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Development planner SHM 4
Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / CommentTeaching
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Activity / Check-Up / Topic
handling 1 / I have explored a variety of ways in which data is presented and can ask and answer questions about the information it contains.
MNU 1-20a
I have used a range of ways to collect information and can sort it in a logical, organised and imaginative way using my own and others’ criteria.
MNU 1-20b
Using technology and other methods, I can display data simply, clearly and accurately by creating tables, charts and diagrams, using simple labelling and scale.
MTH 1-21a / C/C
•By obtaining information for a task from a variety of given sources.
•By using a tally sheet with grouped tallies.
•By entering data in a table using row and column headings.
•By constructing a table or a chart.
•By constructing a bar graph with axes graduated in units and with discrete categories of information.
•From displays and databases
-by retrieving specific records
-by identifying the most and least frequent items. / Data handling
•Extracting information, tally charts and bar charts:
-deals with extracting numerical and written information from a table or chart
-introduces recording and extracting information from tally charts
-extends work on displaying and interpreting vertical and horizontal bar charts to include frequency axes labelled in fives and then in tens / 356–364 / 36–37 / 102–104 / E21 / 38–39
handling 2 / I have explored a variety of ways in which data is presented and can ask and answer questions about the information it contains.
MNU 1-20a
I have used a range of ways to collect information and can sort it in a logical, organised and imaginative way using my own and others’ criteria.
MNU 1-20b
Using technology and other methods, I can display data simply, clearly and accurately by creating tables, charts and diagrams, using simple labelling and scale.
MTH 1-21a / O/C
•By using a tally sheet with grouped tallies.
•By entering data in a table using row and column headings.
•By constructing a table or a chart.
•From displays and databases
-By retrieving specific records
-By identifying the most and least frequent items. / Data handling
-introduces displaying pictograms with the symbol representing two units
-introduces interpreting and displaying pictograms with the symbol representing five units / 365–369 / 38–39 / 105 / E22
Information handling 3 / I have explored a variety of ways in which data is presented and can ask and answer questions about the information it contains.
MNU 1-20a
I have used a range of ways to collect information and can sort it in a logical, organised and imaginative way using my own and others’ criteria.
MNU 1-20b
Using technology and other methods, I can display data simply, clearly and accurately by creating tables, charts and diagrams, using simple labelling and scale.
MTH 1-21a / O/C
•By entering data in a table using row and column headings.
•By constructing a table or a chart.
•From displays and databases by retrieving specific records / Data handling
•Carroll and Venn diagrams:
-revises and extends work on Carroll and Venn diagrams. / 370–374 / 106–107 / 40–41
Development planner SHM 4
Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / CommentTeaching
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Activity / Check-Up / Topic
Number 1 / I can share ideas with others to develop ways of estimating the answer to a calculation or problem, work out the actual answer, then check my solution by comparing it with the estimate.
MNU 1-01a
I have investigated how whole numbers are constructed, can understand the importance of zero within the system and use my knowledge to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.
MNU 1-02a
I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed.
MNU 1-03a
I can continueand devise more involved repeating patterns or designs, using a variety of media.
MTH 1-13a
Through exploring number patterns, I can recognise and continue simple number sequences and can explain the rule I have applied.
MTH 1-13b
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b / RTN/C
•Work with wholenumbers up to 10 000 (count, order, read/write statements).
•Round 3-digit whole numbers to the nearest 10 (eg when estimating).
•Work with patterns and sequences within and among multiplication tables. / Numbers to 10 000
•The sequence to 10 000:
-the number sequence to 1000
-extends the number sequence to 10 000
-includes finding the number after/before/between and 1, 2, 10, 50, 100 or 1000 more/less
•Place value, comparing and ordering:
-introduces place value in 4-digit numbers
-deals with adding/subtracting 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to/from 4-digit numbers, using place value knowledge.
-deals with recognising
-the larger or smaller number in a pair
-the largest or smallest number in a set up to six
-introduces the symbols > and < to represent ‘greater than’ and ‘smaller than’ respectively
-includes ordering up to six non-consecutive numbers, starting with the smallest/largest.
-deals with finding the number ‘halfway between’ a pair of 3-/4-digit multiples of 1000, 100 or 10.
•Number names ordinal numbers:
-deals with reading and writing number names to ten thousand
-extends ordinal numbers and their associated notation to include multiples of 10 to 100, for example, thirtieth (30th), fortieth (40th),… hundredth (100th).
•Estimating and rounding:
-revises estimation of a number form its position on a 1–10 number line and extends this to a 0–100 number line
-deals with estimating a simple proportion, for example, the number of millimetres in a part-full jar to hold 100 ml when full
-revises rounding a 2-digit number to the nearest 10 and a 3-digit number to the nearest 100
-introduces rounding a 3-digit number to the nearest 10
-includes choosing the best approximate answer to additions involving 2- and 3-digit numbers.
