED WOMEN assisted with services / No report- agency decides best way to collect data
Total # clients navigated / Total #’s from A1, A2 & A 3 / No report available.
A 4. PN services provided for Title X women < age 40 requiring diagnostic follow-up for an abnormal CBE result. (At least 1 BCCCP service paid) / # of Title X women < age 40 enrolled / BCCCP Patient Navigation Quarterly Report – Abnormal Screenings
(2nd tab: “Women Under 40 with Breast Services”)
A 5. Women with a diagnosis of breast or cervical cancer referred to ACS for Patient Navigation Care. (Mark NA if no women diagnosed during the quarter) / # Referrals to ACS / No report – agency decides best way to collect data
B. Goal 2: Identify eligible uninsured/underinsured women through implementation of targeted outreach and recruitment strategies and enroll or refer them to receive appropriate services. / Discoverer Report Available
1. UNINSURED eligiblewomen, including undocumented women, (non-citizens), ENROLLED in BCCCP for screening and/or diagnostic services / # uninsured women enrolled / BCCCP Patient Navigation Quarterly Report Data (Select quarter)
# uninsured = 1st tab total count + #A.1 above + #A.2 above.
2. UNDERINSURED eligiblewomen with abnormal breast/cervical screening results enrolled in BCCCP for follow-up
(Check insurance box in MBCIS- Enrollment Tab) / # underinsured women enrolled / BCCCP Patient Navigation Quarterly Report-Abnormal Screenings(1st tab: “Abnormal Screening Result”)
C. Goal 3:
Increase provider participation in referring women to BCCCP. / Discoverer Report Available
Current and new providers contacted/informed of the availability of diagnostic services for uninsured and underinsured women with abnormal breast/cervical cancer / # Providers contacted / No report – agency decides best way to collect data