Dickleburgh & Rushall Village Centre

Management Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held on Wed. 5th April 2017

PRESENT – Cllrs. Clarkson, Goodman, Johnson, Jan Logan, Keith Moore, Mandy Wilby, Jenny Strike

IN ATTENDANCE – Ann Baker (Clerk),

Public Forum: none

  1. Apologies for absence - Chris Davy - approved
  2. Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest from members on any item to be discussed - none
  3. To approve the monthly financial report and notifications of payments:
  1. Monthly – current figures – it was queried where the £5,000 restricted reserves had come from on the accounts and reconciliation? It was probably funds from Mr. Draper’s legacy for the Village Centre; the figures for last month were sound, Cllr. Clarkson thanked all involved in the community
  2. Bank Reconciliation – £5,000 restricted reserves – to clarify where this sum came from; it was resolved to approve the figures, proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Keith Moore
  3. First Connect installation – invoice will be sent presently
  4. Invoices for refurbishment to date – it was noted that good deals had been received from Bathroom Bargains, Tiling Designs, Handy Driers and the radiators – it was resolved to approve the payments, proposed Keith Moore, seconded Cllr. Johnson
  5. Renewal of Village Centre Caretaker’s contract – Chris Davy to confirm amount of increase and the Clerk will speak with the Caretaker
  1. Approval of the minutes from the last Village Centre Committee meeting held on Wed. 13th March 2017 – proposed Cllr. Clarkson, seconded Cllr. Goodman - approved by all
  2. Matters arising from the last meeting – for information purposes only, incl:-
  1. First Connect Security – the system at present is waiting for all refurbishment to be completed, First Connect will then return, move the sensors onto the new doors and recap how to use the system
  2. Window & door blinds – appointment has been made for making the blinds; shutter still requires attention
  3. Imps Creativity Day, April 13th 1.25pm - 4.00pm - all places have been filled, 30 in each session
  1. The refurbishment project - Adnams met earlier in the week, information awaited, various policies have been requested by Keith Moore for the Saracen’s and Dulverton Trusts – these are part of Norfolk Community Foundation; Cllr. Clarkson had met with Co. Cllr. Spratt and John Pennell regarding possible grant options, however it appears that none are suitable
  1. Waste collections - three quotes received – it was resolved to use the Biffa quote, 1100l, review over 3mths., site visit - ACTION - Clerk to arrange
  1. Matters of Information:
  • Andrew Goodman - back wall of Meeting room – to be cleared for display of Neighbourhood Plan details
  • Jan Logan – tarmac entrance to Bowls Club is still causing problems with car undercarriages – as the Club is opening on the 15th April, Jan Logan will approach a contractor who may be able to assist; for the event on the 22nd April – spotlights above the stage were requested - for the band; collection of the stage will be co-ordinated by Jan Logan, ACTION – Clerk to contact Chris Davy for assistance
  • Sam Johnson – Library Van – the routes will be re-organised, as from the end of April, it will arrive at the Village Centre at 2.55 – 3.55, a new timetable has been sent – ACTION - advertise the on website, Parish Magazine, on noticeboards;, Library Van Staff will contact the School and send them a batch of timetables
  • Jenny/Mandy – the passage way light requires new starter motor; light in caged area not working, at front door too, wait for builders to complete then address
  1. Confirm the date of the next meeting and to receive items for the agenda - Wed. 3rd May 2017, 7pm

There being no further business the meeting ended at 8. 24pm

Signed………………………………………………………………… Date ……………………………………………………………