Pos / No. / Name / Club / Age / Cat / Time / Standard / H/cap
1 / 65 / Julian Ramsbottom / Scunthorpe Poly CC / 41 / V / 1.06.02 / + 13.46 / 1.02.32
2 / 55 / Richard Robinson / Scunthorpe Poly CC / 40 / V / 1.06.42 / + 12.30 / 1.02.42
3 / 40 / Ian Dalton / Cherry Valley RT / 47 / V / 1.07.03 / +16.24 / 1.05.43
4 / 15 / Ian Russell / Newark Castle CC / 43 / O / 1.07.19
5 / 30 / Jim Boyle / Cherry Valley RT / 49 / V / 1.07.35 / +17.07 / 1.05.55
6 / 20 / Jeremy Hargrave / Fenland RC / 37 / S / 1.09.16 / 1.07.36
7 / 35 / Adam Coffey / Alford Wheelers CC / 29 / S / 1.09.17 / 1.03.17
8 / 10 / Ian Pike / Fenland RC / 45 / V / 1.09.24 / +12.49 / 1.06.24
8 / 41 / Richard Walker / Scunthorpe Poly CC / 40 / V / 1.09.24 / +9.48 / 1.01.04
10 / 5 / Adrian Marshall / Boston Wheelers CC / 46 / V / 1.09.42 / +13.08 / 1.02.42
11 / 25 / Chris O’Rourke / Cherry Valley RT / 49 / V / 1.09.52 / +14.50 / 1.03.42
12 / 56 / Simon George / Lincoln Tri / 33 / S / 1.10.53 / 1.01.13
13 / 51 / Rob Brewer / Cherry Valley RT / 53 / V / 1.11.33 / +15.43 / 1.03.23
14 / 66 / Sean Hunt / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 49 / V / 1.11.45 / +12.57 / 1.02.45
15 / 12 / Ryan Thomas / Alford Wheelers CC / 17 / Jun / 1.12.30 / 59.30
16 / 60 / Anthony Nash / Scunthorpe Poly CC / 48 / V / 1.12.42 / +11.22 / 1.12.42
17 / 53 / David Butler / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 51 / V / 1.12.46 / +13.12 / 57.46
18 / 23 / Martin Hedley / Witham Wheelers CC / 47 / V / 1.13.10 / +10.17 / 57.20
19 / 47 / Matt Greenhill / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 37 / S / 1.13.42 / 1.00.02
20 / 11 / Jake Clare / Fenland RC / 20 / S / 1.13.45 / 1.05.05
21 / 26 / Richard Sheldrake / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 40 / V / 1.13.46 / +5.26 / 1.02.46
22 / 31 / Darren Smith / Boston Wheelers CC / 34 / S / 1.13.48 / 1.05.28
22 / 61 / Adi Mackinder / Cherry Valley RT / 28 / S / 1.13.48 / 1.06.18
24 / 32 / Jordan Skelly / Gainsborough Aegir CC / 21 / S / 1.14.12 / 1.02.32
25 / 16 / Andrew Gurney / Spalding CC / 45 / V / 1.14.18 / +7.55 / 1.02.38
26 / 46 / Ian Fensom / Fenland RC / 53 / V / 1.15.02 / +12.14 / 1.05.12
27 / 68 / Paul Ripley / Alford Wheelers CC / 44 / V / 1.15.08 / +6.28 / 1.00.08
28 / 57 / Richard Yates / Witham Wheelers CC / 47 / V / 1.15.31 / +7.56 / 1.01.51
29 / 44 / Julian Hesp / Gainsborough Aegir CC / 43 / V / 1.15.20 / +5.10 / 57.30
30 / 9 / Calum Lawson / Dinington RC / 21 / O / 1.17.05
31 / 38 / Andy Newham / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 40 / V / 1.17.11 / +1.59 / 1.00.01
32 / 58 / Paul Eveleigh / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 52 / V / 1.17.15 / +9.22 / 1.01.05
33 / 48 / John Clarke / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 50 / V / 1.17.35 / +7.45 / 1.00.45
34 / 37 / John Needham / Alford Wheelers CC / 70 / V / 1.17.40 / +21.20 / 1.03.40
35 / 22 / Nick Milward / Sleaford Wheelers CC / 48 / V / 1.17.42 / +6.22 / 1.04.52
36 / 17 / Brendon Thomas / Alford Wheelers CC / 52 / V / 1.18.13 / +8.24 / 1.02.23
37 / 28 / Paul Clarke / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 22 / S / 1.18.58 / 1.01.18
38 / 19 / Mathew Hindmarsh / Gainsborough Aegir CC / 31 / S / 1.19.05 / 55.25
39 / 18 / David Thornley / Spalding CC / 44 / V / 1.19.58 / +1.38 / 1.02.18
40 / 63 / Karen Brooks / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 54 / LV / 1.20.14 / +13.04 / 1.05.14
41 / 27 / Jim Davey / London Fire Brigade CC / 68 / O / 1.20.33
42 / 59 / Nicholas Chapman / Boston Wheelers CC / 50 / V / 1.20.40 / +4.40 / 59.40
43 / 43 / David Herd / Witham Wheelers CC / 65 / V / 1.22.21 / +13.03 / 1.07.01
44 / 14 / Carl Wilkinson / Alford Wheelers CC / 45 / V / 1.22.35 / -0.22 / 1.02.18
45 / 13 / Ian Scott / Boston Wheelers CC / 46 / V / 1.22.42 / +0.08 / 1.08.42
46 / 33 / John Woolley / Lincoln Wheelers CC / 67 / V / 1.22.46 / +14.03 / 1.07.26
47 / 64 / Mick Pell / Alford Wheelers CC / 54 / V / 1.23.18 / +10.00 / 1.06.18
48 / 39 / Simon Price / RAF CA / 48 / O / 1.24.38
49 / 24 / Richard Clare / Sleaford Wheelers CC / 48 / V / 1.25.54 / -1.50 / 1.05.54
50 / 29 / B J Drew / Spalding CC / 65 / V / 1.26.39 / +8.45 / 1.02.59
51 / 54 / Ivan Waddington / LeicesterForest CC / 68 / O / 1.26.41
52 / 7 / Sarah Bentley / Spalding CC / 55 / LV / 1.27.15 / +6.45 / 58.35
53 / 34 / Arthur Middleton / Alford Wheelers CC / 73 / V / 1.28.41 / +12.33 / 1.08.41
54 / 4 / Ian Gower / Lindsey Roads CC / 30 / S / 1.29.34
55 / 49 / John Scott / Sleaford Wheelers CC / 69 / V / 1.29.56 / +8.20 / 1.07.46
56 / 36 / Trevor Halstead / Gainsborough Aegir CC / 54 / V / 1.31.53 / -3.58 / 1.21.33
57 / 2 / Adrian Thurston / Spalding CC / 67 / V / 1.35.31 / +1.18 / 1.07.31
58 / 3 / Bill Wood / Spalding CC / 74 / V / 1.38.24 / +3.36 / 1.06.44
59 / 1 / Robert McAndrew / Witham Wheelers CC / 12 / Juv / 1.39.04 / 57.24
60 / 8 / Stuart Waumsley / Alford Wheelers CC / 73 / V / 1.39.58 / +1.16 / 1.07.08
DNF / 6 / Theresa Brewer / Cherry Valley RT
DNF / 50 / Andrew Moore / CherryValley
DNS / 21 / Chris Ward / Spalding CC
DNS / 42 / Pete Watson / Witham Wheelers CC
DNS / 45 / Paul Evans / Scunthorpe Poly CC
DNS / 52 / Bryan Fenwick / Melton Olympic CC
DNS / 62 / Dan Carr / Boston Wheelers CC
DNS / 67 / Harry Bellars / Spalding CC

