042-18. 1.119/02 – 2016 / Red. № 1 from 08.09.2016 / Page.1from 12
Document SMQ 3 level / Syllabus / Syllabus
042-18. 1.119/02 – 2016
Discipline working curriculum (syllabus)
"Modern environmental problems" / Edition № 1from 8 September 2016



Name of the discipline: "Modern environmental problems"

Amount of credits: 3

Code – specialty name: 5V060800- "Ecology"

Faculty, Department:Agrarian Faculty, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Semey 2016



Author: Melnik M.S., Senior Lecturer______«31 august» 2016 y.


2.1 Chair meeting « Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection»

Record from «31» august 2016 y, № 1

Head of the chair ______Zh.K. Kabisheva

2.2 Faculty Educational and Methodological Board meeting
agrarian Faculty

Record from «1» september2016, №1.

Chair man ______A.V. Tleubaeva


Approved and recommended to publish at University Educational and Methodological Board’s meeting

Record from «8» September 2016, № 1.

Chairman, Vice-rector for Academic and Methodology Work ______G.K. Iskakova

IMPLEMENTED for the first time








1.1 General information about instructor and course

Instructor’s full name:Melnik Marina Sergeevna

Academic degree, title: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Faculty, chair: Agrarian Faculty, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection

Contact information tel .: 53-07-92, e-mail - , educational building number 8, office 128;

1.2 Course short description

Basic discipline, the component of choice.

This program establishes the order of organization of educational process on discipline "Modern environmental problems"in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the following documents:

- Resolution of the Government dated August 23, 2012 № 1080 (in RK Government amended by the Resolution № 292 of 5/13/2016);

- Curriculum subjects "Modern environmental problems"

This discipline is closely linked with ecology, pedagogy, teaching methodology of ecology, psychology, logic, and others.

Humanity has entered the third millennium with a huge number of environmental problems. In the current conditions of strict environmental crisis, to overcome which ensures the preservation of humanity and the world, the foundation of education and training are, first of all, the relationship between man and nature. Therefore, environmental education today transformed into a rod of modern education, as the key to the restructuring of the modern education system and society as a whole.

The main cause of the environmental crisis - a low level of ecological culture of society. The most important factor in stopping the degradation of the biosphere and its subsequent recovery is the formation of ecological culture, including environmental education and environmental education.

Environmental education is a priority of the state strategy for sustainable development of Kazakhstan. It must contribute to the solution of environmental problems the country's population in a rapidly changing environment. This education is intended to generate public ecological outlook, the legal position, the complex scientific knowledge, promote translate knowledge into practice, the ability to cooperate with each other; raise the level of human culture and society as a whole, to improve the moral qualities of people.

1.3 Course study aims

Develop in students and society in general environmental philosophy based on the unity of scientific and practical knowledge , modern thinking , based on the organization of science-based system acts on the harmonization of relations with the environment society , providing the opportunity of long-term sustainable development.

1.4 Course study objectives

- Formation of knowledge needed to understand the processes occurring in the "Man- technics- society-nature" system, helping to solve local social and environmental issues;

- Upbringing careful attitude towards nature and the development of active citizenship, based on a sense of belonging to the solution of social and environmental issues and responsibility for the environment;

-Ability to analyze environmental problems and to predict the effects of human activities in nature are capable of independent and joint adoption and implementation of environmental decisions.

1.5 Competences (study results)

At the end of the study student has to:


• problems of ecology, nature conservation and environmental management;

• the basic principles, methodological techniques and approaches used in the promotion of environmental awareness;

• conceptual foundations of environmental education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To be able to:

• reasonably and rationally choose to apply the methods, techniques and tools of environmental education and promotion of environmental awareness;

• to awaken and develop the students' interest in nature and conservation activities;

• collect and analyze environmental information to their area;

Have skills:

• explain the reasons for the population, the consequences. The dangers of pollution and degradation of the biosphere, the depletion of resources, reduction of the gene pool of the planet;

• give evidence to support the reality of occurrence of environmental disasters.

Вe competent:

  • in the formation of ecological culture and ecological outlook

1.6 Pre –requisites

An oriented professional foreign language

Ecology and Sustainable Development

1.7 Post-requisites

Graduate work

1.8 Extract from academic curriculum

Extract from academic curriculum in Table 1

Table 1

Course / Term / Credits / Lecture
hours / Practice lessons
hours / Lab.
hours / IWS / Total / Form of control
3 / 5 / 3 / 30 / 15 / 90 / 135 / exam


