Did my Grandmother water this tree?
Criteria / A / B / C / D / EThe student work demonstrates evidence of:
Historical Knowledge and Understanding / Student identifies who the people are in their family
ACHHK001 / Can identify all of the immediate family members and all of the Grandparents / Can identify immediate family members and some of the Grandparents / Can identify immediate family members / Can identify some of the immediate family members / Unable to name members of their family
Student identifies where they were born and raised
ACHHK001 / Can state where both grandparents, both parents and self are born and raised / Can state where the members of their immediate family and one of the Grandparents were born and raised / Can state where the members of their immediate family were born and raised / Can state where some of the immediate family members were born and raised / Unable to state where any family members were born and raised
Student identifies how members of their family are related to each other
ACHHK001 / Can state all relationships between family members – eg. Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, brother, sister / Can state 3 or more relationships between family members – e.g Mum, Dad, Grandparents / Can state 2 relationships between family members - e.g Mum and Dad / Can state one relationship between family members – eg. Mum / Unable to state relationships between family members
Historical Skills / Explore a range of sources about the past ACHHS018 / Identifies more than 3 sources of information – eg. Grandma, parents, photographs, recipes, etc / Identifies 3 sources of information – eg. Mum, Grandma, old artefacts, etc / Identifies 2 sources of information – eg. Grandma, photographs / Identifies one source of information – eg. Grandma / Unable to identify source of information
Uses a range of communication forms(oral, graphic, written, role play) and digital technologies
ACHHSO22 / Uses Voki to answer big question using 2 or more justifications – No my Grandmother couldn’t have watered this tree because she grew up in NSW and didn’t live in this area until she was an adult / Uses Voki to answer big question using one justification – Yes my Grandmother could have watered this tree because she lived in Cairns / Uses Voki to answer big question. Yes or no answer / Unable to answer big question