Disability Information Service
Work Plan
Organisation nameService name
Financial year / 1 July 20<insert year> to 30 June 20<insert year>
Key contact person(s) and position title
Geographical service delivery area (specify LGAs or statewide)
Service type funded for / 6.02 6.03 6.05
Funding amount for
High level summary of what the organisation does
1. Work Plan authorised and submitted by:
(Name) (Title) (Signature) (Date)
2. End of Year Report authorised and submitted by:
(Name) (Title) (Signature) (Date)
What is this work plan and why is it necessary?
Under the NSW Information Program Guidelines, ADHC funded information providers are required to develop an annual work plan that describes their service delivery priorities for the coming financial year, the activities they will undertake and how these activities contribute to achieving the objectives of the information program. The work plan has been designed to capture this information as easily as possible.
Five steps for completing the Work Plan:
The work plan covers financial years from 1 July to 30 June each year. For the financial year, complete the following:
1. Activities: Tell us the specific activities you do that deliver information services and the target group for each activity. This could include, but is not limited to, activities such as producing newsletters for carers, maintain a website for people with disabilities, their families and carers, operating a call centre or providing information sessions to community organisations on disability related matters.
- Objectives: Identify which objective(s) each activity contributes to (you can check more than one box). The objectives for the NSW Information Program are:
a) empower people with a disability to communicate their own preferences to enable informed planning and decision making
b) facilitate inclusion for people with a disability, their family and carers, in the community;
c) increase ease of access and timeliness to relevant, local and other information;
d) respond to identified information and communication modes/needs that contribute to improving outcomes for people with a disability, their families and carers;
e) improve the cultural appropriateness of format and content of information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a disability so that they have greater choice in community participation;
f) improve the cultural appropriateness of formal and content of information for people with a disability from a culturally and linguistically diverse background so that they have greater choice in community participation;
g) include and value families and carers as part of the support system for people with a disability;
h) provide information to the broader community to assist in knowledge and understanding of issues affecting people with a disability, their families and carers;
i) ensure the delivery of high quality information services.
- Quantity Measures: For each activity, tell us how much of this you will be doing during the reporting year. The quantity measure may include:
a. how many times you are planning to do the activity for the reporting year and/or
b. an estimate of how many people you anticipate will participate or receive that activity.
For example, an organisation might plan to produce (a) 4 newsletters for the year which will be sent out to (b) 300 people each time. Or an organisation might maintain (a) one website, with an estimated (b) 2000 hits for the year.
4. Quality Measures: Tell us how you will know if you did the activity well. What measures will you use to assess the effectiveness of the activity? For example, customer satisfaction rates or increase in distribution numbers.
5. Further Information (optional): Include anything else that you want to tell us about your information service that may be relevant or useful.
If your organisation provides both advocacy and information services you only need to submit one plan. However, the plan should have two sections, one outlining the information services you provide and the other outlining the advocacy services you provide (see the Disability Advocacy Service Work Plan template for guidance about how to complete the advocacy section).
Submitting Your Work Plan
Please forward your completed work plan to your ADHC District contact by 31 May. Your District contact will work with you to ensure that the work plan meets the requirements. You will be advised when your work plan has received final approval.
End of Year Reporting
Under the NSW Information Program Guidelines, ADHC funded information providers are also required to submit an End of Year report (previously called a progress report). The work plan covers financial years from 1 July to 30 June each year. At the end of each financial year you are required to submit an end of year report on the work plan. After 30 June each year, you have 3 months to submit your end of year report. The deadline for submitting your End of Year report is 30 September.
To complete your End of Year report, complete the last two columns on the work plan under the heading ‘End of Year Report’. For each activity complete the following:
- How many times did you deliver the activity and to how many people?: Tell us how much of the activity you actually delivered in the reporting year.
- How well did you do (as per your quality measure)?: Tell us how well you performed in that activity, as per the quality measure you included in your work plan, and any other measure that may be relevant.
8. Further Information (optional): Include anything else that you want to tell us about what you did in your advocacy service in the reporting year that may be relevant or useful.
NSW Disability Information Service Work Plan Page 5 of 5
Disability Information Service Work Plan <insert year>
Add additional rows as required.
Activities / Objective: What Program objective(s) does each activity contribute to? Check at least 1 box (See detailed objectives on page 2). / Quantity Measures / Quality Measure(s) / END OF YEAR REPORT /What you do and who for / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / How many times you plan do the activity this year / How many people you anticipate will participate in or receive the activity / How you will know if you did the activity well / How many times did you deliver the activity and to how many people? / How well did you do (as per your quality measure)? /
Empower / Inclusion / Access to Information / Communication needs / Aboriginal & Torres
Strait Islander / CALD / Families and carers / Community Awareness / High quality services /
E.G. Produce information brochure on mobility aids for people with disability, their families and carers and allied health providers. / x / x / 1 / 1000 copies / Increase in distribution numbers /
Please provide any further information that will support your work to meet the NSW Information Program Guidelines.
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