Course content and hours distribution by lesson types presented in Table 2

Table 2

№ / Module. Topic / Hours
Lecture / Lab. / Pract. / SIW / Literature
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Module 1. The concept of environmental education
Introduction / 2 / 1 / 5.1.1-5.1.3
Terms, concepts, goals, objectives, principles and directions of environmental education. / 2 / 1 / 5.1.1-5.1.3
Models of environmental education. / 2 / 1 / 20 / 5.1.1-5.1.3
Environmental education, culture, morality and ethics. / 4 / 2 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
Concept and types of outlook. The ecological worldview. / 2 / 1 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
Formal and non-formal environmental education. / 4 / 2 / 20 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
Module 2.Level of environmental education and outlook
Methodological aspects and conceptual principles of a continuous system of environmental education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. / 2 / 1 / 20 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
The concept of environmental education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. / 2 / 1 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
Environmental education in preschool and natural history lessons. Itsaimsandobjectives. / 2 / 1 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
Formation of ecological knowledge on botany lessons / 2 / 1 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
Formation of ecological knowledge in the course of zoology / 2 / 1 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
Formation of ecological knowledge in the course "Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the person" / 2 / 1 / 30 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
Formation of ecological knowledge in the course "General Biology" / 2 / 1 / 5.3.1-5.3.3
30 / 15 / 90

2.1 Tasks for 1st-2ndMidtermExam.

Tasks for 1stMidtermExam.

  1. Who is the author of the term "ecology"?
  2. Who coined the term "ecology" and "benthos"?
  3. What is the subject of the study of ecology?
  4. Who is the author of the famous book - "The Origin of Species by Means
  5. natural selection? "
  6. Who is the author of modern ecology classification proposed in 1994?
  7. Give the correct definition of ecology:
  8. How is the diversity of all life on Earth - from genes to ecosystems?
  9. Who is the author of "The Universal morphology of organisms?"
  10. What is the content of modern ecology?
  11. What is studying Urban ecology?
  12. What direction does not apply to Applied Ecology?
  13. "Golden Age" of ecology are:
  14. What are the three main areas of ecology?
  15. What causes a violation of the environment as a result of direct or indirect human impact?
  16. How is called the ecology, which studies the relationship between components in biotic systems on levels of biological organization, ranging sorganizmennogo (for NF Reimers)?
  17. How is called the ecology, studies the mechanisms of destruction of the biosphere, ways to prevent this process and develop environmental management guidelines (for NF Reimers)?
  18. How are the basic standards of living?
  19. What studies synecology?
  20. Who laid the foundations of mathematical modeling in ecology and the first mathematical models of ecological systems developed?

Tasks for 2ndMidtermExam.

  1. What are the environmental studies?
  2. What is the section of ecology that studies changes in population structure, environmental adaptation mechanisms, regulation of population size and stability prirodnyhtsenozov?
  3. What consumables system explores the social ecology?
  4. The study of the environmental problems of the earth as a planet is engaged in:
  5. What is one of the main tasks of Applied Ecology?
  6. What is the literal translation of the term "ecology"?
  7. The term "ecology" was introduced in what year?
  8. What factors limit for what - the process, the phenomenon ilisuschestvovaniya body?
  9. What applies to abiotic environmental factors?
  10. The highest biodiversity is located in:
  11. How are called the adaptive response of the organism?
  12. What groups are divided into environmental factors?
  13. The intensity of the environmental factors that give the worst effect on the viability of the organism, called the area:
  14. What is referred to as zoogenic environmental factor?
  15. What is the adaptation of the species to the individual factors?
  16. What are the different kinds of organisms to adapt?
  17. Tolerance - is the body's ability to:
  18. Under the action, what are the main factors of developing the adaptation of organisms to the environment?
  19. Such factors relate to climatic abiotic environmental factors:
  20. Biotic factors of ecological environment are divided into:


Attendance is strictly necessary. If for any reason a student cannot attend, then a student is responsible for all the material.

Control tasks are required to perform and should be given on time. The work carried out with a delay, will automatically be assessed below.

The results of the Midterm Examination are marked based on attendance, performance of students independent work in a timely manner, activity at lessons in oral or written form, the results of the Midterm Examination.

If a student missed a class and failed to pass the Midterm Exam in a timely manner due to illness or other valid reasons, documented by the organization, a student is entitled to an individual passing of Midterm Exam. In this case, specific date of Midterm Exam is set according to the provided documents.

Any cheating or plagiarism (use, copying works of the other students) is forbidden, and the student will not be allowed to present at the lesson and / or there will be penalty assessment "unsatisfactory".

Cell phones must to be turned off during lessons.


In each discipline, irrespective of the number of credits, 600 points are given for one academic term (1-7 week - 270 points and 30 points for attendance; 8-15 week - 270 points and 30 points for attendance).

The distribution of scores on the weeks and types of knowledge control is presented in Table 3.