Sponsored Clubs :

CherryValley RT – B & C Express –Impsport

Dinington RC – Universal Cycle Centre – Electronic & Engraving Services Ltd

Fenland RC – Hargrave Agriculture – Fleet Road Garage – Stuart Allen Signs

Lincoln Tri – Lincoln Audi – 1StepBeyond.org.uk – Wright Vigar

Scunthorpe Polytechnic CC- Jack Tighe

Sleaford Wheelers CC- Chandlers Mitsubushi – Solo Club

Spalding CC –Gibbons Cycles- Shareteq

Witham Wheelers CC – Echo Personnel

Please have a look on the LRRA website


Lincolnshire RRA

30 Mile Time Trial Championships


Promoted for and behalf of Cycling Time Trials under their Rules and Regulations

Held on Sunday 01 September 2013

Event Secretary:
Steve Blackbourn
Gate Lodge
Alverston Avenue
Woodhall Spa
LN10 6SN
Tel: h. 01526 351388
m. 07931 569036 / Time Keeper Start:
Sharon Fensom-Spalding CC
Ken Syrett-Boston Wheelers CC / Time Keeper Finish:
Sharon Fensom-Spalding CC
Ken Syrett-Boston Wheelers
Results Board and
Pusher Off :
Ian Hall-Boston Wheelers
Gary Bentley-Spalding CC

LRRA Awards


Men:1ST Julian Ramsbottom Scunthorpe Polytechnic CC

2nd Richard Robinson Scunthorpe Polytechnic CC

3rd Ian Dalton Cherry Valley RT

Team : 1st Scunthorpe Poly CC J. Ramsbottom R. Robinson R. Walker

Women:1st Karen Brooks Lincoln Wheelers CC

Handicap:1st Mathew Hindmarsh Gainsborough Aegir CC

2nd Martin Hedley Witham Wheelers CC

3rd Robert McAndrew Witham Wheelers CC

Vet on Standard:1st John Needham Alford Wheelers CC

2nd Jim Boyle Cherry Valley RT

3rd I. Dalton Cherry Valley RT

Junior:1st Ryan Thomas Alford Wheelers CC

Juvenile:1st Robert McAndrew Witham Wheelers CC

Open Event 1st Ian Russell NewarkCastle CC £20

The LRRA’s sincere thanks to :

Sharon Fensom (Spalding CC) and Ken Syrett [Boston Wheelers] for time keeping.

Gary Bently (Spalding CC) for pushing-off and Ian Hall [Boston Wheelers] for the results board.

Jen Carr [cake maker extraordinaire], Margret Syrett, Gloria Crawshaw, Robyn Smithfor providing the refreshments.

Marshals in course order, Dave & Ann Pike [Sleaford Wheelers], Fred & Shirley James (Alford Wheelers), Chris & Julie Close[Sleaford Wheelers], Simon Balsom & Pete Flint [Boston Wheelers], Dennis Crewe and Jack Mitchell [Boston Wheelers]

Special thank you to Ken Syrett and Jack Mitchell [Boston Wheelers] for help with this LRRA event in all aspects of organising the event and the loan of Jack’s extra large teapot.