Diamond Club Meeting Minutes

Date | time1/7/2018 6:00 PM| LocationJerry’s

Meeting called by

/ Robb Gamm /

Type of meeting

/ Booster Club Meeting /


Minute Recorder

/ Robb Gamm
/ Attendees:Attendees: Brian Sprout, Dave Molin, Gary Hunter, Heidi Szymanski, Lance Highum,
Absent: Chris LeMay, Jim Mckevitt, Kathie Ehler-Lejcher, Theresa Trollen
Date January 1, 2018LocationJerry’s market room #1

Meeting Minutes

Finance Update (Dave M.)
•Budget - Baseballs allotment from the school this year is $2500. Brian is looking for good ideas to use this on and we brought up baseballs, tees, field maintenance supplies (clay, surface, chalk, etc.). Robb, Dave and Brian will continue to work on that.Brian also said there was an additional $2900 left over from the storage shed buildout that the school is holding for us.
  • We agreed to look at options to replace the 4 wheeler which has not been running great. We also will have a mechanic look it over before going forward with anything
•Casino Night- bus reservations will also be due on February 12. Brian will discuss this in the player meeting coming up. Email to be sent ASAP. Players will also sell raffle tickets for 2 iPods (this would not be due until closer to the event). Money will be delivered to Theresa Trollen
Heggie’s Pizza Fundraiser - we set the kickoff date for taking Heggie’s orders for January 17 with orders due back on February 12. Suggested sales amounts for each player will be 15 pizzas. There will be a prize for the top seller in each age group ($50 gift card?). Gary will make up sales sheets with pizzas selling for $9 and $11. Delivery date will be 3/24 (super Saturday).
•Scrips- Lance Highum stopped by to talk about Scrips. They recently moved to a model that gives 100% less expenses back to the family to go to their fees. He says it is very popular. He committed to have the ERAA Scrips lead talk with our designate at a further date to talk about marketing it, etc.
Advertising (Update Sent by Jim Via email)
  • Met with Terry Blake and have all files for advertising. He will work as an advisor to help me get up to speed.
  • Letters are going out for renewals this month.
  • Made the decision that we will not ask for last year donation. I consulted with Terry Blake on this and that was his suggestion. I will explain to Chris LeMay so he can address this topic if you have questions.
  • I have done evaluations of the signs and will inform those that need new signage (maybe 10-20%)
  • We have roughly half of the real estate covered. I will engage other parents to help generate new sponsors- Meeting will be set for week of Jan 15. Other than Chris Lemay, who agreed to help with this, I will seek out non-board members for this task. However, if you want to participate you are more than welcome.
  • Engaging ER hockey sponsors that want to expand coverage
  • Please advise if you know of a company/entity that would like to become a sponsor. I will reach out to them.
Update from Coach Sprout
•Youth Day - scheduled for May 4, 2018
  • Assistant Coach for Legion – search in process
  • Parent meeting – scheduled for March 11th at 6pm
☐ / Meeting Adjourned /

Other Information

Next meeting 6 pm February 11thJerry’s Neighborhood Room #2

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