•Number properties:
-revises odd and even numbers
-revises counting on and back in 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s and extends this to include counting on and back in 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s
-introduces finding rules for number sequences
-revises multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. / 36–42
262–268 / 1–5
28–29 / 1–3
70 / E1–E2 / 1–3
5 / 1
2 / 1
3 / 1a, b
Development planner SHM 4
Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / CommentTeaching
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Activity / Check-Up / Topic
Number 2 / I can share ideas with others to develop ways of estimating the answer to a calculation or problem, work out the actual answer, then check my solution by comparing it with the estimate.
MNU 1-01a
I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed.
MNU 1-03a
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b / AS/C
•Mentally for one digit to whole numbers up to three digits, beyond in some cases involving multiples of 10.
•Without a calculator for whole numbers with two digits added to three digits.
•In applications in number, measurement and money to £20.
•Use a simple “function machine” for operations involving doubling, halving, adding and subtracting. / Addition to 1000
•Addition to 100, mental strategies:
-revises mental addition including 2-digit multiples of 10, for example: 50 + 20, 34 + 40
-deals with finding pairs of numbers which total 100 or 60, for example: 34 + 64 = 100, 28 + 32 = 60
-extends work on addition doubles/near doubles from 20 + 20 to 50 + 50
-revises mental addition of two-digit numbers, bridging a multiple of 10, for example: 57 + 35, 26 + 48
-consolidates mental strategies for the addition of several small numbers
-provides opportunities for using and applying the above methods.
•Addition of 2-digit numbers, bridging 100:
-revises mental addition of 2-digit numbers and multiples of 10
-extends adding 11, 21, 31, … and 9, 19, 29,… to 2-digit numbers bridging 100, for example: 73 + 41, 53 + 69
-revises addition of 2-digit numbers
-bridging 100, for example: 54 + 62
-bridging 10 and 100, for example: 74 + 59
•Addition involving 3-digit numbers; mental strategies:
-revises mental addition of a 3-digit number and a single digit, bridging a multiple of 10 or 100 for example: 534 + 6, 698 + 7
-deals with addition of a 2-digit multiple of 10 and any 3-digit number, for example: 240 + 30, 435 + 50
-extends mental addition of a multiple of 10 (9, 19, 29,… 11, 21, 31,…) to any 3-digit number without bridging a multiple of 100, for example: 444 + 29, 507 + 51
-introduces mental addition of a 2-digit multiple of 10 and any 3-digit number, bridging a multiple of 100, for example: 180 + 70, 854 + 60
-extends mental addition of a near multiple of 10 and a 2-digit number to include examples which bridge 100, for example:
84 + 39, 77 + 51
-deals with addition of a 3-digit multiple of 10 to a 2-digit number, not bridging a multiple of 100, for example: 340 + 38
-includes addition of multiples of 100 and a 3-digit numbers, not bridging 1000, for example: 485 + 300
-revises addition doubles/near doubles of multiples of 5 up to 100 + 100 and extends this work to include doubles/near doubles of
-multiples of 50 from 50 + 50 to 450 + 450
-multiples of 10 from 100 + 100 to 500 + 500
-includes finding what must be added
-to a multiple of 50 to make 1000, for example: 350 + = 1000
-to a 3-digit number to make the next higher multiple of 100, for example: 628 + = 700
-provides opportunities for using and applying the above methods.
•Written methods of addition:
-revises an ‘expanded’ method of written addition where the most significant digits are added first
-introduces an alternative expanded method where the least significant digits are added first
-introduces a standard method of written addition using examples
-with no bridging; bridging 10 only; bridging 100 only; bridging 10 and 100
-provides opportunities for using and applying these methods.
104–110 / 6–7
8–9 / 11–14
23–24 / E3–E4 / 6–7
8–12 / 3
5–6 / 4
6 / 2a, b
Development planner SHM 4
Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / CommentTeaching
File page / Activity Book page / Textbook / Extension
Textbook / Pupil Sheet / Home
Activity / Check-Up / Topic
Number 3 / I can share ideas with others to develop ways of estimating the answer to a calculation or problem, work out the actual answer, then check my solution by comparing it with the estimate.
MNU 1-01a
I have investigated how whole numbers are constructed, can understand the importance of zero within the system and use my knowledge to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.
MNU 1-02a
I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed.
MNU 1-03a
I can continueand devise more involved repeating patterns or designs, using a variety of media.
MTH 1-13a
Through exploring number patterns, I can recognise and continue simple number sequences and can explain the rule I have applied.
MTH 1-13b
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b / AS/C
•Mentally for one digit from whole numbers up to three digits; beyond in some cases involving multiples of 10.
