Reading Hour Questionnaire for
Direct Practice in Social Work, First Edition
By Scott W. Boyle, Grafton H Hull,
Jannah Hurn Mather, Larry L. Smith, and O. William Farley
What is it?
The Reading Hour Program is designed to give you an opportunity to preview the first edition of Boyle/Hull/Mather/Smith and Farley’s, Direct Practice in Social Work. Your feedback will be very valuable to our authors, editors, and marketing team. As a thank you, we will enter your name in a drawing to
win one of 2 Palm Pilots. This is a limited time offer so be sure to submit your entry by May 20, 2005.
Winners will be notified by email on May 27, 2005.
Please complete this questionnaire in its entirety, and return it to Allyn & Bacon in one of the following ways:
- Email to:
(Save this Word document and attach it in an email message to the above address.)
- Fax your completed and printed questionnaire to: ATTN Laura Lee Manley 617-848-7205
- Mail to: ATTN Laura Lee Manley, Allyn & Bacon, 75 Arlington St., Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116
(Print out your completed questionnaire and mail it in an envelope to above address.)
Professor Name: Email:
Department: Building:
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Book in Use (Author / Title / Edition Number):
Satisfaction with Current Text: High Moderate Low
Enrollment (annual): Semester Course Quarter Course
Decision Date: Individual Committee
Office hours:
Course Name: Course Number:
1. Please review the complete table of contents for Direct Practice in Social Work. Does it reflect appropriate and sufficient coverage of topics essential to your course needs? Please explain.
2. Which chapter (# and title) of Direct Practice have you selected to review?
3. Overall, how does this chapter compare to the like chapter in your current text? Please explain.
4. Was the depth and breadth of coverage in this chapter appropriate from your instructional perspective? Please explain how this compares to your current text.
5. How would describe the authors’ writing style? How do you think your students will respond to it?
6. Case studies open each chapter and are integrated throughout. Do you think your students will benefit from a consistent example demonstrating how theory applies to real-world practice?
7. How important is it to you that your text integrates coverage of issues such as diversity and social justice? Did you find this chapter did so? How does the coverage compare to that found in your current text?
8. “Application to Practice” exercises, role plays, and class room discussion questions are included in every chapter. What is your reaction to this activities?
9. “Voices from the Field” is a feature designed to motivate students by reading about the experiences of other students and professionals in the field of social work and can be found in every chapter.What is your reaction to this feature?
10. How would you describe this chapter and the overall text to a colleague?
Thank you very much for your feedback! To show our appreciation, you name will be entered
for a chance to win one of 2 PalmPilots. Winners will be notified via email May 27, 2005.