Developmental Dialogue
Name: Position/Title:
Supervisor:Review Date:
Department: Review Period:
Performance Level Definitions
Section I: Evaluation and Development
We encourage the supervisor to discuss with the staff member the extent to which the staff member demonstrates the following values andSkills for Success. We also suggest the employee completes Section I based on his/her perceptions of their own performance and behavior.
Instructions: Select and comment on the performance level demonstrated during the review period for the following skillareas. Type an 'X' in the shaded light blue boxes that correspond to your rating. The comment boxes are expandable and will automatically resize to fit your comments.
University Values / Fails to Achieve Expectations / Needs Improvement / Fully Achieves Expectations / Frequently Exceeds Expectations / Consistently Surpasses Expectations1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Collegiality – We develop and maintain positive relationships through understanding, collaboration and trust.
Participates in problem solving and decision making.
Seeks collaboration and partnerships.
Is willing to change her/his mind or behavior when given new information.
Promptly and fairly resolves conflicts.
People believe in and respect her/him.
Communicates openly, responsibly, and truthfully.
Gives credit to others for their ideas, contributions, and success.
Integrity–Striving to do the right thing for the greater good for all of our clients and for Cornell.
Shares and accepts information - even when difficult.
Accountable for her/hisactions and behaviors.
Behaves in an honest and ethical manner, and admits her/his mistakes.
Behaves in ways that model and reflect University values.
Exercises appropriate confidentiality in all aspects of work.
Puts team objectives ahead of personal interests.
Initiative – We develop new strategies and continuously assess the appropriateness of the services we provide to the university.
Enhances personal knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Shows initiative, anticipates needs and takes actions.
Seeks innovation through risk-taking and change.
As a team member, helps keep the team moving forward.
Volunteers for tasks.
Finds ways to contribute to the department’s goals.
Excellence –We establish goals and objectives to achieve excellence and are accountable for our actions and the impact they have on the community.
Continuously re-assesses, and carefully evaluates existing opinions, practices, policies, & strategies.
Focuses on delivering the highest quality service to campus
Measures and improves performance, including benchmarking best practices against our own.
Accountable for performance to our Customers, Employees, and Owners.
Demonstrates acts of good citizenship within our community.
Demonstrates the ability to express thoughts clearly, orally and in writing.
University Values (cont'd) / Fails to Achieve Expectations / Needs Improvement / Fully Achieves Expectations / Frequently Exceeds Expectations / Consistently Surpasses Expectations
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Civility – We are frank, open, sincere and respectful of others.
Shows kindness and compassion for all individuals.
Encourages the sharing of ideas and feelings with candor and respect.
Recognizes, appreciates, and celebrates other's accomplishments.
Promotes a diverse working environment that respects all people.
Listens closely so I feel heard and understood.
Seeks feedback relating to her/his own performance and impact on others.
Tells me and others the truth.
Helps keep the workplace free from fear and anger.
Stewardship – We responsibly manage and protect the resources entrusted to our care.
Works safely and encourages others to do so.
Understands and works on the most important tasks first.
Uses work time well.
Demonstrates stewardship of all university resources entrusted to us (people, funds, facilities, etc.).
Demonstrates sustainable practices within her/his areas of responsibility.
Leadership Skills
Demonstrates leadership skills that create a positive, motivating, productive, and cost effective work environment.
Develops staff (if any) through training, mentoring, supervision, coaching, and leadership.
Job Knowledge and Performance Results
Demonstrates the knowledge and skills required to perform the job.
Understands position goals, responsibilities, and expectations.
Is current on professional/technical developments related to position.
Delivers performance results, i.e. work output results in positive deliverable measurements.
Continues self-development through training, workshops, etc.
Results of the Past Year
Please note three to five things you’re proud of on the job during the past year. Consider the reasons why you think so.
Please note three to five things you would have liked to accomplish over the course of the last year but didn't. Why?
Section II: Individual Development Plan
Position Goals and ProjectsWhat do you see as your areas of most important responsibility during the coming year? Explain clearly the projects, goals, and outcomes you wish to achieve. What measures would you establish to determine if you have been successful completing your goals and projects. Please be as specific as possible.
What skills, education, experiences, or assistance do you think you will need to accomplish these goals in the most successful way possible? Please include any personal or professional growth ideas and issues that you believe are relevant to your job satisfaction and success.
Career Goals
Where do you see yourself in two years? Beyond two years? What are your aspirations and dreams?
What factors either personal, supervisory, or organizational might block you from being effective in accomplishing these particular goals? How might I best support you?
Personal Relationships
What behaviors of yours help you in your interactions with others? What behaviors of yours get in your way in your interactions with others? Please give specific examples of each.
Whom are you developing to succeed you in your position; what is your succession plan?
What has gone well and what needs to be improved in your relationship with your supervisor? Please be as specific as possible.
Section III: Annual Audit
Overall performance LevelFails to Achieve Expectations
Does not fulfill position requirements.
(Performance improvement plan must be developed and monitored, or termination must be initiated.) / 1
Needs Improvement
Fails to meet one or more of the significant position requirements. Requires improvements in areas noted. (Performance improvement plan must be developed and monitored.) / 2
Fully Achieves Expectations
Fulfills position requirements, consistently meeting established goals and expectations. Performance makes the expected contributions to unit goals. / 3
Frequently Exceeds Expectations
Performs beyond expectations in a majority of position duties and responsibilities. Consistently meets and, at times, exceeds position expectations – making a significant contribution to the overall achievement of unit/department goals. / 4
Consistently Surpasses Expectations
Works consistently at a superior level in most aspects of position; consistently exceeds goals and expectations. Makes an exceptional or unique contribution to the unit/department. / 5
Supervisor's Comments:
Staff Member's Comments:
I have provided the staff member with a current position description and have discussed the Developmental Dialogue with him/her.
Immediate Supervisor:Date:
Next Level Supervisor: (optional)Date:
I have reviewed this document with my supervisor. My signature indicates that I have completed these discussions, but does not necessarily imply my agreement: any areas of disagreement are noted in my comments above (or in the attached document). I understand that I am entitled to receive a copy of this form and attachments, bearing all required signatures.
Staff Member:Date:
Questions and comments regarding the performance management process may
be addressed to Human Resources at 255-3859. Return the full Developmental Dialogue to Human Resources at 129 Humphreys by March 31st each year.
Revised 10/19/2009