------Disciples Christian Church …. where Life meets Love ------Page 1

Calendar for May

Sunday, May1

10:00 a.m. Discovery Time

11:00 a.m. Worship

6:00 p.m. BoB

7:00 p.m. Move Yard Sale Items from basement

Wednesday. May4

7:00 p.m. Faith in Action - Yard Sale Prep

Fri-Sat May 6-7 -Yard Sale at Church

Sunday, May8 - Mother's Day

10:00 a.m. Discovery Time

11:00 a.m. Worship

6:00 p.m. BoB

Wednesday. May11

7:00 p.m. Steering Committee Meeting

Sunday. May 15

10:00 a.m. Discovery Time

11:00 a.m. Worship

6:00 p.m. BoB

Cottey Graduation

Wednesday. May18

7:00 p.m. Timely Topics

Saturday. May 21

9:00 a.m. Roadside Community Cleanup

Sunday, May22

10:00 a.m. Discovery Time

11:00 a.m. Worship

6:00 p.m. BoB

Nevada High School Graduation

Wednesday. May 25

7:00 p.m. Faith in Action

Sunday, May 29

10:00 a.m. Discovery Time

11:00 a.m. Worship-KFC

5:00 p.m. Fellowship Dinner & Game Night

Newsletter Deadline

Mayevents and activities are for everyone!

We begin the month with our Yard Sale on Friday and Saturday, May 6-7. On Sunday, May 8 we celebrate Mother's Day. Then on Saturday, May 21, we'll join together for our 2nd annual roadside cleanup. We'll conclude the month on Sunday, May 29, with a fellowship potluck dinner of salads, sandwiches and desserts followed by Game Night. Make note of additional activities listed above. It should be a fun month of work and play.

From the Pastor's Desk

Some Post-Easter Thoughts on Resurrection

Resurrection—was it really only yesterday? Or was it yesterday almost 2000 years ago? Does it matter? What difference does it make?

In the preaching and teaching of Jesus, the apostles, and evangelists it made a great deal of difference. It makes so much difference that if Christ had not been raised from the dead then the cross of Christ would have been just another Roman death penalty and execution like any other crucifixion. If Christ only shed his blood and died on the cross without then being raised, we would still be in our sins and without hope! If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is pretense and your faith is futile, the Apostle Paul said.[1] After all, it was not the announcement by Jesus that he would be killed, but rather that after three days he would be raised up that caused so much bafflement, consternation, resistance, and furor. Does that say that without the resurrection, the cross presents no challenge or threat?

But, the fact is God has “raised us up with Christ” and “made us alive with him”[2] as evidenced by our baptism and transformative new life.[3] Could it be that so many Christians struggle with their discipleship to Jesus and continue to wrestle with the sin that so easily besets us humans is that we draw “too much attention” to the cross and “too little attention” to the resurrection, i.e., “newness of life”? Death does not change much about the human predicament. Resurrection changes everything about it.

Now don’t misunderstand me. The cross precedes the resurrection, but alas our message does not end at Calvary. Hallelujah!

Let the resurrection message of Jesus Christ ring out today in our hearts, across our land, and throughout the earth! Let us say with his early disciples “I want to know Christ and THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION[4] and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, so, somehow [mysteriously], to attain to the resurrection from the dead.”[5]

Pastor Thomas

Prayer Concerns:Becky Arthur, Wanda Arthur, Mia Besaw, Naomi Cummings, Connie Earll, Ernest Earll, Jonathan Hall, Stephen Martin, Chuck Nash, Laney Watkins those serving in the military, the Ozark Lakes Area Churches and that we may reach like minded persons to worship with us and join in our mission.

Prayer List Policy: Names/concerns will be listed for two weeks. Please submit requests for retention to Pastor Thomas.

Sermons and Scripture for May

May 01, 2011

Acts 2:1-14a, 22-32

Psalm 16

1 Peter 1:3-9 - A Living Hope, Hope for Living

John 20:19-31

May 08, 2011

Acts 2:14a, 36-41

Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19

1 Peter 1:17-23 - What A Difference A Resurrection Makes!

Luke 24:13-35

May 15, 2011

Acts 2:42-47

Psalm 23

1 Peter 2:19-25 - Healed by Resurrection

John 10:1-10

May 22, 2011

Acts 7:55-60

Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16

1 Peter 2:2-10 - The Mighty Acts of Him Who Called You

John 14:1-14

May 29, 2011

Acts 17:22-31

Psalm 66:8-20

1 Peter 3:13-22 - The Hope That Is in You

John 14:15-21

Roadside Cleanup

Last year we had a great 'hot' time cleaning up a county road near Nevada. This year we're doing it again when it should be cooler. Come join in on Saturday, May 21. We'll meet at the church at 9:00 a.m. and Silver will direct us to our destination. Be sure to wear your BoB shirt or a brightly colored shirt so we'll be seen. After our cleanup efforts there's a rumor floating around that we may go out for some lunch!