•Mentally for subtraction by ‘adding on’.
•Without a calculator for whole numbers with two digits subtracted from three digits.
•In applications in number, measurement and money to £20. / Subtraction to 1000
•Subtraction to 100, mental strategies:
-uses patterns of similar calculations to consolidate subtraction of
-a single digit from a 2-digit number (27 – 3)
-a multiple of 10 from a multiple of 10 and any 2-digit number (70 – 30, 74 – 30)
-consolidates subtracting mentally 11, 21, 31, … and 9, 19, 29, … and extends this to other near multiples of 10, for example, 12, 22, 32,… and 8, 18, 28,...
-revises mental subtraction from a 2-digit number, with bridging of a multiple of 10, of
-a single digit (45 – 8); any 2-digit number (53 – 17, 72 – 35)
-uses and applies mental calculation skills to link addition and subtraction, check answers, investigate subtraction of odd and even numbers.
•Subtraction involving 3-digit numbers, mental strategies:
-consolidates subtracting a single digit from a multiple of 100 (500 – 3)
-introduces subtracting a single digit bridging 100 (106 – 8), a multiple of 100 (406 – 9) and bridging a multiple of 10 (892 – 5)
-introduces subtracting a multiple/near multiple of 10 from a 3-digit number without bridging a multiple of 100 (385 – 50, 385 – 49)
-introduces subtracting a multiple/near multiple of 10 bridging 100 (152 – 70, 127 – 52)
-deals with finding mentally
-differences between 3-digit multiples of 10 (520 – 410)
-small differences between 3-digit numbers (173 and 165, 386 and 409)
-uses and applies these mental methods in problems including money.
•Subtraction involving 3-digit numbers, written procedures:
-develops an ‘expanded’ form of recording for subtraction of a 2-/3-digit number from a 3-digit number:
-with no exchange (368 – 42, 597 – 166)
-with exchange of a 10 for 10 units (645 – 28, 764 – 537)
-with exchange of a 100 for 10 tens (824 – 62, 736 – 451)
-with exchange of a 10 and a 100 (536 – 78, 724 – 459)
-introduces a standard written method for the above subtractions
-uses and applies the standard written method:
-in word problems involving addition and subtraction
-in investigations of patterns in subtraction.
ASSESSMENT / 118–125
137–145 / 10
11–12 / 25–28
34–37 / E5–E8 / 42
13–21 / 7
8–9 / 7
8–9 / 3a, b
Development planner SHM 4
Unit / Curriculum for Excellence / Mathematics 5-14 / SHM Topic / SHM Resources / Assessment / Other Resources / Date / CommentTeaching
File page / Activity Book page / Textbook / Extension
Textbook / Pupil Sheet / Home
Activity / Check-Up / Topic
Number 4 / I can share ideas with others to develop ways of estimating the answer to a calculation or problem, work out the actual answer, then check my solution by comparing it with the estimate.
MNU 1-01a
I have investigated how whole numbers are constructed, can understand the importance of zero within the system and use my knowledge to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.
MNU 1-02a
I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed.
MNU 1-03a
I can continueand devise more involved repeating patterns or designs, using a variety of media.
MTH 1-13a
Through exploring number patterns, I can recognise and continue simple number sequences and can explain the rule I have applied.
MTH 1-13b
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b
Having explored the patterns and relationships in multiplication and division, I can investigate and identify the multiples and factors of numbers.
MTH 2-05a / MD/C
•Mentally within the confines of all tables to 10.
•Mentally for any 2- or 3- digit whole number by 10.
•Without a calculator for 2-digit whole number by any single digit whole number.
•In application in number, measurement and money to £20. / Multiplication
•Tables facts and multiplication by 10, 100:
-revises the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables
-revises multiplication by 10 and by 100
-introduces and then consolidates the 8, 6, 9 and 7 times table.
•Multiplication beyond tables: Mental Strategies:
-revises multiplication of a two-digit number by 2, 3, 4, or 5, without bridging (3 × 23, 2 × 42) and then extends this to examples which bridge a multiple of 10 but not 100
(3 × 28, 2 × 46)
-introduces mental strategies for multiplication of two-digit numbers by 4, by 20 and by 5 based on doubling/halving, multiplication by 10
-extends multiplication of a multiple of 10 by 2, 3, 4 or 5 to include multiplication of 60, 70, 80 and 90
-introduces finding approximate answers by first rounding to the nearest 10 and then multiplying (3 x 59 3 x 60 about 180)
ASSESSMENT / 154–167
168–174 / 13–16 / 38–44
45–47 / 10–15 / 10–12
13 / 4a, b
Number 5
Number 5 (cont.) / I can share ideas with others to develop ways of estimating the answer to a calculation or problem, work out the actual answer, then check my solution by comparing it with the estimate.
