Directions to Allow Students Access to PearsonSuccessnet

Method One You set up the class and provide students with access code and they set up their own username and password:

  1. Click on classes tab from your log in screen

  1. Here you can create a new class

NOTE: If you need to delete old classes then click on to display old or expired classes then choose them and delete them

  1. Here you will at minimum enter in a class name but you may also enter in a period and section number if you like

NOTE: Make sure to click on all textbooks and resources that you want your classes to have access to. This what they will see when they enter their access code.

  1. Here I created a test class that happens to be 7th grade honors. I want them to have access to CMP 7th and 8th grade as well as Algebra 1 Foundations.

When done click save at the bottom, sorry did not show on the screenshot but it is here approximately on the screen below the resources.

  1. After I clicked save it took me back to my classes screen. Note my newly created class. See that the period shows up before the class name. From this point there is one simple step left. Click on the class name and open up to a new screen below.

  1. Where it says click here to access and print registration information that you can handout to your students do that and you are almost done!!
  1. When you click this is the document that opens up! Just print it and give to your students. It gives all the directions they need plus the access code they need to enter your class. You do not need to give them a username unless you want to give general instructions like your username will be your last name plus 13 or something like that. Remember this is for students who do not have an account already.

Method two is where you the teacher enter in the students username and password for them.

  1. You have to set up a class like steps 1 thru 4 but then you

Will go to manage classes

  1. Here you need to click on the view under roster for your class
  1. Now you click on add a student. You have some options here depending on your individual school. Some schools have tech people who enter in all students to select from like Study Island. The surest thing to do is to add a student on your own. You could try other alternatives but they mostly seem to be frustrating and not really time saving.
  1. Here you add a student on your own. You Must enter in information in all the red asterisks field.
  1. Here I added John Doe to my class. Note I gave him a username and password. If entering in multiple click on save and add another till you get your whole class in.
  1. Once you are done it will take you to here after clicking save and you can see your roster
  2. Once done then you will go back to step 5, 6 and 7 and print out the same document. The only difference is they will use the existing users directions.