Birthday and Anniversaries

Happy belated Anniversary to Mike & Sally Williams 4/25.

Happy Birthday to Mike Williams on May 15.

Happy Anniversary to Terry & Sara on May 16.

Steering Committee

Highlights from April 6, 2011

  1. Opening prayer-Melissa Earll
  2. Pastor’s Report - Thomas presented printed report

Requested to be away on June 5 & June 12

Present message 6/5 is BoB, 6/12 is Melissa Earll

  1. Treasury Report –Ken presented printed report
  2. Minutes –Silver- read and approved
  3. Property - Jim - Carpet tape purchased, chair fund report and sump pump installed
  4. Worship – Barb
  5. Palm Sunday4/17 (Melissa Palms)
  6. Maundy Thursday 4/21 7:00
  7. Easter Sunday 4/24
  8. Mother's Day 5/8
  9. Membership
  10. Fellowship 4/24, 9:30 a.m.
  11. Treat bags 5/8
  12. May Fellowship 5/29 -salad, sandwiches and desserts
  13. Game night 5/29
  14. BoB -
  15. Work at recycle center 4/16
  16. Lenten service 4/17 at Methodist church
  17. Evangelism -
  18. Fundraising - Yard Sale - May 6 & 7
  19. Topics/Work for Faith in Action
  20. April 13 - Timely Topics - Tell our Story
  21. April 20 - Yard Sale Prep
  22. April27 - Yard Sale Prep
  23. May 4 - Yard Sale Prep
  24. May11 - Steering Committee
  25. May 18 - Timely Topic
  26. May 25 - TBA
  27. Newsletter deadline April 25.
  28. Closing Prayer - Ken Fortney

New Chairs Enjoyed by All

Thirty-five new chairs were purchased and delivered just in time for the Easter breakfast at church. Thanks to all who made donations to the chair fund. The chairs are a great asset to our facility.

Congratulations to Becca and Kelly

Becca Grant will be graduating from Cottey College with her associates degree on May 15. Her plans are to return to Montana and finish her elementary education degree. Becca has been a welcome addition to our church family while attending Cottey. She'll be missed and we wish her well as she continues her education.

Kelly Spong received a softball scholarship to return to Cottey this fall. We have also enjoyed Kelly as she participates in worship with us. It will be a pleasure to have her returning to Nevada next fall.

Worship Report

Join uson May 8 as we honor the ladies of the church in observance of Mother's Day.Barbara Fortney

Easter Activities not dampened by weather.

Even though it was a cool and damp Easter there were many that participated in the activities of the day. Over 20 enjoyed breakfast at church on Easter morning. Several visitors joined us for worship. In the evening the kids enjoyed hunting for eggs and everyone enjoyed the cookout (moved to the church) with great food and conversation. Thanks to everyone that made the day's events so special and meaningful.

BoB's May Activities

Sunday, May 1, 8, 15, 22 - 6:00 Regular BoB Meeting

Saturday, May 7 - Sign up to help at Church Yard Sale

Sat., May21, 9:00 a.m-Roadside Cleanup-wear BoB shirt

Sunday, May28, 5:00- Fellowship Dinner & Game Night

BoB Report by Jessi

April BOB Bytes

One day after April Fools’ Day the BOBs rolled down to Silver Dollar City for the 2nd annual Christian Kids Day (2nd annual for us anyway). We had a great time, eating and riding and playing and praising. God blessed us with beautiful weather all day and except for a few individuals who got a bit sunburned it was a perfect day. All of us at BOB really, really, really want to thank the church family for buying up all our auction goodies and making it possible for all of us to have a really cool time! THANKS AGAIN!

Thanks to....

Mt Vernon First Christian Church for their contribution

Yard Sale Friday & Saturday May 6 & 7

There will be a signup sheet at church for workers the days of the Yard Sale. Please sign up whenever you can help. We need helpers both days.


Our congregation, Disciples Christian Church, is founded to glorify God through worship, mission and actions, be led by the Holy Spirit and provide a loving and inclusive community of faith for God’s children to worship.

------Disciples Christian Church …. where Life meets Love ------Page 1

[1] 1 Corinthians 15:14

[2] Ephesians 2:5-6

[3] Romans 6:4

[4] Emphasis mine.

[5] Philippians 3:10-11