MNU 1-01a
I have investigated how whole numbers are constructed, can understand the importance of zero within the system and use my knowledge to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.
MNU 1-02a
I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed.
MNU 1-03a
I can continueand devise more involved repeating patterns or designs, using a variety of media.
MTH 1-13a
Through exploring number patterns, I can recognise and continue simple number sequences and can explain the rule I have applied.
MTH 1-13b
I can compare, describe and show number relationships, using appropriate vocabulary and the symbols for equals, not equal to, less than and greater than.
MTH 1-15a
When a picture or symbol is used to replace a number in a number statement, I can find its value using my knowledge of number facts and explain my thinking to others.
MTH 1-15b
Having explored the patterns and relationships in multiplication and division, I can investigate and identify the multiples and factors of numbers.
MTH 2-05a / MD/C
•Mentally within the confines of all tables to 20.
•In applications in number, measurement and money to £20. / Division
•Dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10:
-revises mental division by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
-reinforces the link between division and multiplication.
•Dividing by 8:
-introduces mental division by 8
-reinforces the link between division and multiplication.
•Dividing by 6:
-introduces mental division by 6
-reinforces the link between division and multiplication.
•Dividing by 9:
-introduces mental division by 9
-reinforces the link between division and multiplication.
•Dividing by 7; consolidation:
-introduces mental division by 7
-consolidates mental division by 6, 7, 8 and 9
-reinforces the link between division and multiplication.
•Linking multiplication and division:
-introduces the link between
-doubling any number to 50 and halving an even number to 100
-doubling a multiple of 10 to 100 and halving a multiple of 10 to 200
-doubling a multiple of 10 to 500 and halving an ‘even’ multiple of 10 to 1000
-doubling a multiple of 100 to 5000 and halving an ‘even’ multiple of 100 to
10 000
-links multiplication and division
-involving tables facts.
•Dividing 2-digit numbers; remainders:
-deals with remainders
-includes rounding answers in context.
ASSESSMENT / 180–182
209–212 / 17
20–21 / 48–49
56–57 / E10–E12 / 42
24, 42,
42 / 16
20–21 / 14
17–18 / 5a, b
Number 6 / Having explored fractions by taking part in practical activities, I can show my understanding of:
-how a single item can be shared equally
-the notation and vocabulary associated with fractions
-where simple fractions lie on the number line.
MNU 1-07a
Through exploring how groups of items can be shared equally, I can find a fraction of an amount by applying my knowledge of division.
MNU 1-07b
Through taking part in practical activities including use of pictorial representations, I can demonstrate my understanding of simple fractions which are equivalent.
MTH 1-07c / RTN/C
•Work with thirds, fifths, eights, tenths and simple equivalences such as one half = two quarters (practical applications only).
•Find simple fractions (, , ) of quantities involving 1 or 2 digit numbers. / Fractions
•Halves, quarters, tenths, thirds and fifths
-revises halves and quarters of shapes
-introduces mixed numbers involving these fractions, for example: 2, 3 , 4
-revises finding and of a number
-introduces finding , and of a number
-provides extension activities which introduce finding one sixth and one eighth of a number.
•Sixths and eighths, equivalent fractions
-introduces sixths and eighths of shapes
-introduces equivalent fractions, for example: = = =
ASSESSMENT / 220–236
237–244 / 22–24
25–26 / 58–61
62 / E13–E15 / 25–31 / 22–23 / 19
20 / 6
Number 7 / I have investigated how whole numbers are constructed, can understand the importance of zero within the system and use my knowledge to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.
MNU 1-02a
I can use money to pay for items and can work out how much change I should receive.
MNU 1-09a
I have investigated how different combinations of coins and notes can be used to pay for goods or be given in change.
MNU 1-09b
I have extended the range of whole numbers I can work with and having explored how decimal fractions are constructed, can explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.
MNU 2-02a / M/C
•Use coins/notes to £5 worth or more, including exchange.
•Work with decimals to two places when reading/recording money, and using calculator displays. / Money
•Using £1 and £2 coins
-revises work with coin collections involving 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 50p and £1 coins
-introduces the £2 coin
-deals with converting amounts in pounds and pence to pence and vice-versa
-includes finding change from £1 and £2
-involves finding the difference between two amounts.
•Using £5, £10 and £20 notes
-introduces £5, £10 and £20 notes
-deals with counting and laying out mixed collections of coins and notes to £39.99
-includes finding change from £5 and £10
-provides opportunities for using and applying the above.
ASSESSMENT / 245–253
254–258 / 27 / 63–66
67–69 / E16 / 32 / 24
25 / 21 / 7
Development planner SHM 4