Dickerson Middle School
Advanced Content Class
7th Grade Social Studies
Ms. Barbara Rothschild
Ms. Jenna Winters
Course Syllabus 2017-2018

Course Goal:The purpose of social studies is to help students develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a society which is culturally diverse, democratic, and globally interdependent.

CLASS TEXTBOOK:Exploring Our World: People, Places, and Cultures
History Alive! Geography Alive!
Digital Online Maps/ Digital CCPS Programs

SUPPLIES(Brought to class each day…)
*Interactive Notebook
*Pencilsand blue ballpoint pens
*Glue sticks
*Sharpened colored pencils (no felt tip pens, markers, colored pens, Sharpies)
*Pencil Sharpener (recommended)
**On occasion: sticky notes, 3x5 index card(s); Please note that students will be given advanced notice when these supplies will be needed

Seventh grade is the second year of a two year World Area Studies course. Students will study the regions of The Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia.

  • The strands of study for each region are geography, culture, history, government, and economics.
  • There will be an emphasis on higher-order thinking and communication skills, and a continuation of the application of Pre-AP strategies.

Grades are weighted as follows:
Tests/ Projects 40%
Graded Assignments (class work)20%
Homework/ Class Participation10%.

Each student is required to keep their Interactive Notebook current. All work must be neat and completed and turned in on time. With the exception of illness or any other excused absence, late work will not be accepted for full credit.
First semester late work policy: Students may turn in work up to three days late, with a 15 point deduction per day. Late work will not be accepted after three days. Homework is due at the beginning of class. If a student does not have his/her homework ready to turn in at the beginning of class, it is late.
Second semester late work policy: Students may turn in work one day late, with a 25 point penalty. Late work will not be accepted more than one day late. Homework is due at the beginning of class. . If a student does not have his/her homework ready to turn in at the beginning of class, it is late.

  • Be on time, prepared, and arrive with the necessary supplies and materials.
  • Complete all assignments on time.
  • Follow directions so as not to interfere with the learning of others.
  • Ask questions for clarification.
  • When absent, the student should access their teacher’s blog for assignment information and to fill in his/her agenda. Upon return to school, the student is responsible for checking for any additional information.

This is an Advanced Content Class. The curriculum and instructional strategies for this course are differentiated in content, pacing, process, skills emphasis, and expectation of student outcomes for the typical 7th grade social studies course. The course is appropriate for students who have achievement and interest in social studies. Students are placed in this course due to demonstrated exceptional ability and motivation. Students must maintain an average of 80% or higher to remain eligible for service in this course.

Parents: Please sign in the Social Studies Interactive Notebook on page III that you have read the Social Studies Syllabus. Please sign by Friday, August 11.