Appendix 1

Notice of Proposal to Discontinue ChristChurchVoluntary Aided Church ofEngland Primary School and LewisStreetCommunityPrimary School and to Establish a New Voluntary Controlled Church of England Primary School on an Extended Lewis Street Site.

Part 1: Notice is given that Salford City Council, in accordance with section 15(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 intends to discontinue:

  • Christ Church, Voluntary Aided Church ofEngland Primary School,Nelson Street, Patricroft, Eccles, M30 0GZ
  • LewisStreetCommunityPrimary School, Lewis Street, Patricroft, Eccles, M30 0PU

On 31 August 2014.

It is proposed that from September 2014 pupils currently attending both schools will be provided for mainly by a new voluntary controlledChurch of England primary school to be established on an extended Lewis Street site, Eccles, M30 0PU. Admission may also be sought at other schools that have places available.

This proposal is linked to the parallel proposal (see Part 2) for the establishment of a new VoluntaryControlledPrimary School on an extended Lewis Street Site.

Establishment of a new VoluntaryControlledChurch of EnglandPrimary School

Part 2:Notice is given that the Manchester Diocesan Board of Education intends to establish a new voluntary controlled Church of England primary school under section 10(2) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. The Secretary of State’s consent has been obtained in order to publish this proposal

It is proposed that the school will open on 1 September 2014 and will be locatedon an extended LewisStreetPrimary School site at the junction of Liverpool Road and Lewis Street, in Patricroft Eccles, and will continue to meet the needs of the children and families from the Eccles and Barton communities.

The new school will develop an ethos of respect for diversity with a sense of personal responsibility, self worth and high aspiration for all. The school will seek to ensure that the learning needs and preferred learning styles of all children are appropriately provided for through the provision of a curriculum that is personalised and which recognises the skills required for active participation in a rapidly-changing technology-rich world.

The school will have a Church ofEngland Christian religious character and it is confirmed thattheManchester Diocesan Board of Educationintends to ask the Secretary of State to designate the school as a school with such a religious character.

The new school will cater for 420 boys and girls mainly between the ages of 4 to 11 years. The admission number for the new school on the opening date and subsequent years will be 60. In addition, there will be nursery provision for 60 full time equivalent 3 and 4 year olds.

The new school will be a fully extended school. It will be open from 8.00am to 6.00pm, all year round and will deliver extended services as part of a cluster of local schools providing the full core offer. It will also include a children’s centre hub offering health services, family support, outreach services, access to information on childcare and training and employment advice. The school will develop a uniqueidentity tailoring its provision to become a focus for the local community including facilities to support a wide area of community uses and services.

The proposed admission arrangements for the proposed new school are those currently published in respect of all community and voluntary controlled primary schools across the Authority. It is proposed that the criteria to be applied in the event of the school being over subscribed shall be as follows: -

1)Looked after children.

2)Children in need as defined by Children’s Act 1989.

3)Children with medical reasons.

4)Children with older brother or sister in attendance at the school at the time of proposed admission.

5)Children in attendance at a linked primary school.

6)Remainder of children to be admitted according to distance from the school, as measured along a straight line.

Note: In each case reference should be made to the full criteria currently set out in the publication Primary Education IN Salford – Academic Year 2010/2011, published by Salford City Council. Copies are obtainable from the Admissions and Exclusions Team at the address given below.

In view of the close proximity of the two schools, Salford local authority (LA) does not propose to make any transport provision for pupils to attend the new voluntary controlled Church of England primary school.

This Notice is an extract from the complete proposal. Copies of the complete proposal can be obtained from:Kathryn Mildenstein, Asset Planning Manager, Minerva House, Pendlebury Road, Swinton, M27 4EQ. Tel: 0161 778 0420, Fax: 0161 728 6098, E-mail: .

Within six weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Kathryn Mildenstein at the above address.

Signed: Signed:


Chief Executive Director of Education

SalfordCity Council Manchester Diocesan Board of Education

Publication Date: Publication Date:

Explanatory Notes

  1. This proposal has been promised for investment as part of Salford’s Primary Capital Programme. The Primary Capital Programme is a major capital scheme which is intended to rebuild, remodel or refurbish approximately half of primary schools nationally, over the next 13 years. It is the vision of Salford City Council to improve educational standards and help all pupils to achieve their potential.
  1. Until 31 August 2014 pupils presently attending Lewis Street and ChristChurchPrimary Schools will continue to be educated at their existing sites. Construction of the new school will proceed on the extended Lewis Street site, while that school continues to be occupied as a school.