Events for 2016
Coffee Morning / 23 / January
Coffee Morning / 20 / February
Beetle Drive / 5 / March
Coffee Morning / 19 / March
Coffee Morning / 16 / April
Coffee Morning / 14 / May
Coffee Morning / 11 / June
Open gardens / 26 / June
Digby Feast / 16 / July
Horticultural Show / 6 / August
Coffee Morning / 17 / September
Auction of Promises / 24 / September
Coffee Morning / 15 / October
Coffee Morning / 5 / November
Xmas Market/Fair / 19 / November
Coffee Morning / 10 / December
Dates subject to change
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Happy New Year to you all (if it's not too late to wish you one). This Newsletter is to give you an update on what the Hall Management Committee and the Hall Fundraising Group have been doing over the last year and to let you know what we have planned for 2016.
As well as the day to day running of the Hall, the Management Committee have been trying to achieve two things - firstly, to put the Hall finances on a more sound footing and secondly to improve the fabric of the building.
Finances.In the past our outgoings (mainly gas, electricity and insurance) have exceeded our income, a situation made sustainable only by raising money at the Digby Feast and the Christmas Market. We recognised that this situation was untenable and that something had to be done. Firstly, we have had help from the Parish Council towards our insurance costs (many thanks Parish Council). Secondly, we have made a small increase in the cost of hiring the Hall (though we are still very competitive compared to other village halls). Thirdly, we are looking to reduce our gas and electricity costs (which hopefully will have the largest, long term impact) by improving the energy efficiency of the Hall and obtaining funding for new heating and lighting.
Hall Refurbishment.We hope you will have noticed the new roof (which included thermal insulation) and new double glazed windows which means the Hall is now watertight and much warmer. This was possible thanks to two significant grants (one from Wren, the other from LCC and NKDC). Our next goal is to secure funding for a new efficient, cost-effective heating system and a full electrical re-wire of the building. We are grateful for a grant just received from Western Power towards the cost of replacing our numerous fluorescent tube lights with modern LED variants. Again these are much more energy efficient and will result in lower electricity costs. You will also have seen a number of cosmetic changes in the hall. New roller blinds on the windows have been obtained and fitted and work has begun to refurbish the paintwork both outside and in. A baby changing unit has been fitted courtesy of the Big Society Fund and a new set of stage curtains have been kindly donated and are currently being altered to fit. Likewise we have received a donation from a local Masonic Lodge which will be used to install a small museum area featuring the history of the Hall and the part that villagers and the village played during both World Wars.
Last Year's Events We hope that you have noticed more events being held at the Village Hall last year. This started last March with the formation of a Fundraising Group the aim of which was to provide additional funds towards the cost of making improvements to the fabric of the Hall. As a result, donations have been received from a number for local businesses (see footnote [1]). Also, the additional events have not only raised money but also provided more of a focus for the community and helped to raise the profile of the Village. In addition to the usual Feast (in July) and Christmas Market (in November) we also put on the following:
Coffee Mornings. The first coffee morning was held in April and, following its success, more were held in June, September, October, November and December. These have proved so popular that we will try to hold one every month in 2016 (unless there is a clash with another similar event).
Prize Bingo Night. This was held in May and was open to all family members. Those who went had a really enjoyable time, although we would have liked more people there.
OpenGardens and Afternoon Tea. This was combined with an Art Exhibition, courtesy of Beck Street Studio. Held towards the end of June, the weather was kind to us and the success of the afternoon took us all somewhat by surprise, with many from outside the village also coming to see us. Also a surprise was how many truly lovely gardens there are tucked away in Digby! Such was the popularity and with many supportive comments received, that we will hold another one in 2016. If anyone has a garden they would like including, please let us know.
Wine Tasting. Majestic Wine of Lincoln helped us out with this in September. Although this was not held primarily as a fundraising event and was only moderately well attended, we still made a reasonable profit (largely thanks to the raffle) and everybody (who could remember!) had a really good time.
Race Night. In October we put on a Filmed Race Night, as a joint venture with the Digby Bowls Club. This proved to be our biggest fund raiser of the year; it was a great success and was a very enjoyable evening.
Family Discos. We held two of these, the first in July after the Feast and the second in early December. We made these family discos as there is little else in the village for children to attend. Unfortunately neither were well attended, which is a great shame as those who were there really enjoyed. / Events for 2016
We have a range of events planned for 2016. We hope these will build on what we did last year, but it is not a finalised list. Other events we are considering include a Table Top Sale, a Tea Dance and a Quiz Night. If you have any suggestions for future events please contact one of the committee members (details in the Hall, or come and see us at a coffee morning).
Please keep an eye out for posters etc giving details of events coming up. Meanwhile, a list of the events we presently have planned is on the next page.
Thank You
None of this could have taken place without your support, from those who opened their gardens to strangers, sponsored races, horses andjockeys, to those who simply help us drink tea and coffee (and wine) - thank you so much. We firmly believe that the Hall is a great asset to the village, and that a thriving village hall is an essential part of village life. Help us keep it that way.
The Future
Every grant obtained requires a contribution from hall funds and some projects, like the blinds, have been funded entirely by fundraising. There is still much to do. In the next few weeks we are tackling some of the interior decoration and intending to get the floor refurbished in the main hall. So our fundraising will continue apace! In the short term we have been fortunate to have been chosen as the Community Champion at Ruskington Co-op for December 15 to March 16. Every time someone shops there, the Co-op will donate to the Hall fund, so get shopping!
Finally, we are always in need of people to assist at our events and with our fundraising - so if you would like to help in any way, please get in touch (Steve, tel no 323195).
Have a great year!

[1]Donations from: The Co-op Ruskington, Barclays Bank Sleaford, Dennis Estates, Bradshaw Haulage, Digby Garage Services, Beck Street Studio, Beck Street Wines, Maidens Farm, Brackenbury's Garage, Picks Butchers