Disaster Special Interest Group

Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2015

Attendance:Kathe Conlon

Bruce Greenstein

Katie Hollowed

Narayan Iyer

Jim Jeng

Brian Joho

Brooke Lemme

Annette Matherly

Judy Placek

Andrea Valenta

Sue Vanek

Myra Williams

Minutes Approval / Minutes approved without corrections. / For information only.
SIG Letter to Editor / Randy Kearns revised the abstract outlining the work of the SIG, particularly the regional templates and submitted it to the JBCR as a letter to the editor. The letter was reviewed and sent back for additional editing. It is pending publication. No date as of yet. / Dr. Kearns will notify group once published.
SIG Letter to the Editor re: Burn Center Verification / The group discussed the disaster planning criteria for verification and inconsistency in surveyors. The group considered sending a letter to the editor seeking clarification. Brian Joho recommended holding off until the new standards have been implemented. There was additional discussion as to who develops the criteria, especially pertaining to disaster standards? Group recommendation that email be drafted to Disaster Sub Chair (Jeng) with cc to ODBC (Hickerson) and Verification Committee Chairs raising these issues and offering to assist with process. / Brian Joho will work with the group to develop an email from the group.
Report from OBDC / Ms. Conlon reported the following:
  1. Dr. Hickerson would be leading a session on disaster preparedness at the National Leadership Conference. Ms. Conlon will be in attendance and provide an update at the annual meeting.
/ For Information Only
Regional Updates / West: They had their first Tabletop for the Western States with both State and HHS coordinators. They will plan a full scale regional exercise in 2016.
Northeast: Ms. Conlon reported that there is conference call being held this month for the Eastern Region Burn Disaster Consortium.The National Burn Bed abstract accepted for presentation at the ABA Annual Meeting.
Mid-West: Judy Placek reported that they are making progress on engaging the region. They will be conducting a functional drill in the near future. They are looking for funding to develop a technology solution for bed reporting and coordination.
South: No report. Need to identify a new representative. Sue Vanek reviewed process for disaster planning in Texas.
Great Lakes: No report.
Standard Operating Procedure in a Burn Mass Casualty / A subgroup will work on this and report at the DSIG meeting at the Annual Meeting. / Andrea will take lead.
Super Bowl Burn Bed Census Hotwash / Ms. Matherly reported that the burn bed census was done on the Friday prior to the event. The exercise went well and identified a total of 127 beds immediately available (10 of which were peds only).
Update ABA & DHHS / No new information to report. The group suggested inviting the HHS regional coordinator for the Chicago area to the DSIG meeting. / Andrea Will extend an invitation.
Transfer Agreements / Dr. Jeng relayed that this was an important issue of ongoing concern. He suggested engaging Dr. Foster, the chair of the Government Afairs Committee and Dr Hickerson , Chair of the ODBC. Email should come through Dr. Jeng.
Agenda for SIG Meeting at Annual Meeting. /
  • Follow-up on items listed in minutes.
  • Regional updates
  • “Overlapping” bed reporting for Western NY and Western PA

Tabletop Exercise / The format for the Disaster Lunch Symposium on Friday at the Annual Meeting will be a tabletop exercise. Andrea and Mr. Tom Flamm will be co-moderators. We will invite the HHS rep to this as well. / Ms. Valenta and Ms. Matherly will work with Mr. Flamm to develop and present the tabletop. Regional representative should attend in order to facilitate their region’s participation.
Next Meeting / ABA Annual Meeting, 4/21/15 at 11:00 A.M. (Please note the time has been changed from time listed on Registration brochure).