Blessing pronounced upon the head of Elder Helaman Pratt, on the occasion of his being set apart for a mission to Mexico, under the hands of Elders' Moses Thatcher and William W. Taylor, (Bro. Thatcher being mouth) in the Council House, Salt Lake City April 1883.
Brother Helaman Pratt, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ-- and by authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, We lay our hands upon your head and set you apart to go to Mexico to preach to the remnants of Jacob and the house of Israel. Thou hast been called by revelation and thy calling has been sanctioned by the vote of the people in General Conference. This is a great mission where unto thou art called and we say unto thee go forth and if thou art prayerful, humble, and faithful before the Lord thy way shall be opened up before thee, your works shall be made manifest, and you shall know how to speak. Language shall be given unto thee, thy tongue shall be unloosened, thy heart shall be influenced by the power of the Holy Ghost, and thou shall speak forth mightily to the Lamanites in that land, even in the spanish language. If thou desires thou shalt also be able to comprehend the Mahuatal tongue, even the language of the Aztecs. The power of our God shall rest down abundantly upon thee, and at times of trial and temptation thou shall se beyond overhanging clouds and realize that that land and that people have been dedicated unto the Lord, and that it is their destiny to become the battle axes in the hands of God; that they are yet to become a white and a delightsome people who will purify their hearts and bodies and thus fulfil the predictions concerning that country made by the prophets anciently, and those which have been made by the modern prophets in reference to their salvation, for the shall yet come up and be a might people whom the Lord God shall delight to bless through the instrumentality of his servants.
Thou goest commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to preach the gospel of repentance and to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and to lay your hands upon the people that they may receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ when you lay hands upon those who are sick and they shall be healed. Our Lord shall be with thee when thou are in the valleys or in the hills, and the hand of the assassin shall not reach thee, the power of the mother church even the mother of Harlots shall not prevail against thee. Thou shalt go in peace and return in safety, go thou in the midst of that people. They have been bound up by the thralldom of superstition and by the power of the Roman Catholic Church for many years, but they are waiting and praying for the word of the Lord. We seal thee up to this mission and say thou shalt do a might work in connection with your brethren who are there now and who here after shall be called, be faithful and true, take no thought as to your family for they shall want for not good thing, you shall never want for food nor raiment nor for a place to rest, for the Lord shall be thy friend. A great and a mighty work shall be done in that country, even the Gospel of Jesus Christ shall extend from there along down the backbone of the country through Mexico to South America, until the word of the Lord shalt not only sound in the ears but in the hearts of the people and they shall be brought to a knowledge of their forefathers, through the Book of Mormon, which shall hereafter be published in their language and thus fulfil the predictions that have been made concerning them. We seal these blessings upon thy head and say that thou shalt travel safely by land and sea and when thou hast finished thy work thou shalt return home rejoicing that thou hast been an instrument in the hands of God in bringing many souls to a knowledge of the truth, we seal all these blessings upon thee with the blessings of Eternal life with power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection. Through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
OCT 23, 1883 - Left Salt Lake City in company with Thomas J. Morgan, J. Groesbeck and wives, Brother Frank R. Snow, J. Richhardson, at 10:20 a.m.
OCT 24 - Had breakfast at Camarron Station at the mouth of Black Canyon. Arrived at Pueblo at 4:15 p.m. Stopped at the Fargo Hotel where we had bed and meal for $1.50.
OCT 25 - Left Pueblo at 2:10 a.m. traveled down the Kansas River. Passed Liberty Landing Station near where Liberty Jail was situated where my father was held as prisoner, about five miles from Independence, Jackson County, Missouri.
OCT 26 -Arrived in Kansas City at 5:30 a.m. and started for St. Louis at 7:00 a.m. Brother J. Groesbeck and I went to Richmond and visited David Whitmer who showed us the manuscript of the Book of Mormon and the copy of the characters that was taken by Martin Harris to show to Professor Anthony.
David Whitmer was born on Jan. 7, 1805. He is quite feeble but has a clear bright eye and conversed with great freedom on the Book of Mormon and bore the same testimony to its being true that he did years ago, and which is published in the book. He showed us the manuscript of the book and a paper which contains the characters which he said were copied by Joseph Smith's own hand, which were taken and shown to professor Anthony by Martin Harris. His son also read to us a testimony of James T. Cobb of Salt Lake City, in which Cobb says the Book of Mormon is not true and is a fraud; is the work of Sidney Rigdon taken from the Spaulding story, and says it is an imposition on the world, and David Whitmer resented the same in the strongest language and said the Book was true and he knew it for God had declared it to him and the angel of the Lord had shone the plates from which it was translated; and he said "If anything is true, that is true" and said that the Book of Mormon was published to the world before Sidney Rigdon ever saw or heard of it. (The above note of J.T. Cobb was written on June 8, 1881)
OCT 27 - Arrived in St. Louis at 7:00 a.m. Stopped at St. James Hotel, visited the bridge, Shaws Gardens and Park, Zoological Gardens, etc.
