SECTION ONE: What We Believe
We believe in the Incarnation, that God the Son became man to be wit us and to save us from sin. We believe that Jesus died on the cross, rose from the dead, and that he will come again in glory to judge all people. Read Matthew 25: 31-46. On a separate sheet of paper, write a short paragraph explaining what Jesus teaches us about the Last Judgment. (You can also draw a picture to go along with your paragraph if you like.) Attach the sheet to this form.
Option 1: Ask your teacher to allow you to read your paragraph from the above required activity to your class. After you have shared your paragraph, have your teacher sign here______
Option 2: We believe that the saints are examples of holiness for us. With your parent’s permission go online saintsresource.com, then click on “Saints in Blest are We”, then click on your grade. Choose and read about one of the saints listed (click on the saints name). Read about that saint and write a short paragraph about that saint and how he/she shows you how to live______
SECTION TWO: How We Worship
REQUIRED ACTIVITY: As Catholics, we believe that “the Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Day and his Eucharist is at the heart of the Church’s life (CCC 2177). It is important that we gather as a Church family each Sunday and on Holy Days to worship. Say hello to the priest or deacon after Mass on least 10 of the following weekends/Holy Days and have the priest or deacon initial next to the appropriate date:
Nov 26/27______Dec 3/4______Dec 7/8_____Dec 10/11_____ Dec 17/18___ Dec 24/25____
Dec 31/Jan 1_____Jan 7/8 _____ Jan 14/15____Jan 21/22______Jan 28/29____Feb 4/5_____
Feb 6/7____Feb 11/12____Feb 18/19____Feb 25/26____Mar 1_____
Mar 4/5____Mar 11/12____Mar 18/19____Mar 25/26_____Apr 13_____Apr 15/16_____
Option 1: Take up the gifts at a Sunday Mass with your family. Parents should call Mrs. Rachel Daigneault to schedule this. Write the date you took up the gifts here______
Option 2: Participate in the Children’s choir at the Christmas Family Mass on December 24th. Concert is at 4:30 and Mass is at 5:00. (Practice time will be announced).
Option 3: With your family, serve as greeters at a Sunday Mass. You should arrive 15 minutes prior to Mass to greet people and open the church doors for them as they arrive for Mass. Write the date you served ______and have an usher sign here______
Option 4: We believe that the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is a celebration of God’s love and forgiveness. As a family, go to the Advent and/or Lenten Parish Penance service.
Write the date here______
We believe that we are disciples of Christ and we are called to continue Jesus’ mission. Jesus wants us to share His love with others by acting lovingly, fairly, and peacefully.
Option 1: The Beatitude are teachings of Jesus that describe the way to live as his disciple. Learn the Beatitudes and recite them to your teacher, Ms. Santana or Mrs. Vinson. Have one of them sign here______
Option 2: Choose one of the Beatitudes to focus on for a week. On a separate sheet of paper, list the Beatitude you chose. For each day of the week, write a few sentences about how you lived out this Beatitude on that day. Attach the sheet to this form.
Option 3: Shop as a family for the for food to donate to the Food Pantry.
Option 4: With your parent’s help, choose one way that you can be a peacemaker in your family. On a separate sheet of paper, describe what you came up with. Write a short prayer asking for God to help you to be a peacemaker in your family. Attach your description and prayer to this form.
Prayer is the life of a new heart. It ought to animate us at every moment. “We must remember God more often than we draw breath.” (CCC 2697)
OPTION 1: Visit the Padre Pio shrine behind the church. Pray one decade of the Rosary for your own personal intention. Write the date you visited the shrine here______
OPTION 2: Learn the Prayer of St. Francis. Recite it to your teacher, Ms. Santana or Mrs. Vinson. Have them sign here______
OPTION 3: Make up your own prayer dedicated to Mary. Ask your teacher to allow you to share your prayer with your class. After you have shared your prayer have your teacher sign here______
OPTION 4: With your family attend First Friday Eucharistic Adoration (held on every First Friday of the month from 5 to 9 pm). Write the date you attended here______
Option 5: Pray the Advent Wreath prayers with your family. Write the dates here______
Option 6: Attend Stations of the Cross with your family. Write the dates you attended here______
Award Completion and Submission Form
When you have completed all the requirements for the Discipleship award, complete this information below and submit it with all the necessary paperwork and attachments. All forms and attachments are due no later than Wednesday April 26.
Check One: ______Most Holy Redeemer Faith Formation
______Catholic School ______Home Schooled
In case we have any questions, please complete the following information:
Parent’s Name ______
Parent’s Email______
Parent’s Phone Number______