Disclosure Statement 8th Grade English
Mrs. Wardleigh
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome Back! We are beginning a new and exciting year at Orion Junior High. I have planned some engaging and fun activities that I hope you will enjoy participating in. I am excited about the upcoming year and with your cooperation, I know it will be a success.
- All Weber School District and Orion Junior High policies will be enforced. Copies of these are available in the main office.
- Students are expected to be prepared, to attend class regularly, and to participate in the day’s activities.
- All students will be responsible to bring a pen (no yellow or orange) or pencil, a notebook or paper, and other requested materials with them to class each day.
- Students will be expected to submit timely and quality written work.
- No cell phones will be allowed in class unless teacher permission is given.
Absences and Tardies
Roll will be taken at the beginning of each class period. Students are expected to arrive in class on time.
3 unexcused tardies or absences = N in citizenship
5 unexcused tardies or absences = U in citizenship
Absent Work
Any student with an excused absence can turn in work missed due to that absence. All absent work will need to be turned in within ONE WEEK of the student’s return to school.
All assignments will be written on a 3x5 card which will be posted on the magnet board on the counter. Students can look at the card to see what work was missed and needs to be made up. Another way students can find out what work was missed is to look at my blog
Late Work
Students are expected to turn all work in on time. Students will be given plenty of notice in regards to all due dates and deadlines, so they will be expected to meet those dates by turning their work in on time. I will work with students on an individual basis to help them be successful in my class.
Updating Grades on My Weber
Grades will be entered into the computer each day. My Weber updates the grades that night. When a student turns in absent work, the score will not appear on My Weber until the next day.
Classroom Rules
1. Follow directions
2. Bring writing utensil and paper to class every day
3. Be on time
5. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself
Class Overview
In this class we will be learning about different types of text, reading strategies, and writing techniques. We will be reading selections from Elements of Literature as well as some of the following novels.
1. Chasing Lincoln’s Killer6. Hunger Games
2. Elephant Run7. Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
3. Deathwatch8. Tangerine
4. Jason’s Gold9. Just Ella
5. Locked in Time10. The Westing Game
We will also be watching Home Aloneand Tall Talewhich are both rated PG. The purpose of watching Home Alone is to write a compare/contrast essay. We will be comparing the Hollywood survival in the movie to real survival in the book Deathwatch. We are watching small portions of Tall Tale, so the students can get a visual image of the characters we will be reading about during our Folklore Unit.
Outside Reading
One of the required assignments for each term will be outside reading. Each student will need to earn 20 accelerated reader points before the end of the quarter. The students will have 10 points due at Midterms and 10 points due at the end of the quarter. The due dates will be posted on the wall in my room and also on my blog. If a student does not earn 10 points at midterm, he or she may still earn 20 points by the end of the quarter. However, any points earned after midterms will not be added to the grade until the end of the quarter.
Grading Policy
A 93-100%B 83-86%C 73-76%D 60-65%
A- 90-92%B- 80-82%C- 70-72%D- 55-59%
B+ 87-89%C+ 77-79%D+ 66-69%F 54% and below
Substitute Teacher Policy
Any student whose name is written down by a substitute teacher may receive the following consequences: 1. U in citizenship and 2. Phone Call Home.
Any student caught cheating will be given an automatic U on their citizenship and a zero on the assignment.The U in citizenship can change as the student proves that he or she can be a good citizen (ie. Arrive on time to class, behave appropriately in the classroom, doing his or her own work and not the work of others, etc.).
Together I know that we can have a fun, educational, and successful year. Please sign your names and return the bottom portion. If you have any questions regarding these policies, please contact me at the school (452-4700) or email me at .
Thank you,
Mrs. Wardleigh
Please sign and return the bottom portion of this disclosure to Mrs. Wardleigh. Your signature indicates that you have read and are aware of class expectations and accept “My Weber The Portal” access as notification of impending failure or loss of credit.
I/We have read all of the disclosure statement and understand what is expected for a successful year.
Student: ______
Parent/Guardian: ______
Email: ______