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Directions for Completing Course Update form

Type of Action

£ Discontinue this Course: complete only: Effective Semester, Dept./ Subject ID/Course No. & Current Course Title.

£ Create a New Course: complete all items appropriate to your course level.

£ Revise this Course : complete Effective Date, Dept. No, Subject ID, Current Course No. & Title, and fill in the circle with the item number that is changed.

£ Reactivate this Course: complete only: Effective Semester, Dept./ Subject ID/Course No. & Current Course Title.

Effective Date: Semester ______, 20 _____-_____ Academic Year

This item is required. The semester and academic year determine the first academic semester that this record can be used to create a section in the Class Schedule. When a course changes in title, credit, or hours, the old version of the course is end-dated prior to the begin-date of the new course version.

Dept. No., Subject ID, Course No., & Current Course Title

·  This item is required. Enter the Department Number, e.g. 106; the course Alphabetic Subject ID, e.g. OFTECH (See list of alpha subject names in the Curriculum Manual); and Course Number, e.g. 133.

·  Enter the Current Course Title only if Discontinuing, Revising or Reactivating the Course.

Item j New Course Title

·  Item j is required whenever a change in the title of a course is requested. Make sure that Revise this Course is checked, as instructed above, and Item j is filled in.

·  If the course is new, make sure that the box £ Create a New Course is filled in, as instructed above.

·  If you have a preference for how the title is abbreviated when the long title exceeds 40 characters (including spaces), write the abbreviated title in the space provided, otherwise write in the long title.

Item k For new/changed 100-, 300-, or 500-series program courses only

·  Attach the Program Requirements Update form showing where this course appears in the curriculum

·  Write the name and/or code of the program that this course is attached to. Fill in the box next to the function (technical, support, etc.) and semester/quarter that the course is found in the curriculum.

·  If this is a course title change or a change in hours, determine whether the course is interchangeable with the original course. In other words, can students take either course to meet the program's requirements? If yes, fill in that box. Note: The number of credits for both courses must be the same.

Item l or new/changed 100-, 300-, or 500-series nonprogram courses only (when Create a New Course is checked)

·  Fill in the box next to the purpose for the course if it is a degree/diploma/apprentice course that is not in a curriculum.

·  Note: The code in parentheses next to the purpose provides the state consultant this information when the course record is sent to the WTCS for approval.

Item m, n, and o- Total periods in each category, Length of Course, and Credits:

·  Note: the capitalized letter in parentheses next to the category indicates the associated WTCS instructional method code.

·  Enter the total number of periods for each instructional method, the number of weeks, and the corresponding credit.

·  Refer to the Curriculum Manual for additional information including the definitions of each instructional method.

·  The total periods for one credit in degree and diploma courses is shown in the following table

Lec / Lab / Labx / Rel / Shop / Shopx / Clin / Occ / Ind / OJT
Degree (100-, 200-) / 16 / 32 / 48 / N/A / N/A / N/A / 48 / 64 / 64 / 192
Diploma (300-) / N/A / N/A / N/A / 32 / 32 / 48 / 48 / 64 / 64 / 192

·  The calculation of credit for Continuing Education 400- and 600-series courses is based upon the following formula:

Continuing Ed (400-)
Personal Enrich (600) / Credits = Number of periods × 55 ¸50 ¸ 40 (round the result to nearest 0.05

·  The calculation of credit for 500-series courses is rounded to the nearest 0.25 with the following ranges:

Apprentice (500-) / 1-8 hours = 0.25 / 9-16 hrs = 0.50 / 17-25 hrs = 0.75 / 26-32 hrs = 1.00

Item p - Prerequisites

·  Enter any prerequisites required for the course, e.g. OFTECH-133. Note: If a prerequisite course itself has a prerequisite(s) that affects this course, list only the last required course as a prerequisite rather than all the courses.

Item q - Course Description

·  Attach a typewritten copy of the desired course description. (Approximately 35 words.)

Item r - Course Outcome Summary (when Create a New Course is checked, the course competencies have changed OR current COS is more than two years old)

·  Create/modify the Course Outcome Summary in the online WIDS software and obtain approval according to divisional COS approval process.


Course Update

Submit this Course Update form to create, revise, or discontinue a course.

Please read the directions on the reverse side.

Select One:

£ Discontinue this Course

£ Create a New Course

£ Revise this Course Items being revised: j m n o p q

£ Reactivate this Course

Effective Semester: Semester ______, 20 ___-___ Academic Year

Dept. No. Subject ID Course No. & Current Course Title


j New Course Title: ______

k For changed/new 100, 300, or 500-series program courses, attach Program Requirements Update form;

list the program(s) this course is/will be part of, its function, and sequence (semester) in the program:


£ Technical £ Support £ Gen Ed £ Elective Semester/Quarter: j k l m

For changes that involve only the title or hours by category, is this version of the course interchangeable with the original course? In other words can students complete program requirements by taking either version of the course? / £ Yes £ No

l For new 100, 300, or 500-series nonprogram courses

Select one of the following purposes for this course:

Rev 05/14 Questions? Call 297-6681 or 297-6468

Curriculum Development- Available on

£ Course for Rapid Job Placement (20)

£ Certificate Course (Continuing Education) (40)

£ Advanced Technical Certificate course (30)

£ Transitional course (50)

£ Course needed for prior versions of a curriculum (60)

£ Course required in curriculum for next fiscal year (70)

Rev 05/14 Questions? Call 297-6681 or 297-6468

Curriculum Development- Available on

m Total number of periods in each category for the entire semester:

____ Lecture/Related (A) / ____ Independent Study (4:1) (D) (D) / ____ Alternate Delivery (Specify)
____ Lab/Shop (2:1) (B) / ____ Occupational Experience (4:1) (D)
____ Labx/Shopx (3:1) (C) / ____ On-The-Job Training (12:1) (E)
____ Clinical (3:1) (C)

n Length of course in weeks: _____ o Credits _____

p Prerequisite(s): ______

q Course Description (approx. 35 words or 250 characters) Attach separately.

r Course Outcome Summary completed in online WIDS software? £ Yes £ No

This is a requirement for all new courses, if competencies are being changed or if COS is more than two years old.

Instructor’s Signature: / Date:
Associate Dean’s Signature: / Date:

Rev 05/14 Questions? Call 297-6681 or 297-6468

Curriculum Development- Available on


[type description here]

Rev 05/14 Questions? Call 297-6681 or 297-6468