Terrestrial / Polar Ice Caps / Orbiters / ½ Diameter / Phobos and Deimos
Aeroshell / Dust storms / Landers / Friction / Valles Marineris
687 day revolution / Craters / Free Space / Descent / Viking
24 hr, 39 min / Carbon Dioxide / Rovers / Cleanroom / Water
2500 miles / Red Planet / Spirit and Opportunity / Parachute / Entry
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
½ diameter / Water / Landers / Parachute / Valles Marineris
2500 miles / Polar Ice Caps / Rovers / Cleanroom / Viking
Descent / Carbon Dioxide / Free Space / Terrestrial / Red Planet
24 hr, 39 min / Dust Storms / Orbiters / Aeroshell / Phobos and Deimos
Friction / Water / Spirit and Opportunity / 687 day revolution / Entry
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / O½ diameter / Polar Ice Caps / Rovers / Orbiters / Viking
2500 miles / Water / Landers / Cleanroom / Valles Marineris
687 day revolution / Entry / Free Space / Descent / Red Planet
24 hr, 39 min / Dust Storms / Parachute / Friction / Phobos and Deimos
Terrestrial / Water / Spirit and Opportunity / Aeroshell / Carbon Dioxide
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / O687 day revolution / Water / Landers / Parachute / Viking
2500 miles / Polar Ice Caps / Rovers / Friction / Entry
½ diameter / Carbon Dioxide / Free Space / 24 hr, 39 min / Red Planet
Cleanroom / Dust Storms / Orbiters / Descent / Phobos and Deimos
Terrestrial / Water / Spirit and Opportunity / Aeroshell / Valles Marineris
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / O½ diameter / Water / Valles Marineris / Friction / Viking
2500 miles / Polar Ice Caps / Rovers / Parachute / Landers
687 day revolution / Carbon Dioxide / Free Space / Aeroshell / Red Planet
Terrestrial / Entry / Orbiters / Descent / Phobos and Deimos
24 hr, 39 min / Water / Spirit and Opportunity / Cleanroom / Dust Storms
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / O½ diameter / Water / Landers / Parachute / Spirit and Opportunity
Rovers / Phobos and Deimos / Orbiters / Cleanroom / Valles Marineris
687 day revolution / Water / Free Space / Friction / Red Planet
24 hr, 39 min / Dust Storms / Viking / Descent / Polar Ice Caps
Terrestrial / Carbon Dioxide / 2500 miles / Aeroshell / Entry
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / O½ diameter / Water / Landers / Parachute / Red Planet
687 day revolution / Polar Ice Caps / Rovers / Cleanroom / Valles Marineris
2500 miles / Carbon Dioxide / Free Space / Entry / Viking
24 hr, 39 min / Dust Storms / Aeroshell / Orbiters / Phobos and Deimos
Terrestrial / Water / Spirit and Opportunity / Descent / Friction
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / O½ diameter / Craters / Rovers / Parachute / Phobos and Deimos
24 hr, 39 min / Polar Ice Caps / Lander / Cleanroom / Valles Marineris
687 day revolution / Water / Free Space / Friction / Red Planet
2500 miles / Carbon Dioxide / Orbiters / Descent / Viking
Terrestrial / Dust Storms / Spirit and Opportunity / Aeroshell / Entry
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / OTerrestrial / Water / Landers / Parachute / Viking
2500 miles / Polar Ice Caps / Rovers / Cleanroom / Valles Marineris
687 day revolution / Carbon Dioxide / Free Space / Aeroshell / Red Planet
24 hr, 39 min / Dust Storms / Spirit and Opportunity / Descent / Phobos and Deimos
½ diameter / Craters / Orbiters / Friction / Entry
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / O½ diameter / Water / Rovers / Parachute / Viking
2500 miles / Polar Ice Caps / Orbiters / Cleanroom / Valles Marineris
687 day revolution / Carbon Dioxide / Free Space / Friction / Red Planet
24 hr, 39 min / Dust Storms / Landers / Aeroshell / Phobos and Deimos
Terrestrial / Water / Spirit and Opportunity / Descent / Entry
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!
B / I / N / G / O687 day revolution / Water / Landers / Parachute / Valles Marineris
2500 miles / Polar Ice Caps / Rovers / Cleanroom / Viking
½ diameter / Carbon Dioxide / Free Space / Friction / Red Planet
24 hr, 39 min / Water / Orbiters / Descent / Phobos and Deimos
Terrestrial / Dust Storms / Spirit and Opportunity / Aeroshell / Entry
Directions: As clues are given throughout the presentation, place an x in the square. When you have 5 x's in a row: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, say BINGO!