Board of Education Meeting

Minutes – Regular Session

March 13, 2018

Dillard Academy’s Multi-Purpose Room

Board Members in attendance: John Stokes, Thomas Smith, David Simmons, Christina Robles, Phyllis Palmer, Elizabeth Wooten

Board Members not in attendance: Bernice Simmons

Administrative Staff: Hilda Hicks, Danielle Baptiste, Pearlie Whitfield

  1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by John Stokes at 6:00 pm with a quorum of 6 board members.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
  3. Approval of Minutes – Minutes of the January 9th board meeting were distributed. The board was given time to read them. At 6:07, Thomas Smith motioned to accept the January minutes. Phyllis Palmer seconded it. John Stokes called for a vote. The vote was 6 in favor 0 opposed. Motion carried.
  4. Approval of March 13th Agenda – At 6:10 Thomas Smith motioned acceptance of the March 13th Agenda. Phyllis Palmer second it. John Stokes called for the vote. The vote was 6 in favor and 0 opposed. Motion carried.
  5. Confirmation of Public Notice – Public notice was confirmed by Danielle Baptiste. Notice was posted on school website, Facebook, Remindme.com, Goldsboro News Argus, and outside on the school marquee.
  6. Acknowledgement of Visitors – Pastor Janet Ward, Ms. Dempster, Ms. Moore, Ms. Black, Mr. Tyrone.
  7. Statements –Thomas Smith read the ethics statement:

Board members are reminded that is our duty to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest as we handle the work of the Board. Does any member of the Board know of any conflict of interest or any appearance of conflict with respect to any matters coming before us at this meeting? If so, please state them for the record. If during the meeting you become aware of an actual or apparent conflict of interest, please bring the matter to the attention of the chair. It will then be your duty to abstain from participating in discussion on the matter and from voting on the matter.

  1. Mission Statement – To positively provide a safe and quality education so that we can excel & grow!
  2. Governance –

-Based on recommendation by Mrs. Hicks and the personnel committee, Mr. Stokes motioned that Elizabeth Wooten be approved as the newest member of the Dillard Academy Board of Directors. Dr Smith seconded the motion. Elizabeth Wooten was sworn in as a new board member by Thomas Smith. John stokes called for a vote 5 yes 0 no. Motion Carried.

-Hicks reported that James Williams asked to be removed from the board due personal reasons. On 03/12/2018 at 6:23 Thomas Smith motioned to remove James Williams as a DACS board member. Elizabeth Wooten Second it. John stokes called for a vote 5 yes 0 no. Motion Carried.

  1. Principal’s Report – Dr. Keebler Williams from NCDPI made a site visit to Dillard Academy. Dr. Williams visits low performing schools throughout North Carolina. She visited every classroom to observe and report on our improvement plan. Dr. Williams also asked to see IEP’s. She mentioned that her boss and Dillard Academy will receive her final report. She also mentioned that the Charter School Advisory Board may ask for the report.
  2. Director’s Report

-Budget – The board approved the budget. On March 13, 2018 at 6:52 Elizabeth Wooten motioned to accept the budget. Thomas Smith seconded the motion. John Stokes called for a vote 6 in favor 0 opposed motion carried.

-Audit letter – The management letter made general comments to the board.

  1. The BOD should remain involved in the financial affairs of the School to provide oversight and independent review functions.
  2. We recommend that all personnel in positions of trust undergo a background check annually.
  3. We recommend the Academy develop and adopt a disaster recovery plan for accounting and technology issues, in order, to be prepared in the event of a disaster. Ms. Palmer asked “what type of disaster recovery plan did Acadia Northstar had in place?”

-The conclusion of the audit resulted in:

  1. Qualitative aspect of accounting practices
  2. No difficulties encountered in performing the audit.
  3. No such disagreements arose during the audit
  4. No other accountant consultations were used.
  5. We applied certain limited procedures to management’s discussion and Analysis, which is required supplementary information (RSI) that supplements the basic financial statements. We did not audit the RSI and do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the RSI. The information is appropriate and complete in relation to our audit of the financial statements.

-Performance Framework is the method by which OCS collects data and policy information from charter schools yearly. The documents are collected in order and normally collected in March. Listed is the type of data collected: lottery (admission), discipline, and student promotion policies.

  1. Dinner –
  2. Operations Director

-ESSA Plan, is the new version of No Child Left Behind. Some changes are EL progress is added, Biology growth is removed. School performance grades includes ELA/Reading and Math for Elementary and Middle School, and Science for 5th grade. Receiving a grade for reported subgroups is new. Minimum N for accountability model = 30, so no subgroups with less than 30 students will count. This year our EC subgroup will count.

-ElLISS Grant - We received a three year grant for $330.000. The grant is for afterschool and extended learning integration. It consists of MTSS coordinator, coaches for teachers, tutors during day school, afterschool tutors. The program also includes Saturday Academy, Summer program, Reading Camp, and small group tutoring to strengthen core instruction.

-Child Nutrition, Preferred Meals contract will be up this year. We will receive bids for caterers for the 2018-19 school year.

-We may do our own lunches if we receive a stove and dishwasher.

-We were approved for a transportation grant with an 80% reimbursement rate of what we paid in cost.

Technology – No report

  1. Human Resource - We’ve 8 interviews for 2018-19 positions. To see posted position visit our website at
  2. Parent Involvement

-Thanks to councilman Williams we now have a bus shelter and bus stop near the school.

-The next project is to have the city place a crosswalk between schools and place “School Zone” and speed limit signs.

-Dr. Smith is scheduling a tour of the Juvenile Justice System’s Dobbs Training Center in Kinston, NC. This is an joint activity with Positive Influences, Inc. (date pending).

-Scheduled speakers for the Career development Program 6-7 grades.

  1. Master Sergeant McCall USAF SJAFB
  2. Ms. Tesha Scott Kinsey counselor at Dos Training Center.
  3. Mr. Swindell Isler instructor Lenoir Community College and professional barer/cosmetologist.

All scheduled speakers are committed to serving our students. Dates to visit are TBD.

  1. Motion to Adjourn At 8:00 pm Thomas Smith motioned to adjourn the meeting and Elizabeth Wooten seconded it. John Stokes called for a vote. The vote was 5 yes 0 no. Meeting adjourned.
  2. Next Meeting – April 10, 2018