Name ______

SocialPsychology: Randy Schultz

Journal Article Review Grading Rubric (Worth 60 points)

Due Date: Tuesday, October 12

Criterion / Exemplary / Satisfactory / Inadequate / Total
(3pts. per question)
#1= points
#2= points
#3= points
#4= points
#5= points
#6= points
#7= points
#8= points
#9= points
#10= points
#11= points
#12= points
#13= points
#14= points
#15= points / Accurately, specifically, and clearly answered the question, and provided specific examples when asked. Ideas are arranged logically. Ideas flowed smoothly from one to another. Crystal clear line of reasoning. Easy to understand.
(3 points) / Answered the question somewhat accurately or did not provide at least one specific example to support the answer when asked or example was not relevant. Ideas were generally arranged logically and were usually clearly linked to question. Clear line of reasoning.
(1-2 points) / Did not accurately, specifically, and clearly answer the question, and provided no specific and/or an inaccurate example to support the answer when asked. Ideas were not arranged logically. Ideas wereminimally linked to question. Foggy-to-muddy reasoning. Difficult to understand.
(0 points)
Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation
(10 points)
Note: I will stop grading after 10 errors.
If you have poor writing skills, I suggest that you seek help from the WritingCenter (Cedar Hall 3067) / Used spellcheck. Proofread for errors. Error-free.
Highly readable.
Wroteanswers using complete sentences when necessary.
(10 points) / Used spellcheck.
May or may not have written answers in complete sentences when necessary.
May have proofread, but still had(1-5) errors.
(5-9 points) / Did not use spellcheck.
Did not proofread for errors. Marred by many (6-10+) errors.Very difficult to read.
(0-4 points)
Paper Format
( 5 points)
No handwritten and unstapled article reviews will be accepted for credit. / Satisfied all 5 format criteria: Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or Arial Font, One-inch margins, front-side printed, and excellent print quality.
(5 points) / Satisfied 3-4 format criteria: Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or Arial Font, One-inch margins, front-side printed, and excellent print quality.
(3-4 points) / Satisfied 0-2 format criteria: Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or Arial Font, One-inch margins, front-side printed, and excellent print quality.
(0-2 points)

***Remember to paper clip the journal article to the back of the stapled article review. Of course, I cannot grade your article review without a copy of your article. ***

Total Points _____/60
