Development Review Board Meeting

Minutes - January 10, 2012

Attending: DRB members John Shea, Mike Quenneville, Chuck Martell, Kevin Wry; ZA Karla Hostetler; Bruce Dunbar

The meeting started was opened at 6 p.m for Application 3137 .

Motion to open hearing onregarding a lot line adjustement (minor subdivision) for the estate of Agnes Dunbar. Motion seconded and approved.

Bruce Dunbar, the applicant and one of the executors of the Estate (????), provided background for the application for a lot line adjustment shifting 8.4 acres from the Agnes Dunbar estate (Parcel 01-063) to his adjoining parcel (01-067).

It was noted this adjustment will make Bruce Dunbar’sthepreviously non-conforming propertylot (01-067) a conforming propertylot, with a total 9+ acres.

Motion by Mr. Wry Kevin that the application is complete. Seconded by Mike, by ???, approved unanimously.

Motion by Mr. Martel Chuck to approve the lot line adjustment as presented. Seconded by Mike, by ???, approved unanimously.

Bruce was informed that a Mylar is required within 180 days. He agreed and departed.

Motion by Mr. Wry Kevin to approve the Minutes of December 13, 2011???, ? with adjustments. Seconded by Mr. Martel ???, approved unanimously.

The Board then entered a Deliberative Session regarding the Wynn-Booth Conditional Use application #3141(#???) for a driveway.

Motionby by Mr. Wry Kevin to approve the Conditional Use aapplication #(3141 #???)for a period of three years with a one-year administrative extension. Seconded and unanimously approved.

The board discussed the Mad River Valley Housing Coalition’s request to consider modifying the previously approved application #3130 (????) with respects to submitting a single Mylar of the new lot being created by their approved Subdivision, with an inset depicting the original Summit Ventures parcel and where the new lot fits in. Keith Van Iderstine, the certifying land surveyor for the project at McCain Consulting, made the request with the hope of Gunner McCain (the applicant’s engineering consultant)’s hope is to avoiding having to resurvey the entire original parcel, which would be necessary if two Mylars (one depicting each property) are submitted. Discussion focused on how to ensure future researchers can understand the new lot’s relation to the original parcel.

Motion by Mr. Wry Kevin to askclarify the condition within approved permit #3130, ???? fforMRVHC to submit two identical Mylars using the format they propose, so that one can be filed with the Summit Ventures parcel and one with the new MRVHC parcel. Motion seconded, approved unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karla Hostetler

Zoning Administrator