OCT 28 - Left St. Louis by the O&M Railroad at 8:00 a.m., arrived at North Vernon at 4:15 p.m., started for Louisville at 4:20, arrived at 6:15, stopped at the Fifth Ave. Hotel.
OCT 29 - Visited the Louisville exposition where our eyes had continuous feast for four hours. It seemed like an endless variety of everything.
OCT 30 - Spent the day in looking around the city, the Ohio River, Steamboats, etc. Louisville is on the south bank and
Jefferson City is on the north. At 3:00 o'clock we started for Cincinnati on board the Madison Steamer. $3.00 was the fare.
OCT 31 - Arrived in Cincinnati about 9:00 a.m. after a pleasant trip. Stopped at the Walnut Street Hotel at $2.00 per day. Visited the Zoological Gardens and Eadon Park by street car and incline plane cars. It was one of the most pleasant days of our trip. Started for Chattanooga at 8:40 p.m.
NOV 1 - Arrived in Chattanooga at 9:00 a.m., found Brother N.W. Haws, who assisted us in getting tickets, etc. Visited Brother Haws and found his wife was Athalia Clayton. We walked out to the U.S. Cemetery which is nice for situation and is well arranged and improved. Over 12,956 were buried there.
NOV 2 - Started for New Orleans by the Alabama, New Orleans and Great Southern Railroad at 9:45 a.m. to Meridian and then by the Lookout Mountain Line to New Orleans.
NOV 3 - Was delayed three hours by a disable engine and failed to connect at Jackson where we remained until 10:20 p.m. Visited the penitentiary. Stayed at the Edwards house. $2.00 a day.
NOV 4 - Arrived at New Orleans at 7:00 a.m. after an exciting ride on the train which was at one time about an hour late but the conductor, Robert Giggs brought us in on time. Sailed at 8:00 a.m. on board the City of Mexico.
NOV 5 - Heavy head winds and rough sea. Many on board were seasick, my self with the rest, the boat rolled terribly turning over the tables and benches, etc, but Captain Emery had them all screwed down.
NOV 6 - The sea was much smoother. Passed the port of Bagdad where we took on board some passengers. It rained a little which make the air very fresh and pleasant.
NOV 7 - Here the Governor of the State of Famarel Pas, Antonio Gonzales came aboard.
NOV 8 - Arrived at Tuxpan at 10:00 a.m. where they export a great deal of rubber and gum to the U.S. Sailed at 5:00 p.m.
NOV 9 - Arrived at Vera Cruz at 7:30 a.m. stayed at the Orienta Hotel. $1.50 per day.
NOV 10 - Started for Mexico City at 5:45 where we arrived at 8:00 p.m. Found brothers Ivins and Pratt at the depot, both feeling well and glad to see us.
NOV 11 - After a good nights rest and a bath, we felt quite at home. Held meeting at 12:00 p.m. with the brethren and sisters of the Mexican Branch (14 in number) seemed to have a good spirit and we had a time of rejoicing.
NOV 12 - Spent the day in studying and talking to some of the people. Visited the market square where there was an endless
variety of the products of the country for sale. The stalls were mostly kept by women.
NOV 13 - Visited the principle church, but were not allowed to enter only one wing which contained some very fine arches and mason work in stone carving and some fine pictures; and also some of the other churches and went to the eastern suburbs of the city where it was very filthy,
NOV 14 - Visited the Military Academy of Chapultepec. The castle and park were said to have been in existence when the Spaniards came. Went out to the Church of Santiago which was built in 1693 and which is now occupied by soldiers and for a prison. Held an informal council in the park at Chapultepec in which it was decided for Bro. Nelson Pratt to remain.
NOV 15 - Visited the Great Cathedral of Mexico which was finished in 1660. It is grand in masonry and embellishments beyond all description. The banisters, railings, and candlesticks being made from composition of copper and gold, said to be of more value than silver and there is tons used in this cathedral.
NOV 16 - Visited the Church at Guadalupe which is second to that in Mexico for richness and embellishments. We also drank out of the mineral spring which is said to be sacred water and is regarded by the people as having great healing properties and that it sprang out of the earth at the feet of the Virgin Mary.
NOV 17 - Went to Ozumba in the evening where we found Brother Tino and family well.
NOV 18 - Held meeting in Tacales where about 20 of our native brethren and sisters were in attendance. Sarilo Florez had built a very good room in which to meet. In the afternoon held a meeting in Chimal where Nicolas Rodrigues has a nice little congregation. Returned to Mexico City in the evening.
NOV 19 - Visited the National Museum which is a fine collection. Packed our things preparatory to going to Ozumba.
NOV 20 - Visited the Aquarian Department of the museum which was really fine. Called on the family of a native Indian who was an artist of great renown, named Felipe Sanchez Solis, who died about one year ago. They had some beautiful paintings of historic scenes in ancient Mexico.