Table 3

№ week / Theme of lab., practical lesson, seminar, SIW / Control type / Total scores
1 / 2 / 4 / 3
1-7 / Attendance of all classes
from 1st up to 7th week / Non - attendance is only noted / 30
Laboratory work, practical class, seminar, SIW
1 / Effects of abiotic factors on the vital activity of organisms living in the soil /
combinedsurvey / 15
2 / Sanitary-hygienic assessment of workplace / combinedsurvey / 15
3 / levels of particulate air pollution study on silicatevillage
IWS 1.
My future profession / combinedsurvey
essay / 15
4 / Determinationofanthropogenicpollution / combinedsurvey / 15
5 / Research inhabitants of the coastal zone / combinedsurvey / 15
6 / Research pond life and its protection
IWS 2.Today's global environmental problems / combinedsurvey
presented / 15
7 / 1 Midterm Exam / combinedsurvey / 70
Total scores by the academic results from 1st up to 7th week / 30+270=
8-15 / Attendance of all types classes from 8th up to 15th week / Non- attendance is only noted / 30
Laboratory work, practical class, seminar, SIW
8 / The study of the state of vegetation and trees on the banks of the Irtysh / combinedsurvey / 15
9 / Making environmental crosswords for primary school age / combinedsurvey / 15
10-11 / Development of the ecological path for students grades 5-6 to become familiar with the variety of flora and conditions of their habitat.
IWS 3.Environmental education in different countries / combinedsurvey
report / 15
12 / Preparation of stand, posters about healthy lifestyles. / combinedsurvey / 15
13-14 / IWS 4.The concept of environmental education of the Republic Kazakhstan / report / 55
15 / 2 Midterm Exam / combinedsurvey / 7-
Total scores by the academic results from 8th up to 15th week / 30+270=
Examination total score / 400
Academic period score / 1000

The student is allowed for the exam on the subject, if student total rating ranges from 300 to 600 points per semester, and if the student has no missed assignment on disciplines that are prerequisites of the discipline.

The examination of the discipline is defined as the sum of the maximum performance indicators: total certification (60%), exam (40%), which is 100%.

Final evaluation of students' knowledge on the subject is determined by the scale (Table 4).

Table 4

Score grading alphabetic scale of knowledge assessment

Letter grade / Grade point value / Percentage / Traditional grading scale
А / 4,0 / 95-100 / Excellent
А- / 3,67 / 90-94
В+ / 3,33 / 85-89 / Good
В / 3.00 / 80-84
В- / 2,67 / 75-79
С+ / 2,33 / 70-74 / Satisfactory
С / 2,00 / 65-69
С- / 1,67 / 60-64
Д+ / 1,33 / 55-59
Д / 1,00 / 50-54
F / 0,00 / 0-49 / Unsatisfactory



5.1.1 Коробкин, В.И. Экология: учеб. для вузов / В.И. Коробкин; В.Передельский, Приходченко О.Е. М.: "Кнорус", 2009. - 345 с.

5.1.2 Бигалиев А.Б., Халилов М.Ф., Шарипова М.А. Основы общей экологии Алматы, Қазақуниверситеті», 2007, 246с.

5.1.3 Колумбаева С.Ж., Бильдебаева Р.М. Общая экология. Алматы, «Қазақуниверситеті», 2006, 204с.

5.1.4 Скрипникова Л.В. Промышленная экология.- Семипалатинск.,2007.

5.1.5 Коробкин, В.И. Экология в вопросах и ответах: учеб. Пособие для вузов / В.И. Коробкин; В.Передельский. - 5-е изд.- Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2010.- 384 с.

5.1.6 Григорьева И.Я. Учебно-методические материалы. УМКД- часть-3.- Семей, 2012, 157с.

5.1.7 Коробкин, В.И. Экология: учеб. для вузов / В.И. Коробкин; В.Передельский.13-е изд.- Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2008.- 602 с.

5.1.8 Григорьева И.Я. Практикум «Экология и устойчивое развитие» для студентов не биологических специальностей.- Семей, 2008, 96с

5.1.9 Панин М.С. Загрязнение окружающей среды. Семей .2011, 548с.

5.1.10 Экологический кодекс РК, Астана 2007 г.


5.2.1 Англо - русский биологический словарь.- М.: «РУССО», 2000.

5.2.2 Англо-казахско-русский словарь.Химия - КарГУ.,2011г

5.2.3 Гальскова 1 Г.Д., Гез Н.И. Теория и методика обучения иностранным
языкам. Лингводидактика " Методика.- Москва, 2005.

5.2.4 Луговекая Е.I Г, Апековар.н., Бурова Т.В., МахметоваД.М. Методическая разработка по английскому языку для студентов естественных фа культ етов "Ecology".- Алматы: Казак университет, 2011.

5.2.5 Федорова А.И., Никольская А.Н. Практикум по экологии и охране окружающей среды. Москва. 2003г.

5.3. Internet resources



