Diocesan Pastoral Council
Friday 8 April to Saturday 9 April 2011
Bishop’s Cabinet Feedback: We reviewed it and largely accepted it.
Spanish language sessions consensus:
Locations: Grand Junction, St. Joseph
Montrose – Olathe
Sacred Heart, Durango
San Juan Community (Center and Monte Vista)
Sangre de Cristo
Mt. Carmel, Pueblo
Total sessions will number around 50.
Our aim is to get the best possible data.
We will let the pastors tell us if the sessions ought to be mixed Spanish/English
or single language sessions.
Staffing: We will have at least 1 and no more than 2 staffing every session.
We will ask leaders at each table to assist conversation
The staff will be DPC and Diocesan Pastoral Staff members
We will schedule according to need and availability
Diocesan staff is available for multiple events
Fr. Papesh is happy to be available for any event anywhere
Deaneries: The DPC unanimously recommends the proposed reconfiguration of the deaneries
The Deanery meetings for the process will include all parish ministry staff
(pastor/administrator, parochial vicar, deacons(s), pastoral staff)
The Deanery will be invited to at least the following in the process:
Introduction to the planning process
A deanery assessment session
A deanery review to total parish data collected
Meetings should begin immediately
Timeline: See attachment
Bishop’s Letter: See attachment
Assessment questions:
Questions: What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
What are your challenges?
What are your aspirations?
Larry Pederson will provide explanation and background for each question area
Will draft scripts for leaders
All leaders will have a script so the experience will be as uniform as possible
We will encourage a round robin approach so everyone has a say.
Data: At the very end, we will ask each table to establish 2 or 3 priorities in each question area.
The assessment leaders will gather the data and get it to the Chancery.
The data will be reviewed by: DPC
Chancery Pastoral Staff
Presbyteral Council
Compilation and form will be determined later.
Marketing: ( also see timeline attachment)
Bishop’s Letter will be opening salvo: personally mailed
Pulpit read
Today’s Catholic published
Website published
Aiming for Alienated, too: Parishes bulletin inserts
poster (with blank space for date and time)
Newspaper articles
TV news: community events
AM radio (970)
After sessions: Questionnaire on website
Postcard mailing
We will do a logo: All to God’s Glory!
External Assessment Data:
Parish assessment data: Fall
Competition data: who is the competition?
Aim for menu of success: check web sites
visit on site
ought we use “secret shoppers?”
Census data: US, Colorado, county
Next Agenda: May 13 & 14, Pueblo
Review SWOC materials: get precise questions
Settle on script
Continue external data discussions
Get more detailed timeline
Review meetings: Presbyteral Council
Deaneries and schedule
Review marketing issues: process
PR materials
Secret shoppers?
[Planning #4] Page 1