Disability Inclusion Assessment Tool

This checklist is designed to provide your organization with a tool to evaluate how disability-friendly your organization is currently and to serve as a roadmap to enhance your disability-friendly practices.

Check the box that best applies to your organization. / Yes / No / Not Applicable
Does your organization have clearly articulated values of inclusion and embracing diversity?
Does your organization put policies into practice to ensure people with disabilities are included in the workplace (volunteer and paid roles)?
Do managers and staff in your organization understand the range of disabilities that people can experience and the supports and adjustments that may be required?
Is there a disability awareness training program in place for employees?
Does your organization highlight a disability-friendly and inclusive image in community outreach materials, including appropriate language about inclusivity and information about available accommodations?
Is Person First language used in written and verbal communications?
Do images of people with disabilities appear in advertisements, collateral materials and external communications?
Does your organization regularly evaluate its office/workplace for accessibility for individuals with various disabilities?
Is outside facility, including parking and entrances, accessible for individuals with physical limitations?
Is inside facility, including restrooms, doorways, hallways, meeting spaces, lighting and assistive listening devices accessible and available for individuals with disabilities?
Is the building accessible to public transport?
Does your organization provide accessible technology?
Are volunteer recruiting materials available in alternative formats, e.g. braille, large print, closed caption, electronic?
Are volunteer application materials available in alternative formats?
Are volunteer applicants with disabilities actively recruited?
Are volunteer postings advertised in publications and websites that reach applicants with disabilities?
Do your position descriptions focus on objectives and outline essential functions of job requirements so that applicants can accurately assess appropriate skills set?
Is your volunteer orientation program structured or adapted for all abilities?
Is there an established mentor program for volunteers?
Does your organization create natural supports for volunteers of all abilities, such as redirection, asking questions, positive reinforcement, demonstration and feedback among supervisors and colleagues?