
Dickens A&E Biography Video Questions

These do go in order and you do not have to use complete sentences. You may skip up to 3 questions except you may not skip the last starred question. Also, do not skip more than 2 in a row.

1.  Why is Charles Dickens so influential?

2.  Which character do people often reference from The Christmas Carol?

3.  Name two qualities of Dickens as a child.

4.  Name a problem with money that the Dickens family faced.

5.  What did Dickens write about all the time?

6.  How did Dickens feel about lawyers?

7.  Who did Dickens fall in love with?

8.  Why did his first love reject him?

9.  How did Dickens first become a writer?

10.  What happened in April 1836?

11.  What made Dickens work so popular?

12.  Name one of the two books he started writing when his family moved into their first home?

13.  Who did Charles Dickens fall in love with?

14.  What kind of reception did he receive in America?

15.  When he was doing poorly finanacially, what little story did Dickens write?

16.  What influence did A Christmas Carol have on traditions?

17.  How does he transform his father's bankruptcy into repossession of paradise?

18.  What is the difference between his early novels and his later novels?

19.  Why is he so unhappy in his later years?

20.  After he separated from his wife, how many of the children stayed with him?

21.  How was Ellen different from Catherine?

22.  At the end of his life, what did Dickens have a new passion for?

23.  When did he die?

**What part of his life do you think most influenced his work? Why? USE COMPLETE SENTENCES on this one!