Diploma Type: Advanced Studies Standard Modified Other______

Post Secondary Goal:

4-Year College/University – School:______2-Year Community College/Technical Program – School ______

Industry Certification ______Military: Selected Branch ______Employment: Place ______Undecided

Test Data: PSAT______SAT______ACT______ASVAB______Career Assessment______

Career Experiences: Job Shadow______Job Shadow ______Job Shadow______Internship (seniors only)______

Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Notes:
English / English / English (2) / English (2)
Math / Math / Math / Math
Science / Science / Science / Science
History/Social Science / History/Social Science / History/Social Science / History/Social Science
Health/PE 9 / Health/PE 10 / Foreign Language / Elective
Foreign Language / Foreign Language / Elective / Elective
Elective / Elective / Elective / Elective
Elective / Elective / Elective / Elective
Career Goal/
Career Cluster: / Career Goal/
Career Cluster: / Career Goal/
Career Cluster: / Career Goal/
Career Cluster:
Student Signature:
Date: / Student Signature:
Date: / Student Signature:
Date: / Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
Date: / Parent Signature:
Date: / Parent Signature:
Date: / Parent Signature:
Counselor Signature:
Date: / Counselor Signature:
Date: / Counselor Signature:
Date: / Counselor Signature:

Grade 9

Do you plan to attend a college or university?
If no, why not?
List some courses that will help you obtain your career goal.
What are your favorite courses?
In what clubs, organizations, and/or sports are you involved?
Have you held any offices? If so, please list.

Grade 10

Has your college or career plan changed? If so, explain.
Update your information on clubs, organizations, sports and/or volunteer work.
Have you participated in any SAT tutorials? If yes, which ones?

Grade 11

Has your college or career plan changed? If so, explain.
Update your information on clubs, organizations, sports and/or volunteer work.

Grade 12

Has your college or career plan changed? If so, explain.
Update your information on clubs, organizations, sports and/or volunteer work.