NOV 21 - Arrived at Ozumba and went to Brother Lino's house where we were well received. Brother Nelson R. Pratt and I expect to remain for some time in this place.
NOV 22 - Walked out to Chimal and visited the family of Brother Nicolas Rodriguez. In the afternoon went to see Jesus E. Paez who wanted four months rent in advance for his house. $5.00 per month.
NOV 23 - Rented a house of Sr. Don Domingo Valencia at $3.00 per month. Spent the rest of the day in study. Received a letter from Dora which stated that all was well at home except Irene who was troubled with a slight cold.
NOV 24 - Moved our effects from Lino's house to our new quarters. Found the people of the house very kind people.
NOV 25 - Attended meeting in Tecalco where about 16 or 18 of the natives were in attendance. In the afternoon held meeting at Chimal where Brother Rodriguez and about 16 others were in attendance. The evening was spent conversing with Don Domingo on the scriptures.
NOV 26 - Studied Spanish. Young Brother Ponciano Rodrigues visited us and we read the scriptures together. In the afternoon walked out to the top of a small mountain near Chimal in the evening continued our conversation with Don Domingo, who is an Indian and seems like an honest man.
NOV 27 - Went to the depot and met Brother Lino who had been to Mexico City. Received a letter from Brother Ivins who was well, also Brother Snow. The rest of the day was spent in study. In the evenings we visited Sister Rodriguez and family in Chimal.
NOV 28 - Studied Spanish and about noon walked out to Tecalco and talked with the families of Brother Serilo and Rojas. Also called on Sr. Don Philipe Sanches, the president of the municipality of Ozumba who received me very kindly and assured us every protection in his power to give in our lawful pursuits. This is the same that fined Brother Nelson and Lino on the 3rd of August 1883.
NOV 29 - Visited Brother Esteban at Chimal who reported every thing at San Andres de la Cal as being all right. He also told us of his son who died six years ago reading to him from the scriptures and telling him that there would men yet come among them that would preach the Gospel of Christ and have authority to baptize in His name.
NOV 30 - Studied Spanish. Bought supplies for five days, this being market day. Every five days the people gather from all the small towns to this plaza and bring all kinds of produce for
sale. They seat themselves in rows with sufficient space between for people to pass. Thus may be seen several hundred Indian men and women every five days.
DEC 1 - This day was spent in study.
DEC 2 - Held meetings in Tecalco and Chimal by invitation of Sister Rodrigues we remained and took dinner with her and husband, then we attended the meeting of Presbyterian Church. The plaza and streets of Ozumba were crowded with people with bands of music marching, dancing, drinking, horseback riding, firecrackers, giving it a very lively appearance.
DEC 3 - Studied Spanish, visited Brother Serilo. In the evening called on a Methodist minister, Ponciano Rodriguez, where we were well entertained by himself and wife with music and singing.
DEC. 4 - Brother Antonio Paez called and with two of his friends, in the evening walked out to Atlautla and visited a young man and wife by the name of Simon Paez who treated us very kindly.
DEC 5 - Received letters from Victoria and Dora, which I answered in the evening.
DEC 6 - Did not feel very well. Fasted until noon, after eating called on a schoolmaster by the name of Miguel Valencia. Walked out to Chimal where we made several calls.
DEC 7 - Accompanied Brothers Ivins and Lino to Chapultepec, which is a very nice city in the Tierra Caliente and the present terminal of the railroad. At 20 minutes after 4 o'clock, started for San Andres de la Cal on foot where we arrived at 7:30 p.m. The people were pleased to see us.
DEC 8 - Held meeting in San Andres de la Cal, the people here are all Indian. After the meeting one of the brethren gave us each 12 1/2 cents, took dinner and returned to Yautepec, where we paid 50 cents for a room and beds.
DEC 9 - Took the train for Cuautla, walked out to Cuahuistla where we held meeting with the saints, stopped and had dinner and supper with Bro. Barco who pawned his corn cutter to get bread for us to eat, but on our finding this out we left money enough to help them out of their difficulty. Returned to Cuautla and stopped at a hotel.
DEC 10 - Visited the iron bridge over the river of Morales where there is some very fine mason work. Returned to Ozumba. Brother Ivins continuing on the Mexico City. The country we have visited is a beautiful and productive place, the tropical fruits and sugar cane being extensively cultivated.
DEC 11 - Had a long visit from Brother Nicolas Rodrigues. Wrote to President Moses Thatcher.
DEC 12 - Studied Spanish and then walked over to Bro. Lino Zarate's house.
DEC 13 - Studied Spanish and in the evening walked out to Tecales where we met with a number of our brethren and practiced singing. At 8:00 p.m. called at the house of our friend, Ponciano Rodrigues where we met quite a number of gentlemen. spent an hour listening to music and singing.