Barton Bones, Bones Dinosaur Bones
Blumenthal Count-a-saurus
Carrick Big Old Bones: A Dinosaur Tale
Carrick Patrick’s Dinosaurs
Carrick What Happened to Patrick’s Dinosaurs?
Cauley The Trouble with Tyrannosaurus Rex
Cuyler Baby Dot
Fleischmann Time Train
Grambling Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom?
Hartmann The Dinosaurs Are Back
and It’s All Your Fault
Hearn Dad’s Dinosaur Day
Hennessy The Dinosaur Who Lived In My Backyard
Hoff Danny and the Dinosaur (Easy Reader)
Hoff Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp
(Easy Reader)
Kastner, Jill Princess Dinosaur
Klein Dinosaur’s Housewarming Party: Story
Mansell If Dinosaurs Came to Town
Most If the Dinosaurs Came Back
Most A Pair of Protoceratops
Most A Trio of Triceratops
Most What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
Mosley The Dinosaur Eggs
Mullins Dinosaur Encore
Nolan Dinosaur Dream
Oram A Boy Wants a Dinosaur
Otto Dinosaur Chase
Rohmann Time Flies
Ryder, Joanne Tyrannosaurus Time
Schwartz Albert Goes Hollywood
Schwartz How I Captured a Dinosaur
Strickland Dinosaur Roar!
Torres Tom
Wahl I Met a Dinosaur
Wilhelm Tyrone the Horrible
Look for non-fiction dinosaur books in J/567
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