Name: ______Date: ______

6B- _____ Vocabulary: Vocabulary Quiz # _____

Directions: Please use BLUE or BLACK PEN, not pencil or colored pen.

  1. Fill in the box next to each number with the assigned question:
  • D: Definition: Precise meaning of the word
  • S: Synonym: Word or two that have about the same meaning as the vocab word
  • P:Part of Speech: How the word’s used in a sentence. Ex: Noun, Verb, or Adjective
  • O:Other Form of the Word: Ex: Create = Creative, creation, creativity, creator, creatively, etc.
  • C:Context: A sentence that uses the word to show its meaning (not to actually define the word)
  1. Write the assigned vocabulary word on the smaller blank next to each number.
  1. Answer the question on the larger blanks next to each number. Check your answers. Make sure you gave the correct kind of answer for each question.

Answers to FAQ’s: These are the answers to questions kids often ask…

  • You may create your own answers; they need to be accurate and complete, though.
  • Spelling counts. I grade your spelling of vocab words… but not usually other words on the quiz.
  • You may provide definitions for synonyms. You may not provide synonyms for definitions.
  • You needaccurate and complete answers to get credit for definitions. There’s no partial credit for incomplete answers.
  • Word your answers so they suggest the correct part of speech. (Ex: a verb’s definition should suggest action).
  • Do NOT add –ed, -ing, or –s / -es to create an OFW (unless the OFW appears that way on your flash card).
  • You only need one answer for each question. Extra answers increase your chance of losing credit.
  • If I provide you with a vocabulary word that has more than one meaning or spelling, please provide the meaning or spelling from your flash card for your answers. (Exs: Meanings: bat vs. bat. Spellings: write vs. right.)
  • You don’t need to add the part of speech for OFW’s or any info from the parentheses on your flash cards.
  • Underline the vocabulary word in your context sentence.
  • Write neatly; if I can’t read your handwriting, I might notgive you credit for your answers.
  • If you want, you may use an OFW in your context sentence.
  • Answers need the same meaning we studied in class; for your context sentence, you need correct usage and a clear context clue (not a S or D).
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Check your spelling! Make sure you provided the correct kind of answer for each question. Guess if you have to…

BONUS: ______