RT 265



Lecture: Mon. 7:30 – 10:20AMRm: Al Sc 105

Loren SachsOffice: L & C 100C; Voice mail 714-432-5540

2.5 units


1.Merrill’s, Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Procedures, 12th edition

2.Bushong, Radiologic Science for Technologists, 10th edition

Course content:

Introduction to digital imaging, CT, MRI, and computer systems as utilized in radiology departments. Overview of digital and analog devices with emphasis on computers and required peripheral equipment. Basic imaging principles of CT and MRI to include; physics, imaging protocols, and equipment. Software and display strategies for each modality will be discussed. Course does not include clinical experience.

Course objectives:

1.Identify the basic types of computers.

2.Understand and explain the basic components and functions of the computer.

3.Identify the usefulness of computers to managers in radiology.

4.Apply computer knowledge as it relates to modern imaging modalities; such as, CT, MRI, and CR/DR.

5.Explain the different information systems used in radiology.

Grading policy:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

69 and below are unacceptable for continuance in the program


1.Periodic quizzes may be unannounced.

2.Homework and class/lab assignments.

3.Test dates TBD.

4.Comprehensive final exam. You must receive a ‘C’ (70%) or better on the final to pass this course. NOTE: No make-up tests will be given unless permission was obtained prior to the test.

5.Senior project is due this semester. See attached schedule.

Ground rules:

1.All reading assignments are to be completed before the scheduled lecture. Assignments and tests will be announced in class.

2.All assignments must be completed for credit. Any late assignment will be automatically given a 50% reduction in grade.

3.No make-up tests will be given accept by instructor’s prior approval. Quizzes will not be made up.

4.Because of the comprehensive nature of the program, a course grade of ‘F’ will be issued if the final exam is not passed with a grade of ‘C’ (70%) or better regardless of the pre-final course grade.

5.Grading system will be announced in class. Class participation and attendance will be taken into consideration.

6.All students must adhere to the OCC Academic Honest Policy as approved by the Academic Senate. Violations will be pursued and can result in program dismissal.

7.More than three (3) absences constitutes NO CREDIT for the course. On the fourth unexcused absence, the student will be dropped from the class in accordance will OCC policy.

8.Attendance for the Final Exam is mandatory – NO ATTENDANCE will result in a final course grade of ‘F’.


The student will be able to:

  1. Explain the differences between Computed Radiography(CR), Direct and In-direct Digital Radiography.
  2. Recognize Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Images of the chest, abdomen, and brain.
  3. Describe the diagnostic applications; including advantage and disadvantages, of CT and MR to various organ systems.

Course outline: Dates and lecture topics are subject to change

DateLecture TopicReading AssignmentHomework

Aug 29MRI physics and equipmentM. V. 3 Ch.30


Sep 12MRI continued

Sep 19Orientation/Digital Imaging; DR and CRB. Ch 15 & 1615 and 16

Sep 26Basic concepts of digital imagingB. Ch 17 $ 1817 and 21

Oct 3TBD

Oct 10Digital Imaging Continued

Oct 17Image qualityB. Ch 20 & 2129

Oct 24Digital fluoroscopyB. Ch 2526

Oct 31Digital fluoroscopy

Nov 7Image manipulation

Nov 14TBD

Nov 21Principles of Computed TomographyB. Ch 27 28

Nov 28Components of a CT scanner

Spiral CT

Dec 5Advanced Imaging Concepts