
The Monday before testing

  • Review the Checklist for Writers with your students

The morningof testing, your CAR will provide you with

  • An electronic copy of the prompt (you may print, write or display this prompt for testing)

On the morning of testing, you will receive all other materials needed to administer the direct writing component of the writing test in your classroom. Your School Test Coordinator (CAR) will provide you with the following materials:

  • answer documents for the direct writing test
  • Checklist for Writers
  • scratch paper
  • dictionaries (students may share)

Your CAR will ask you to sign the security agreement. Make sure you have all the materials needed to administer the direct writing component of the writing test. Each student should have two #2 pencils with erasers, copies of the checklist for writers and scratch paper. Dictionaries should be accessible to students in an easily accessible location in the classroom.

Testing Directions

Each student will be given unlimited time to respond to the prompt. To avoid interruptions during testing, make sure that all students have had an opportunity to visit the restroom and to get water before you begin the testing session. Make sure that all desks are clear of books and other materials not needed for the test. Each student should have two sharpened #2 pencils with erasers.

If a student asks questions during the test, be very careful when answering. If the student’s question refers to the mechanics of testing (for example, where to put the prompt #, etc.), it can be answered. If the question refers to a particular item, the student should be told, “Read it carefully and do just what it says.” Help must not be given on specific items and no clues should be given about the correctness of a student’s answer to a particular item.

During the test administration, monitor the testing process by moving as unobtrusively as possible about the room. In moving about the room, check that students:

  • have filled in their name, student number, school code and prompt
  • are writing the prompt on the answer document (not a separate sheet of paper).

Specific directions for administering the Direct Writing HAT

All directions that you are to read aloud to students are below in bold. Read them exactly as they are written, using a natural tone and manner. Say:

(If your answer sheets are not prefilled, please say the following)

  • Today you will be taking the Henrico County Direct Writing HAT for English. For this test, you will write a short paper. I will now give you an answer document.
  • Distribute the answer documents individually to each student. Students should NOT use an answer document that has been pre-slugged with another student’s name on it. Please get a blank answer document for students who do not have a pre-slugged answer document.
  • Be very careful with your answer document. Do not fold or bend it.
  • Please turn to the back of your HAT answer document and turn in on its side.
  • At the top you should now see a blank for your name.Please write your last name, then your first name on the top line provided.
  • Next, you should see the box for your student number. Please write your 11 digit Henrico County ID number in the space provided.Make sure to bubble the corresponding numbers beneath each number you wrote in the boxes. Students should be able to see their student number on their schedules. You may also want to have their numbers available for them (simply print out a class roster with student numbers and cut them into strips for students).
  • Next, you need to write in your grade level and fill in the bubbles that correspond to the numbers you have written. You may need to direct students to put 08 for 8th grade.
  • Now, we need to tell the graders which prompt you have. Please bubble in _____ under Prompt. Wednesday’s prompt should be “A” and Thursday’s prompt should be “B.” If students are taking the make-up prompt, then this section will remain blank.
  • Last, we need to fill in the School Code. In the last box, you should see SCH. Please write and bubble in ______. Make sure you get the correct school code from your CAR to give to students.
  • You do not need to worry about the 3 boxes you cannot easily read with the answer sheet on its side.
  • Check that all students have the information filled in correctly.

(If your answer sheets are pre-filled with student info, start here)

  • Today you will be taking the Henrico County Direct Writing HAT for English. For this test, you will write a short paper. I will now give you your answer document. Make sure that the answer document I have given you has your name on it. Raise your hand if it is not your answer document.
  • Distribute the answer documents individually to each student. Students should NOT use an answer document that has been pre-slugged with another student’s name on it. Please get a blank answer document for students who do not have a pre-slugged answer document.
  • Be very careful with your answer document. Do not fold or bend it.
  • Please turn to the back of your HAT answer document and turn in on its side.
  • Notice that your name, student number, grade and school code is already filled in.
  • We need to tell the graders which prompt you have. Please bubble in _____ under Prompt. Wednesday’s prompt should be “A” and Thursday’s prompt should be “B.” If students are taking the make-up prompt, then this section will remain blank
  • You do not need to worry about the 3 boxes you cannot easily read with the answer sheet on its side.
  • Check that all students have the information filled in correctly.
  • Now, Please turn your answer sheet to the side that says “Begin your essay in the space provided above” (not the side with the name and student number). This is where you will start to write your essay.
  • This test will provide information about how well you may do on the actual English SOL. It is important that you do your best on this test, as the results will determine the activities we do in class in the coming weeks.
  • Middle schools only: This test will also be used as part of your Specialty Center application.
  • Only writing that is on the official answer document will be graded.
  • You do not have to fill all of the lines with writing. You should write as much as necessary to cover the writing topic well. You may print, or you may write in cursive. You must use a pencil. Are there any questions? Answer any questions.
  • Display Writing Prompt for students. Now let’s take a few minutes for you to read the writing prompt. Students should read the prompt to themselves. Are there any questions about the topic on which you are to write? Answer any questions. Make sure that the students understand the topic of the writing prompt and know what to do, but be careful not to give them ideas of what to write.
  • Now look at the “Checklist for Writers” that we reviewed earlier this week. It lists points for you to keep in mind as you write. Read the checklist to yourself. Pause while students read the Checklist for Writers.
  • Are there any questions? Answer all questions as best you can without providing ideas for students to address in their response.
  • Be sure to write about this topic according to the instructions you have been given. If you write about something different, your paper can’t be scored correctly.
  • Does anyone have any last questions? Answer questions if possible. Once all questions have been answered, or if there are no questions, then say: Remember, after taking this test, you should not discuss your writing with your classmates or teachers until all answer documents have been scored. You may begin now.

When Testing is Complete

Collect the answer documents; then collect prompts (if given out), scratch paper and Checklists. These items should be collected from each individual student—notpassed up or down the rows of desks or seats. Make sure you get one from each student. Be sure to account for all test materials, including test prompts, scratch paper, checklists and answer documents, before students are dismissed from the test session.

Returning Test Items to the School CAR

Answer documents, scratch paper and checklists must be returned to the CAR as soon as possible after the end of the testing session so that answer documents can be scanned, and the results returned to your school. Please do not send documents to the CAR via students. The CAR will secure all documents for review with students when their results come back to you!